Throughout Palestine, by what name was Machiventa Melchizedek known?
How many people were present when the Master gave up his life?
When did Jesus begin to lose his human consciousness?
After Jesus was taken down from the cross, what happened to the representatives of the Sanhedrin who were also present on Mount Golgotha?
What did the women who had hidden near the tomb do and what decision did they make?
Following the death of the Master, in the vast courtyard of the resurrection halls of the first mansion world of Satania, a magnificent morontia-material edifice can now be seen. By what name is this edifice known and what inscription does it bear?
Moses taught the dignity and justice of a Creator God but what did Jesus depict in relation to the Father?
Do you regard God as an offended monarch, a stern and all-powerful ruler whose chief pleasure is to detect his subjects doing wrong and see that they are suitably punished?
Why did none of the celestial personalities present on Urantia intervene during the Master’s resurrection?
In what form did Our Creator Michael emerge from the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea?
When Jesus was resurrected, who was with Nicodemus?
Who was the first woman to dare enter Jesus’ tomb?
To which mortal did Jesus appear a second time and what command did he give him?
Where did Jesus’ second morontia appearance to the apostles take place?
What are the seven higher influences of spirit which ultimately come to hover above man and dwell within him?
Who was the first martyr for the new faith and the specific cause of the official organization of the early Christian Church?
When was the Spirit of Truth poured out?
What was Jesus’ first act after leaving the tomb?
When Jesus was resurrected, where were the ten apostles, Thomas not being present?
Every time a man makes a thoughtful moral choice, what happens in his soul?
What happens if the man decides not to survive?
Subsidiary question: Not listed in The Urantia Book.
Why did Jesus, at his resurrection, appear first to women?