The central island is geographically divided into three areas of activity: Which ones?
The divine plan for achieving perfection embraces three universal adventures, three unique yet wonderfully related enterprises. Which ones?
What beings were personalized in the first act of Deity creation of the Infinite Spirit, operating outside the Trinity, in unrevealed association with the Father and the Son?
The master universe exists in six concentric ellipses, the levels of space surrounding the central island: Which ones?
What characterizes personality in creatures of the finite type?
How does First Source and Center operate outside of Havona?
What are the 7 stages of light and life?
The sun shines on us, warms us and tans us, but do you know its number?
What life pattern did the life carriers plan for Urantia?
Do you know the Urantia registration number on Uversa and Paradise?
How long did Adam and Eve live on Urantia?
Who are the permanent citizens of Urantia?
During the ordination, on January 12, 27 AD, for his blessing, on which apostle did Jesus place his hands first?
John the Baptist was beheaded by Herod Antipas. When did this execution take place?
Pilate was closer to the truth than he thought when, after having Jesus scourged, he presented him to the crowd, crying out, “Behold the man!” What was this truth?
Pilate’s wife, after his death, played an important role in spreading the good news. Do you remember her name?
On the way to Golgotha, Jesus fell under the weight of his heavy burden. The Roman captain ordered a passerby to carry the crossbar the rest of the way. What was the name of this passerby who carried Jesus’ cross?
At what time did Jesus give up his human life?
On the neighboring planets, Urantia has an inglorious but very precise name. Which one?
After the crucifixion of her son, how long did Mary survive?