Do you know which people will make up the Absolute Trinity?
The functional family of the Third Source and Center, as revealed in The Urantia Book, falls into three great groups: What are these three great groups?
On High Paradise, a region immediately surrounding the presence of the Deities is set apart as a Most Holy Sphere and reserved for very specific functions. Which ones?
Who are the Universe Power Directors?
Local universe
How much is the standard Km of Jerusalem approximately?
On Jerusem, which creatures are reincarnated?
What is the name of the seraph who proclaimed the failure of Adam and Eve’s divine plan?
What are the planetary eras of mortals?
What was the name of Adam and Eve’s first son?
Where do secondary medians come from?
In human civilization, what were the first four great advances?
When Machiventa arrived on Urantia, to whom did he first introduce himself?
The religion of revelation included many events, of which only five marked an era, which ones?
The records of Jerusem show that over many millennia each generation has contained fewer and fewer beings who could safely function with autonomous Adjusters. What measures have the personalities supervising Satania had to take?
A decisive meeting of the Sanhedrin took place on Tuesday evening, April 4, A.D. 30. What decision did the Sanhedrin make regarding Jesus?
The Jews had long taught that the Messiah would be “a rod from the vine of David’s ancestors.” In commemoration of this ancient teaching, a large emblem decorated the entrance to Herod’s temple. What was this emblem?
Before his arrest, Jesus wanted to warn Abner, he asked David Zebedee to give him his fastest messenger. Who was this messenger and who ran alongside him at night, to protect him?
A Roman law allowed every prisoner to have at least one friend accompany him to the bar of the court. Who was the person who accompanied Jesus?
From the beginning to the end of his alleged judgment before Pilate, the heavenly legions watching could not help but broadcast the description of the scene to the universe. But what exactly did the heavenly legions broadcast?
What was Jesus’ last wish before he lost his human consciousness and died?
Max Masotti
Employ all of one's time full time. By returning to full employment, we become spiritualized