© 2015 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
This 165-page book, in English in A4 format, is part of the “study aids” of the Urantia Book. It is not an “essay” on the Uvantia Book; it brings together in a single document all the beings and personalities found in the Urantia Book. This list was compiled by Pete DeCamp, edited by Rick Lyon and published by CosmicCreations.
The work is divided into three main parts. It includes:
This compilation is useful when one quickly seeks to locate the characteristics of a being or a personality in a specific search. It is an extension of booklet 30: Personalities of the great universe of the Urantia Book which gives the paradisiacal classification of living beings and the register of personalities of Uversa.
It is available from the publisher for US$25. (Plus shipping) (Profits go to the American association)
Website: CosmicCreations.BIZ
Tel: 001 765-366-7203
Email: CosmicCreations606@gmail.com
Rick Lyon’s E-Mail: ricklyon@tctc.com
Created by Hara Davis and translated into French by Jean Royer. This 2015 edition is an update of the first edition of 2007. It has 4 more pages, or 44 pages in A4 format.
The “Study Aids to the Urantia Book” illustrate with attractive diagrams the four parts of the book. Two are devoted to the Introduction to God and Deity and the Infinite Trinity.
Seven are devoted to the central universe and superuniverses with the list of Paradise beings and ministering Spirits of the central universe, which allows an overview of these beings.
Seven deal with the local universe and introduce Salvington, Edentia and Jerusem as well as the personalities of the local universe. The last chapter gives us a condensed view of the planetary eras.
The following seven pages refer to the history of Urantia and end with the presentation of Machiventa Melchizedek without omitting, of course, the rebellion of Lucifer and the time of Adm and Eve.
Finally, ten pages are devoted to the life and teachings of Jesus, they end with the resurrection. A map must be added at the end of the volume which allows the reader to find their way. A most often pleasant and synthetic read.
Available for US$25 from the publisher. (Plus shipping costs) (Profits go to the English association.)
Contact: Hara Davis: haradavis7@gmail.com
Marketing Director: Gary Rawlings: Gary-sa@aol.com
The AFLUB ASSOCIATION now has a stock of Urantia Book for sale (revised and corrected edition of 2014) in three different locations at a price of €35 including shipping.
It also has Urantia books in other versions, including English, Spanish, Russian and Dutch at various prices depending on the format.
For more information and/or to order, contact the association’s headquarters:
1, Temple Street
13012 Marseille — FRANCE
Tel.: 00.33 (0)9 80978481 — answering machine
Email: afllu@urantia.fr
Other books and study aids from The Urantia Book
Prices listed for this listing are “shipping not included”.