© 2023 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
JUNE 1 TO 4, 2023
La Neylière (POMEYs — 69590)
The AFFUB national meeting was held at the La Neylière institution, in Pomeys, a small town of just over 500 inhabitants, to the north-west of Lyon, in the hills of Lyonnais, a very hilly area located at an altitude of around 700 m.
La Neylière is a Marist institution managed by religious and lay people under the iqor law. The capacity is ioo people with 55 rooms. The price of full board per person is relatively modest.
This year the theme of the meeting was: God in our lives.
There were 15 of us at this meeting which took place over 3 and a half days, including Thursday afternoon.