On Uversa the Eternal Son is referred to by two different names. Do you remember these names?
On High Paradise there are three grandiose spheres of activity. What are these 3 spheres?
Do you think that the First Source Center is present in the Unqualified Absolute?
The Eternal Son also bestowed himself 7 times. Where did he make his bestowals?
The Infinite Spirit possesses a unique and astonishing power. What is this power?
Local universe
The Melchizedeks of Nebadon called the physical substance of Nebadon by a very specific name: Which one?
What are the 7 primary spheres of the Life Carriers?
Do you know some names of Satania’s neighboring systems?
Under what jurisdiction is the judicial mechanism of Nebadon placed?
How old were the twins when the spirit of worship first came into contact with Fonta’s thinking?
From what crossbreeding races did the Andites come?
What was the name of the red man who predicted the eclipse of the sun in the year 1806?
In the UB, we know the story of Abraham well, but the UB tells us about another person called Abraham, who was he?
During his time on Earth, mortal man derives 3 great satisfactions from his religious experience. Which ones?
Which people invented Hades?
At the last Passover supper, on Thursday evening in the year 30, in the form of a parable, Jesus gave his apostles a new commandment. What was this commandment?
When Jesus was arrested, a Syrian, the bodyguard of the high priest, prepared to tie his hands. Do you remember the name of this man?
What was the last conscious thought of the human Jesus?
Do you think sin can be passed from parent to child?
At his trial, Annas then stood up to argue that Jesus’ threat to destroy the temple was sufficient to justify three charges against him: What were these charges against Jesus?
¶ Maxien Quiz n°11: Reminder of questions 8 to 18 (reminder)
I hope you never have to deal with him: what is the name of the jailer and curator of the system?
Who are the landscape gardeners of the world headquarters?
What number of the order of Primary Lanonandeks did Lucifer wear?
Since the Lucifer Rebellion, who is the new Vicegerent Planetary Prince of Urantia?
How many years ago was Urantia recorded as an inhabited world?
In the year 28, during the second period of preaching in Galilee, a person maintained for the work of the kingdom and on his own initiative, a headquarters and a relay station for the service of messengers. Who did this?
In what year did Amos, Jesus’ youngest brother, die?
On November 19, 29 A.D., in the camp of Magadan, Jesus ordained 70 teachers and preachers of the gospel. Who was placed at the head of these preachers?
In the year 29, in Bethany, Jesus gave sight to a blind man named Josiah after putting mud on his eyes and telling him to go and wash in the pool. What was the name of this pool?
On Friday, March 31, in the year 30, Jesus stayed with Simon, the chief nobleman of the village of Bethany. At the end of the feast, a woman began to anoint Jesus’ head with a precious ointment. Who was this woman?
In March of the year 30, Jesus entered Jerusalem riding a donkey, why on a donkey rather than on a horse?
What was the name of the village where Jesus resurrected Lazarus?