© 1999 Nicole Ragetly
© 1999 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
The Three Great Human Experiences | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 9 — Spring 1999 | The Seven Circuits of Havona |
The Paradise Trinity is the archetype of Trinitization.
The Universal Father achieves his freely-consented liberation from the bonds of infinity and the chains of eternity through the technique of trinitization, the triple personalization of Deity. (UB 0:7.8)
The transmutation of possibility into probability and inevitability is the free will (self-existent) attribute of the First Source and Center. Here appears a new cycle of reality—the cycle of growth—which seeks these higher destinies toward the source of infinity and the coming into being of time itself.
This finite reality exists in two spiritual phases:
The constitutive perfect and the evolutionary perfectible are coordinated in the relations of eternity, but different within the limits of time.
Trinitization and various other relationships between primary and secondary maxima result in the appearance of tertiary maxima. Things, meanings and values, neither perfect nor perfectible, but coordinated with ancestral factors. (UB 105:5.5)
The phenomenon of trinitization, and its techniques, are among the secrets of Vicegerington (the bosom of the Father and the Son) and Solitarington (the bosom of the Father and the Spirit). They are understood only by those who have gone through such an experience. They can therefore only be revealed to them.
Upper Paradise, the home of the Deity presence, is surrounded by a vast area called the Most Holy Sphere, reserved for the functions of worship, trinitization, and higher spiritual attainment. This realm is entirely spiritual. The Paradise Deities are unlimited in their episodes of trinitization, but there can be only one Original and Infinite Spirit to carry out the combined will of the Father-Son. On the other hand, only Paradise-Havona personalities and certain members of the Corps of Finaliters can engage in trinitization, but they participate in only one experience which can be revealed or understood only by those who have passed through such an adventure. (UB 22:7.2)
The authority which represents the Trinity, to act as vicegerent of the Gods, is attached only to the beings, revealed or not revealed, which are trinitized, created, exteriorized or eternalized by two or the three personalities of Paradise. But the beings trinitized by the glorified creatures (finaliters or others), represent only the conceptual potential mobilized in this trinitization. (UB 13:1.12)
The records written at the beginning of all things show—in the personality section—the account of the simultaneous trinitization of the twenty-one Ancients of Days. (UB 18:3.4)
The Trinitized Sons of Attainment (Mighty Messengers, Nameless and Numberless, Most High in Authority), are all Adjuster-fused and have attained Paradise and the Corps of the Finality, but are not finaliters. Once embraced by the Trinity, they are trained by the Eternals of Days and then assigned to the Ancients of Days on the seven superuniverses.
The selection of candidates is inherent and automatic. The techniques are in no way arbitrary. Personal experience and spiritual values are the criteria for the admission of personnel to these Trinitized Sons of Attainment.
In the special conditions of the perfection of Paradise, certain beings can embark on the unique adventure of the concept-identity and the birth of a son trinitized by a creature. The birth of a new being is the proof of their success.
While stationed on Paradise, companies of finaliter mortals may enjoy a vacation period each new millennium of Havona time. There are seven different ways in which one may choose to use this leisure period to attempt trinitization, either by associating with a finaliter companion or with a Paradise-Havona personality.
Trinitization of a creature may also be attempted by ascending mortal finaliters fused with their Adjuster if they have attained a certain level of Paradise culture and spiritual development. (Paper 22, UB 22:0.1)
If two finaliters appear before the Architects of the Master Universe, and prove that they have independently chosen the same concept to trinitize, they may extend their vacation period, and retire to the trinitization sector of the Paradise citizens. At the end of this retreat, if they choose to make — individually or jointly — the effort to spiritualize, idealize and actualize a concept that has not yet been trinitized, Master Spirit No. 7 authorizes this extraordinary undertaking.
Incredibly long periods of time seem to elapse before these former mortals—and even citizens of Paradise-Havona—achieve their goal and bring into existence their chosen concept of universal truth. Some candidates may fail and are then admitted to a group of finaliters designated as having made the supreme effort and suffered the supreme disappointment. Such failure cannot befall the Paradise Deities.
Simultaneously with the appearance of a new trinitized son, the two parents can become ONE on the ultimate functional level. This phenomenon is difficult to explain. It is an almost divine experience; as when the Father and the Son united after having eternalized the Spirit. They became ONE and have been ONE ever since. But the repercussions of a trinitization by a creature are not eternal. They end with the factualization of the experiential Deities. (continued from Paper 22, pages UB 22:0.1 to UB 22:10.3)
The Sons trinitized by ascenders.
In their creative effort, finaliters attempt to trinitize certain conceptual realities of the Supreme Almighty which they have experientially acquired during their Paradise ascension through time and space.
The trinitized Sons of Destiny.
When a finaliter and a citizen of Paradise-Havona trinitize a new creature, their joint effort affects certain phases of the Supreme-Ultimate Mind. The sons resulting from this trinitization are supercreatures and represent the actualities of Supreme-Ultimate Deity not yet experientially realized and which fall within the domain of the Architects of the Master Universe, custodians of those things which transcend the creative limitations of the present universe age. The Trinitized Sons of Destiny embrace certain aspects of the unrevealed function of the Master Universe on the Supreme-Ultimate level.
When the new ascender-trinitized or Paradise-Havona sons are young and inexperienced, they are usually attached for long periods on the seven Paradise spheres of the Infinite Spirit, where they serve under the tutelage of the Seven Supreme Executives. Subsequently, they may be adopted by the Trinity Teacher Sons.
The trinitization of Deity can accomplish what is otherwise unrealizable. We can therefore postulate the appearance of the SupremeUltimate in His time and the possible factualization-trinitization of God the Absolute. (UB 0:12.8)
Nicole Ragetly
The Three Great Human Experiences | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 9 — Spring 1999 | The Seven Circuits of Havona |