© 1977 Marilyn Hauck
© 1977 The Urantia Book Fellowship (formerly Urantia Brotherhood)
Several times in conversation with friends lately, the role of patterns has popped up. By “patterns” I mean the similar situations that persistently present themselves for analysis and decision in life. Since my acquaintance with The URANTIA Book I have credited the seraphim attached to my case as having a hand in the reoccurring pattern of life situations. Are the patterns repeated because I have not learned some lesson presented before? Is the opportunity for choice repeated because I did learn something and should now demonstrate and deepen the meanings of this experience? Is there some chance of helping others learn in this persistent challenge? Perhaps any and all of these possibilities run through the meaning-values of patterns, but the beauty of the whole was not apparent until I turned again to The URANTIA Book for some inspiration on the subject. Strangely, the paper I read was the one on the bestowals of Christ Michael (# 119).
It was perhaps inevitable that in reading again about the lives of our Universe Father, I should broaden the scope of my thinking. By volunteering to live bestowal lives he, too, experienced the pattern lessons of evolutionary participation. As an individual of seven different orders he illuminated and embellished the day-by-day patterns of his service.
When one stands up close to a great tapestry, one sees only one small part of the work-a piece of the border, or maybe a single flower. But when one stands back a ways, the grand intent and design of the whole is revealed. Michael’s bestowals portrayed the will of the Supreme to Nebadon. Our value-choices weave the answering ascendant threads in the great work. Even on the primitive sphere of earth, we can choose to add our “earth colors” and contribute to the supreme pattern of Goodness, Truth, and Beauty woven on the immense, starry loom of Time and Space.
— Marilyn Hauck