© 2024 M. José Sánchez
© 2024 Urantia Association of Spain
Dear friends, readers of the Luz y Vida newsletter: welcome everyone, one more month, to this space to analyze, debate, disseminate and share the extensive teachings of the blue book.
In the June newsletter you will find a small “banquet” with such a diversity of “foods” that we hope you can enjoy throughout this month. We have four interesting works that will make us reflect and open our minds more:
We have no doubt: here we are (readers and “writers” of the bulletin) summoned in His name, and He is among us.
This is how Jesus and Ganid reflected their version of the pearls of the teachings of Hinduism. This is how they reflected the beauty of our union with our Creator.
May our mental limits not blind us. May the influences of a world immersed in material things not prevent us from realizing this union. Gathered together for another month, once again, let us perceive the abundant love with which it envelops us, the subtle accompaniment it provides us and the strength it infuses us with so that our heart opens, our soul revives, our mind expands and the exquisite seed of wisdom germinates within us.
Wisdom? Yes, the hidden wisdom of God, which none of the rulers of this world will be able to know.
Paul expressed it this way in a letter:
«So, brothers, when I came to you to announce the testimony of God, I did not come with excellence of words or wisdom.
For I resolved not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.
And I was among you in weakness, and in much fear and trembling;
and neither my speech nor my preaching was with persuasive words of human wisdom, but with a demonstration of the Spirit and of power,
so that your faith is not based on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God.
However, we speak wisdom among those who have reached maturity, and wisdom, not of this age, nor of the princes of this age, who are perishing.
But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom, which God predestined before the ages for our glory,
which none of the princes of this age knew; for if they had known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love him.”
These passages emphasize the existence of a hidden wisdom of God that none of the rulers of this world has come to know, nor will they know. A wisdom that cannot be expressed or understood with words learned from human wisdom.
But this wisdom forbidden to those who limit themselves only to the material sphere is fully available to other people, people with characteristics such as:
Do you not know that the God of heaven has sent his spirit to live within you, and that this spirit will lead all truth-loving, God-serving mortals beyond this life and through the portals of death to the eternal heights of light where God waits to receive his children? UB 133:4.4
The love of adventure, curiosity, and horror of monotony, which are traits inherent in evolving human nature, were not put there merely to exasperate and irritate you during your short stay on earth, but rather to suggest to you that death is but the beginning of an endless race of adventure, of an everlasting life of expectation, of an eternal voyage of discovery. UB 14:5.10
If my words remain in you and you are willing to do the will of my Father, you are truly my disciples. You will know the truth and the truth will set you free. UB 162:7.2
Jesus prayed like this while standing at the edge of the water: “Father, I thank you for these little ones who already believe despite their doubts. For them I have set myself apart to do your will. May they now learn to be one as we are one.” UB 137:6.6
Truly, truly I say to you that if you do not change and become more like this child, you will make little progress in the kingdom of heaven. Everyone who humbles himself and becomes like this child will be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. He who receives a child like this receives me, and he who receives me also receives Him who sent me. If you want to be the first in the kingdom, try to offer these good truths to your brothers in the flesh. UB 158:8.1
If we keep these three fundamental characteristics in mind, it can be said that there are not many people with these characteristics in our world. This is not about judging anyone or anything, it is just about describing the current human generation. Just look around us.
Currently, spirituality and transcendence are expelled from our daily lives. At least in the mass media and in many social networks. So, what is left?
“Well, a materialistic uniformity disguised as theoretical personal options as vain as they are inconsistent and also a globalization that destroys the relevant principles and foundations, and extends and establishes the false values of the flock. This brings us closer to the condition of ”suicidal“ because the human condition falls into a senseless dynamic: it disconnects from the divinity that it treasures within itself, which is precisely what gives it life. Or what is the same, it is about living oblivious to the true being and authentic human nature.” (Emilio Carrillo)
This exacerbated materialism (“God is dead,” said Nietzsche) has nothing to do with the growing abandonment of religions that have distorted and manipulated spirituality with ceremonies, creeds and priestly castes. We are talking, rather, about banishing Spirituality with a capital S, regardless of the established religion structured in a cult that we are talking about. It would be about abandoning the way of being and living by rejecting transcendence and throwing oneself into the arms of the perishable and superficial.
Nietzsche called those who fall into this dynamic “the last men.” They are cowardly people who, exposed to the whims of the market and renouncing the spiritual, profess the new cult of indolence, image and comfort; they turn their backs on transformative and challenging ideals; they chain themselves to appearances and forget the essence; they are fearful of life and death.
And these “last men,” prisoners of materialism and far from any transcendence, what interest could they have in the hidden wisdom of God and in the profound meaning of the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth? How could one speak with them without arousing their contempt and disdain?
Given this, the first thing we can do is develop love towards them with humility, without despising or undervaluing them, but also recognizing our limits and our smallness in the cosmic scenario in which we move. This love implies respecting their own evolutionary process and state of consciousness, which does not mean that we justify the pain that their materialism produces in so many innocent living beings (humans and animals).
“We must recognize our limits and how small we are. Humility is not weakness, the humble is not weak. One can be humble and strong. However, when weakness is shown as humility, it is a false humility. There are many false humble people who, in reality, are weak. The strength of humility is found in silence, in the power of silence. We should not always advertise our achievements or successes, we do not need to spread the information to the whole world; we already know who we are and what our strengths are. Silence is a product of humility. We cannot sustain low self-esteem as a form of humility. The humble person does not have low self-esteem, but neither does he idolize himself. The humble person finds balance through loving humility. Love in humility gives me the awareness that I cannot be humble if I do not love others.” (Mario Saban)
Therefore, we talk about manifesting, showing in our lives the Master’s teachings about Love for our brothers. Something that one day will triumph on our planet, will completely transform our world:
However, the hidden Wisdom of God, even the deepest and most profound, is within reach of all human beings who, free from the shackles of materialism and its associated blindness, are willing to listen to His Spirit, fill their lives with loving humility and always be in relentless search for the Truth. It is not surprising that two millennia ago, there were so few people who were in a position to receive these teachings of Jesus, this very profound mastery. How many times did the Master rebuke his apostles for their pre-established beliefs and their lack of understanding of the new teachings that he showed them day after day!
But there is hope. The divine spiritual force is still present now, it continues to act in human beings and it is what can guide us towards the path of total truth that Christ Jesus opened: “And, in case you deviate to the right or to the left, you will hear with your own ears these words behind you: ‘This is the way. Walk in it’” (Isaiah, 30: 21)
This very important change in our way of being that the Master proposed to us was called “being born again,” being born of the Spirit. Paul said it this way: “I live, but it is not I; it is Christ who lives in me.” (Letter to the Galatians 2:20)
If we listen to this Spirit that is within us, it will guide us towards life practices in accordance with the path of the Master, it will renew us on the inside and we will see its fruits on the outside, in our behavior:
And so, we could go on to unravel more attitudes and behaviors extracted from the Master’s teachings. It would be about developing a new vision of Creation and a practice of daily life that fosters the “Christification” of the human being. It is not that we emulate Christ, but rather it would be transfiguring ourselves to be “born again,” capturing that image of Christ from moment to moment in our lives. We reiterate what Paul said centuries ago:
“I live, yet it is not I; it is Christ who lives in me.” (Letter to the Galatians 2,20)
A Master of naturalness and humility, a Christ who acted like this:
Most of the really important things Jesus said or did seemed to happen “in His wake” by chance. There was very little that was professional, planned, or premeditated about the Master’s earthly ministry. He dispensed health and spread happiness with grace and ease as He traveled through life. It was literally true that He “went about doing good.” UB 171:7.9
Therefore, humility and deep love, following the Master, is what can remove this generation that is apparently so far from spirituality. Let us put ourselves in His infinite hands, day by day, moment by moment… He knows, He has the knowledge that the powerful do not know, He has the wisdom that this world does not know.
A long time ago, there were three trees on a hill in a forest. They talked about their dreams and plans for the future.
“One day I will be a treasure chest. I will be full of gold, silver and precious stones. Everyone will see my beauty,” said the first tree.
The second tree said:
—Someday I will be a great ship where the greatest kings and queens travel across the oceans. Everyone will feel safe because of my strength and my powerful hull.
Finally, the third tree said:
—I want to grow up to be the tallest of all the trees in the forest. That way I will be close to God. I will be the biggest tree of all time and people will always remember me.
For years, the three trees prayed to God that their dreams would come true.
One day, a woodcutter cut them down and sold them to some carpenters. With the first tree they made a box of animal food and it was placed in a manger and filled with straw. He felt very bad because that was not what he had asked for so much.
The second tree was cut down and turned into a small fishing boat, and it was put into a lake. Its dreams of being a big boat had come to an end.
The third tree was cut into long, heavy boards and abandoned in the darkness of a warehouse.
Seeing themselves like this, the three trees felt that their plans had failed.
However, one night, a young Jewish couple, Joseph and Mary, came to a stable and placed the baby Jesus in the manger. Then the first tree discovered that it had contained humanity’s greatest treasure.
Years later, Jesus and some disciples got into the small boat to cross to the other side of Lake Galilee. When they arrived in Capernaum, from the boat, Jesus spoke at length to the crowds. And the second tree revealed that it carried the King of all kings and Lord of lords.
Finally, someone took two of the boards that were in the warehouse and crucified Jesus on them. When Sunday came, Jesus was resurrected and the third tree felt that it had been closer to God than it could ever imagine.
Each tree achieved what they had dreamed of, although not in the way they had planned.
We do not always know what God plans for us, we only know that His plans are always the best and only He knows them. That is His wonderful wisdom. Let us trust in it, in the wonderful hidden wisdom.