To compensate for the finite status of creatures and to overcome their limitations of concept, the Universal Father has established for evolutionary creatures a sevenfold approach to Deity. What beings compose this sevenfold approach to Deity?
On High Paradise, there are 3 grandiose spheres of activity. Which ones?
A Perfecter of Wisdom informs us that the stages of pregravity (force), gravity (energy) and postgravity (universe power), have very specific names. What are these names?
Who are the Keepers of Archives in Paradise? The “living libraries of Paradise”.
Local universe
What are the 7 orders of Help from the Universe that the booklets present to us?
Since Lucifer’s rebellion, how many Vorondadeks has the Constellation Government expanded to?
Who are the 24 Counselors recruited from the eight races of Urantia?
In principle, how long do the dispensations of a Magisterial Son last?
How many Planetary Princes followed the rebellion?
In what year were the first two human beings born?
Who were the founders of the ninth human race?
What was the initial number of secondary medians?
To one of his disciples and a group of diligent students, Machiventa taught the truths of the superuniverse and even of Havona, what was the name of this disciple?
The volunteer Adjuster is particularly interested in three qualifications of the human candidate. Which?
When Jesus passed from childhood to adolescence, he attended his first Passover, but on what date did he participate in this first Passover?
On Tuesday morning in the year 30, the spokesman and lawyer for a group of Pharisees asked Jesus, “Master, which is the greatest commandment?” Do you remember Jesus’ answer?
One Monday evening in the year 30, Jesus, finding himself among Greek believers, perceived something exceptional: What was it?
After Jesus ascended to the Father and all power in heaven and on earth was given to Him, He promised to do two things. What were these things that Jesus promised?
Jesus and the apostles had given a nickname to the brothers Zebedee, James and John. Do you remember this nickname?
Jesus gives peace to those who accomplish the will of God with him. Unbelieving materialists and fatalists can only hope for two kinds of peace, which ones?