You know about reflective spirits, but do you know their number?
At the headquarters of each superuniverse resides a Census Director. Do you know the name of the Director General of Orvonton?
What is the name of the Graduate Guide who welcomed the first pilgrim to discover Havona?
Local Universe
Under what jurisdiction is the judicial mechanism of Nebadon placed?
What are the 7 primary spheres of the Life Carriers?
What is the average speed of the Seraphim Carriers?
Since Lucifer’s rebellion, how many Vorondadeks has the Constellation Government expanded to?
Urantia Rebellion
What was the name of the loyal second-in-command of the Seraphim at Satania Headquarters?
Éllanora is a pretty name, but who was she?
During the rebellion, what was the name of the new loyal Systemic Sovereign?
What is the name of our solar system?
How old were the twins when the spirit of worship first came into contact with Fonta’s thinking?
The hundred (of Caligastia’s staff), were organized for service into ten autonomous councils of ten members each, which ones?
What is the name of the man who seduced Eve?
In what month of what year did Joseph and Mary get married?
When Jesus passed from childhood to adolescence, he attended his first Passover, but on what date did he participate in this first Passover?
John the Baptist was beheaded by Herod Antipas. When did this execution take place?
The UB informs us that James of Safed, a citizen of Tiberias and a subordinate officer of Herod Antipas, who desired the healing of his epileptic son, uttered words which should be remembered for a long time. Do you remember them?
Jesus abhorred the idea of retaliation, and of passively accepting being simply the victim of injustice. On this occasion, he taught his apostles three ways to fight against evil and resist it. Do you remember these 3 methods?