© 2003 Michel Bezier
© 2003 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
The spirit which animates us with its boundless love pushes us to consciously trace our path in life.
This mysterious path begins with the birth of a child in the early 1950s in a family locked in its atheism and living in a wooded region cut off from the world, totally dominated by a 19th century clergy. Then this path that takes shape will lead the child to try to slip through the narrow meshes of the tight net of dogmatism. This path of living breath passes through all of us without exception and aims to reveal in the abyss of the dark night the burst of light capable of enlightening us.
The first time this “radiance” began to shine in the light of my consciousness was during my childhood, around the age of 9 or 10. I wondered about the cause, the necessity of this existence.
One afternoon I felt the call. I felt the vast, infinite response emanating from a radiant personality both inside and outside me.
This response was not words, sentences but rather a beneficial certainty of being heard, a benevolence exceeding the limits of what a human can provide as comfort.
This extraordinary presence, despite my almost total ignorance of religious knowledge, this personality, I knew that it was that of Jesus our creator, pulsating goodness deep within beings in all his creation.
The trail that led me to the Urantia Book may have opened at that moment. It certainly opened one evening in June 1971. I had reached Paris and was “taken” to a concert by a group of musicians offering original compositions. The intense, terribly expressive music, played with absolute conviction, became a gesture of total love that passed through all the barriers of convention. Thanks to the approach of these musicians, I suddenly discovered this luminous spinal column that supports and allows us to build our lives in harmony with the righteous ways of the universe. Later in 1973, I met one of the members of this group of musicians and during a “soul to soul” discussion the cosmogony of Urantia was presented to me.
For several months I let myself be absorbed by this unimaginable source, overflowing with truth. All the barriers of doubt and questioning were lifted and the coherence of a benevolent universe was revealed. What profound joy!
Then I compared my impressions, my enthusiasm with some companions of the time with whom I had shared this discovery. I realized very quickly that the breath of truth had not reached them and that their reading of the book would quickly run out. I was alone. Subsequently I studied the booklets and at the same time I sought to move towards traditional knowledge, notably Zen, Taoism capable of suggesting to me forms of “art of living” compatible with what I grasped from the teachings of the Urantia Book.
And then came a decisive encounter. The one with whom we were going to travel our spiritual paths in parallel appeared in my field of consciousness. After having perceived a soul calling hidden behind a shell of violence, the book was presented to him and we were then going to share fraternally the breath of this revelation. We supported each other to set up and continue the great, beautiful work on ourselves in which the reading of the booklets “fatally” engages us.
Working in the same place, we exchanged every day our interpretations, our questions, our convictions, our feelings in relation to this fifth revelation. Our diametrically opposed characters often found in the exchange of points of view a more complete truth, a stronger certainty.
And then in this same workplace we heard the “call” of a young man in love with true knowledge, true actions, true life. The trials of his young life had given him the wisdom to clear-sightedly set aside what he did not want to do and he sought to understand what animated him at the heart of his being. The Urantia Book, which we were certain could answer his inner request, was presented to him. We were enriched with a new strength.
This group of friends now operates as a group of three and personally the most important thing that this group brings me, apart from exploring the book together, is the feeling that my spiritual sensitivity through contact with my fellow researchers is becoming a little more acute each day.
Here is the genesis of my discovery of the Urantia Book and the story of the meeting of a group of friends born around the 5th revelation seen by one of the members of this group.
Throughout the days that follow one another on our land of birth, the path of the spirit becomes clearer and this still dotted path heads towards crossing territories more and more bathed in the presence of our creator father.
Infinite wisdom, you guide us flexibly towards what is best for us, in us.
Incomparable Wisdom, your magnificent daughters are called “mysterious intuition” and “marvelous coincidence”. They watch over with joy and gladness to guide the pilgrim of time on his particular path of light.
Radiant wisdom, you make our eyes shine, the ones most worthy of being magnified.
The accuracy of your views resonates in each of us and reveals to us the inexhaustible source of love of our creator for his creation.
Eternal Wisdom, we salute you with deference and we place ourselves with absolute confidence under your ample protection.
Michel Bezier