© 2024 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Organized by the A.F.L.L.U in Paris at the C.I.S Maurice Ravel hotel from June 6 to 9, 2025
Preparations for the 2025 European conference, which will be held in Paris intramural, are progressing rapidly. You can already consult the information and register via the dedicated website at the following address:
We look forward to seeing many of you because this is a unique opportunity to meet European readers and students. It is organized specifically to break down the language barrier and encourage contacts.
The conferences will be given in bilingual French-English. Meals will be taken around small tables of 8 people to encourage contact. On Saturday evening a classical music concert will be offered and on Sunday evening, various attractions will be offered.
Please note that the number of rooms is limited, reservations will be made on a first come, first served basis.
The organizing team.
Ganid was, by this time, beginning to learn how his tutor spent his leisure in this unusual personal ministry to his fellow men, and the young Indian set about to find out the motive for these incessant activities. He asked, “Why do you occupy yourself so continuously with these visits with strangers?” And Jesus answered: “Ganid, no man is a stranger to one who knows God. In the experience of finding the Father in heaven you discover that all men are your brothers, and does it seem strange that one should enjoy the exhilaration of meeting a newly discovered brother? To become acquainted with one’s brothers and sisters, to know their problems and to learn to love them, is the supreme experience of living.” ([UB 130:2.6)