In human self-consciousness, four realizations of universe realities are inherently latent, which ones?
The UB tells us about adopted seraphim. Can you tell us why they are adopted?
Who are the gospels of light?
Do you remember the name of the capital or headquarters world of the major sector of Splandon and that of the minor sector of Ensa?
Local Universe
In a local universe, the sovereignty of a Creator Son passes through six and perhaps seven stages of experiential manifestation. Which ones?
The Life Carriers descend from three pre-existing personalities, which ones?
Who isolated Urantia when Caligastia betrayed the planet during the trying times of the Lucifer Rebellion?
The UB tells us about the univitatias, who are they?
How long does the rematerialization process take for Adam and Eve when they arrive on the planet?
When a Planetary Prince is present on the planet and the latter is not in rebellion, what are the 7 eras of progressive civilization?
Since the Satania system has existed, how many Planetary Adams have been lost through rebellion or misconduct?
Who are the educators of the house worlds?
Herod was afraid of the arrival of a new king. How many baby boys did he kill in an attempt to kill this new king who had just been born?
When Jesus passed from childhood to adolescence, his mind and body changed. He acquired the human certainty that he was destined to fulfill a mission on earth to enlighten humanity and reveal God to it. When did he have this certainty?
In the vicinity of Urmia there was a large building - a lecture hall devoted to the “spirit of religion.” This building was in reality a temple of the philosophy of religions. Who had built this temple?
In his thirty-first year, year 25, Jesus went to Mt. Hermon, he commissioned a person to bring him food twice a week. Who was this person?
To a group of Pharisees who wanted to trap Jesus by asking him which was the greatest commandment, Jesus told them two. Do you remember these two commandments that Jesus gave?