Reflectivity fascinates many readers, but what is the name of its leader?
The Paradise Sons of God, descendants are classified under three general headings, which ones?
Ascending mortals are sometimes embraced by the Paradise Trinity, under what orders of personality do they fall?
Local Universe
Machiventa incarnated on Urantia, but what was he called locally at the time of Abraham?
In Nebadon there was an original Life Carrier, what is his name?
During Lucifer’s systemic rebellion, under the leadership of a woman, who took command in place of the Planetary Prince, the people remained loyal to Michael, but who was this woman and these people?
On primitive worlds, what conditions the course of organic evolution?
During the Lucifer rebellion on Urantia, the rebellious midwayers had a leader at their head, who was he?
And now Urantia is ready to receive life. There have been 3 implantations of life on Urantia, which ones?
From our study, we know the story of Andon and Fonta well, but in Nebadonian language, what does Andon and Fonta mean?
Jesus’ cousin prepared for his coming, on what date and where was John the Baptist born?
When his father died, Jesus had to take on great responsibilities very early on. In what year did Joseph die?
The birth of Jesus was near, and seraphim, through the mediators, announced it to a group of Chaldean priests. Who was the leader of this group?
No one knew that Jesus went on a journey around the Mediterranean except one person. Who was this person?
In all his world travels, Jesus made contact with members of every race on Urantia except one. Which one?
When Jesus and his brothers received baptism from John, the four men heard a strange sound; an apparition appeared for a few moments, immediately above Jesus’ head, and they heard a voice saying: “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.” Who were the people who saw this apparition?