© 2024 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
THE GENERAL MEETING took place in Neylières on 06/28/2024.
15 people were present. In alphabetical order: Alain Coulomb. Cyril Cozette. Georges Donnadieu. Jean Duveau. Robert Gallo. Thierry Lepage. Sophie Malicot. Gilles Mauroy. Georges Michelson-Dupont. Patrick Morelli. Alain Roussel. Ivan Stol. Marie-José Viret. Paule. Jean-Pierre Wymann.
AFLUB: 34 members are registered, whose registrations are made by email.
Readers’ lists: around 100 people are registered.
The vote by show of hands was taken for the renewal of the positions identically:
THE LINK: The publication of our quarterly periodical “THE LINK” was debated. This journal has a long history, which began in 1974, under different names: LA LETTRE, Les Agondontaire, l’Ascendeur. Its function is to provide information, share studies and link readers together. The difficulties are as follows:
Need to have articles to appear.
Should we reduce publications?
Should we unite with other French-speaking publications: Belgian, Quebec?
These publications generate little exchange between readers; how can we activate this sharing?
Thierry Lepage and Georges will work together for some time on the layout and publication of LIEN, in order to completely delegate the function to Thierry within a year or two.
The importance of English translations into French was also discussed.
as we all see, this renewal is not happening. However 850 to 900 books are sold per year in French.
Various interpretations have emerged:
The revelators have told us that this is not the time for the mass dissemination of the Fifth Revelation. Therefore, what is the role of today’s readers?
Need to keep confidence in the divine plan which will prevail: it will spread when the time comes.
Problem in attracting young people: fear of commitment, notion of systematic opposition, functioning of immediacy without the long work of appropriation, difficulty in reading.
Understand how today’s generation operates and what media they use.
Presentation of the general theme and the four adjacent conferences.
Language issues. This main stumbling block to the meeting continues to be worked on by the preparation team.
The preparation team is very small (6 people + Antonio, Spanish speaker, who has just joined the team). Call for those who want to lend a hand. In addition, during this gathering, it is “France” which welcomes; therefore all French readers are invited to use their kindness to welcome our foreign guests.
AFLUB operating costs
Bank charges
Internet charges
AFLUB National Meeting and at “Neyliere” 2023
Total AFLUB expenses: - €14,371.27
Total contributions 37 members
AFLUB donations: + €3,840.00
Foundation Donations: + €160.00
AUI donations: + €30.00
Total: 4,030.00
Fiscal year 2023 from 01/01/2023 TO 12/31/2023
Income: + 10956.2
Expense: - 14371.27
BRED bank accounts
TOTAL: + 31306.77 €