© 2018 Max Masotti
© 2018 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
JUNE 4 TO 7, 2018
Estate of La Neylière
On June 4, 2018 at 9 p.m., members of the French-speaking association of readers of the Urantia Book met at the La Neylière estate for an ordinary general meeting, at the invitation of President Ivan Stol.
The quorum is reached, according to article 13 of the statutes, the ordinary general meeting can deliberate.
Presentation and votes of the ordinary general meeting for deliberations of the following resolutions:
I. Resolution for the year 2018: Election of the executive board.
II. Resolution on the year 2018: Deliberations of the members concerning the proper functioning of the association.
III. Resolution on the year 2018: Speech by Georges Michelson-Dupont on a future project for the association.
IV. Resolution on the year 2018: Accounting — Balance sheet.
With no further deliberations on the agenda, the discussion is finally open.
AFLUB Ordinary General Meeting June 2018
The 2018 Ordinary General Assembly of the French association of readers of the Urantia Book was held on Friday, June 4 at 9:00 p.m. at the Domaine de La Neylière.
The statutes and internal regulations are on the table and available to participants.
The assembly appoints Mr. Ivan Stol as Chairman of the meeting and Mr. Max Masotti as secretary.
While the President read the regulations to remind everyone of the operating rules of the Ordinary General Meeting, the members of the assembly signed the attendance sheet when entering the meeting.
The attendance sheet is verified, approved and certified as accurate by the assembly office, which notes that there are 14 members present (and 10 proxies), out of a total of 39 members making up the association.
The attendance sheet is attached.
The quorum having been reached, according to article 13 of the statutes, the Assembly can validly deliberate.
Mr. Max Masotti, secretary, is appointed by the President to take notes on the minutes of the national meeting.
In accordance with the invitation which was sent to all members, the agenda was as follows:
The assembly votes by show of hands and reappoints the executive board in its entirety.
For the record:
Mr. Robert Gallo also asks that this should not snowball with other African countries because they also risk asking for free book shipments for which the AFLUB could no longer cover the costs.
Mrs. Paule Arif and Mr. Georges Michelson-Dupont opt for a check of the books, that is to say that Mr. Guy Stéphane N’yasse gives us a list of the names of people to whom he gave the books.
Mr. Ivan Stol proposes to make a free shipping trial for the 50 books. This request is put to the vote and:
10 people vote for donating the books and 3 for the shipping to be paid for.
Ivan informs us that the Foundation also takes care of book shipments and translations.
The assembly decides that if Jean wants to hold a meeting in his region that is no problem but it will not be a national meeting with an Ordinary General Assembly.
Mr. Jean Duveau also asks to hold the next national meeting at Notre Dame de Lumières in Goult in the Lubéron.
The secretary takes note of this and will contact the person in charge as soon as possible because, for Lumières, you have to book at least 1 year in advance.
An email will be sent to all readers to inform them of the dates of this future meeting.
Mr. Georges Michelson-Dupont informs us that the Foundation is doing well regarding the budget, organization and translations.
Speech by Georges Michelson-Dupont on a future project for the association.
The Concept.
Since we are looking for the future of our association, the idea is to create in France a study and meeting center where readers from all countries could meet and organize events, seminars, conferences and receive young people on summer vacation, or even for readers’ vacations. This place could also host a university dedicated to teaching the concepts of the Urantia Book as well as training students to become moderators of study groups. Finally, the center would include material, intellectual and spiritual activities.
The problem is how to give birth to such a project?
There are several solutions which depend on the activities that we wish to implement and the financial resources to be released for such a project.
Solution No. 1: A center strictly dedicated to a Urantian project.
Buy through an SCI (Société Civile Immobilière) or rent through the European associations partnering with the project a set of buildings with land around to accommodate working or retired people who would take care of administering the reception area. Couples with or without children should be able to have their own home; single people their own room. The idea is to not have employees and the rents would be low.
Solution No. 2: A more ambitious project including solution No. 1 plus a resource center.
It would be open to the public like monasteries and would be chargeable. The advantage of this formula is a small financial contribution. It would include around twenty simple but comfortable monastic-style rooms with shower and toilet.
In both solutions the activities proposed in the center would be:
Why France?
Why an SCI?
The tax aspect is a fact that must be taken into account. A donation made to the AFLUB to purchase real estate, whether in France or abroad, will be taxed at 60% by the French tax authorities. It is better for readers to join forces and invest their money in an SCI (which will belong to them and which will avoid dispossessing their beneficiaries upon their death) and rent the property to the association by an emphyteutic lease. [(from the Greek emphyteusis “implantation”) is a very long-term real estate lease, most often 99 years, which gives the lessee a real right on the thing leased, on condition that he improves the property and pays a low rent, the improvements benefiting the lessor at the end of the lease without the latter having to compensate the tenant (called emphyteuta). Source Wikipedia: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bail_emphytéotique
The purchase or rental of buildings.
On Le Bon Coin, there are fully equipped reception centers with several hectares of land which sell for sums between €500,000 and €1,000,000 depending on their condition and geographical location.
There are also abbeys and cloisters that are being sold because the Church is selling off many of its properties but they need to be restored. You can also contact real estate agencies specializing in these products (for example: https://www.patrice-besse.com/belles-demeures/nord-pas-de-calais/ermitage-chapelle-18eme-siecle/)
Operating Account
French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Summary of income and expenditure by category for the 2017 financial year From January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017
Member (40 euros) X 29 = | €1160 |
Member as a couple (60 euros) X6 = | €360 |
TOTAL = | 1520€ |
Donations | |
Donations for AFLUB = | 1485€ |
Donations for the Foundation = | 2200€ |
Donations for the UAI = | 200€ |
TOTAL = | 3885€ |
Urantia Book Sales | |
23 x 35 € = | 805.00€ |
$1 x 34.95= | 34.95€ |
TOTAL = | €839.95 |
Miscellaneous sales | |
6 Small flags = | 65€ |
1 Study of the master universe = | 14€ |
2 Calendars = | 26€ |
1 old UB = | 28€ |
3 Path of the peaks = | 45€ |
National Meeting of Light | |
Recipe = | €4,955.00 |
Income = | €11,377.95 |
AFLUB operating costs | |
GMF insurance = | €107.06 |
Newspaper editions Links/IUA = | €154.95 |
Amen and Zoom internet costs: = | €468.38 |
Particip. purchase of secretary computer = | €300.00 |
Toulon Book Fair = | €688.00 |
Bank charges = | €15.00 |
TOTAL = | €1,733.39 |
Aid to French-speaking Africa | |
Small computer = | €310.00 |
Internet subscription (install.) = | €100.86 |
Quarterly net subscription = | €81.57 |
TOTAL = | €492.43 |
Help meeting Italy | |
National meeting Rimini = | 259.00 € |
TOTAL = | €259.00 |
National Meeting of “Light” | |
Expenses | €4,846.70 |
Expenses = | 7331.52€ |
€11,377.95 - €7,331.52 = +€4,046.43
Donations and contributions to be paid to the Foundation and AUI (in 2018)
Donations for the Foundation = | €2,200.00 |
Donations for the UAI = | €200.00 |
AUI contribution = 10% | €351.00 |
TOTAL = | €2,751.00 |
€4046.43 - €2751.00 = €1295.43
Portfolio account (investment) as of 12/29/2017: + €9,044.77
Current account as of 12/29/2017: +14,390.54 €
TOTAL: +23435.31 €