© 1995 Nigel Nunn
© 1995 International Urantia Association (IUA)
By Nigel Nunn
Canberra, Australia
How can the finite unfold when the absonite is already there?
Why are the seven superuniverses kept separate from each other?
And it is persons, all the way down.
Let us consider the possibility that we already have at hand enough information and revelation to begin making sense of the data that the twentieth century has so far uncovered in our investigations in the nature of matter.
The story so far…
Theory and experiment have converged to the standard model, as concerns mankind’s investigations into the nature of matter. This presents matter as consisting of various arrangements of leptons and quarks; the members of the electron/neutrino families are all called leptons, while the hadrons (protons, neutrons, mesons, etc.) are considered to be triples and doubles of quarks.
So what have we seen? What have our accelerators revealed?
And what does The URANTIA Book reveal?
For the purpose of discussion, let leptons, mesons and baryons all be huddlings of quarks. Let quarks be clusters of ultimatons. Let quark be the first label we apply to these (as yet) unmeasurable objects. Let the Superuniverse Directors, Centers and Controllers work out the details. And recall that this is occurring in the grand universe, a severely qualified, conditioned region of the absonite space.
So how is matter made? Why does it work? What is its distribution across the regions and dimensions of the cosmos. We have three ways of making progress:
Way 1 is well mapped and paved with theory. It leads from the slime and ooze of ignorance, on to the proof of existence of atoms, past the prediction and discovery of the quark/lepton components of these atoms, to reach a place where the descriptions of these components align, to merge in some leptoquark family. From where Way (1) forks into triple paths marked: GUTs, SuperStrings, SUSY.
Way 2 is lit with heroism and littered with terrible machines. Armies of exhilarated graduates and postdocs have reached bedraggled and sleepless from one conquest to the next along this path. With clever gadgets, they showed there were heavy and small nuggets deep inside atoms. With cleverer and bigger gadgets, they showed that these nuggets were themselves made of something heavier and smaller still. They too had found leptoquark components. But with the death of the Superconducting Super Collider, their race has now slowed to a crawl. They sit encamped about the walls of Quark in a frustrating siege. Assaulting its stronghold with insufficiently maniacal devices.
We are involved with Way 3.
Theory and experiment walk us inward from the mundane to the abyss of the Plank domain. The URANTIA Book talks us inward from the Unqualified to the inner edge of the absonite. Between these two boundaries lies the zone where certain forms of energy can be convinced to perform as certain types of matter.
The URANTIA Book, in addition to its more important role, can ignite the curiosity and wonder of its readers. In many fields, it can extend our insight. In others, such as transcendental causation, it merely mentions that certain phenomena exist. On this matter of Matter, it casts some light. But as stated in Paper 19:
… The human mind would ordinarily crave to approach the cosmic philosophy portrayed in these revelations by proceeding from the simple and the finite to the complex and the infinite, from human origins to divine destinies. But that path does not lead to spiritual wisdom. Such a procedure is the easiest path to a certain form of genetic knowledge, but at best it can only reveal man’s origin; it reveals little or nothing about his divine destiny. UB 19:1.5
As suggested above, even though the relationship between ultimatons and leptoquarks may be fascinating, and its understanding of great value to researches, and through scientific curiosity creates a terrible hunger, details really must come second.
First, it pays to consider why mass exists in the first place. Then, if we can make it to this high ground, the perspective gained might allow us to find a little relative truth among the facts.
We begin by arguing that at the end of the day, after the great ages of the master universe have run their course, that which remains, the results of such actualisation of potentials, are persons and the relationships between them. All else can be regarded as elaborate means to this exquisite culminationbeginning.
Now, to allow for a group of truly interesting, rather than just lovable, eternal citizens, the Father proposed humans. Open-ended children. Persons whose careers would not be defined by the limitations of a perfect birth or eventuation. Wookies who would create themselves given only the foundation of some divine genetics: their Adjusters.
Such a scheme required a sequence, which required a finite, which required an absonite to buffer and tame the finite’s border against the Absolutely Unqualified.
This scheme makes necessary the superuniverse space level: a nest to contain and protect unformed finaliters (humans) whilst they gather an initial degree of realness; acquire the constance to begin sustaining themselves amidst the circular simultaneity of the larger world. Consider the following remarks:
The concept of the existential, solitary, pre-Trinity nonattainable I AM and the postulate of the experiential post-Trinity of Trinities and attainable I AM are one and the same hypothesis; no actual change has taken place in the Infinite; all apparent developments are due to increased capacities for reality reception and cosmic appreciation. UB 106:9.9
And all of these manifold realities are unified absolutely by the several triunities, functionally by the Architects of the Master Universe, and relatively by the Seven Master Spirits, the subsupreme coordinators of the divinity of God the Sevenfold. UB 105:7.16
Even space itself is but an ultimate condition, a condition of qualification within the relative absoluteness of the quiet zones of midspace. UB 106:7.7
Space comes the nearest of all nonabsolute things to being absolute. Space is apparently absolutely ultimate. The real difficulty we have in understanding space on the material level is due to the fact that, while material bodies exist in space, space also exists in these same material bodies. While there is much about space that is absolute, that does not mean that space is absolute. UB 118:3.5
The seven superuniverses of the grand universe are clearly unusual intrusions within the absonite domains. What qualifications and restrictions, what amazing foldings and projections, had to be made upon the grand universe space level to allow a thing so “absolutely ultimate” as space to accommodate seven nests of spacetime? What tricks of geometry and mirrors, what dimensional sleight-of-hand allows humans to perceive and move through the sequence we call time?
Consider the words of Jesus to the Mithraic priest in Paper 130:
Time is a name given to the succession-arrangement whereby events are recognized and segregated. UB 130:7.4
That which formerly appeared as a succession of events then will be viewed as a whole and perfectly related cycle; in this way will circular simultaneity increasingly displace the onetime consciousness of the linear sequence of events. UB 130:7.5
There are seven different conceptions of space as it is conditioned by time. Space is measured by time, not time by space… UB 130:7.6
The nearer consciousness approaches the awareness of seven cosmic dimensions… UB 130:7.6
Ultimately, surviving mortals achieve identity in a seven-dimensional universe. UB 130:7.7
When man attains the mind intervening between the material and the spiritual planes of existence, his ideas of time-space will be enormously expanded both as to quality of perception and quantity of experience. UB 130:7.8
And as personality passes on, upward and inward, to the transcendental levels of Deity-likeness, the time-space concept will increasingly approximate the timeless and spaceless concepts of the Absolutes. UB 130:7.8
So, the Primary Eventuated Master Force Organizers condition a zone of the absolute to accommodate the absonite (master universe).
And the Associate Transcendental Master Force Organizers condition a zone of the absonite to accommodate the finite (grand universe).
After which each of the seven Supreme Power Directors conditioned a zone of the finite to accommodate their space-time configuration (superuniverse), one of the seven projections commissioned by the Trinity and executed by the Seven Master Spirits.
These mighty beings [Supreme Power Directors] are the physical ancestors of the vast host of the power centers and, through them, of the physical controllers scattered throughout the seven superuniverses. Such subordinate physical-control organisms are basically uniform, identical except for the differential toning of each superuniverse corps. In order to change in superuniverse service, they would merely have to return to Paradise for re= toning. UB 29:1.4
Can we speculate that the toning of each superuniverse is related to that subset of absonite dimensions upon which its finite economy stands? Along which of its absonite axes ITS TIME WILL RUN?
…Solitary Messengers are the only available type of spirit intelligence-aside, possibly, from the Inspired Trinity Spirits-that can be dispatched from the headquarters of one superuniverse directly to the headquarters of another. All other personalities must make such excursions by way of Havona and the executive worlds of the Master Spirits. UB 23:2.15
Does this imply that only certain personality/mind configurations can comfortably pass directly between superuniverses? Why do all others need to enter a superuniverse via the projection-rooms of the Master Spirits and their Supreme Power Directors?
Can we deduce that each Master Spirit, through his Supreme Power Director, is using a different permutation of the available absonite dimensions?
The unruly paragraphs above do not imply answers, or even hypotheses. They identify a problem that needs to be considered when we speculate about Michael’s kingdom, and its place in the larger scheme of things.
It is against this background that the matter of matter lies.
The above was contrived so that we might propose the following speculation:
As all Flatlanders will know, a three dimensional cube passing through two-dimensional Flatland will appear to come from nowhere, act like a square for a while, then disappear back to some void.
Let quark, which exists in space, exist in absonite space. This allows them to span (lie in?) more than just the three space dimensions we can measure [Go to column 1 below]
If, when moving through their 5 -space, they happen to pass through our line-or-plane-like 3-space, we see them appear as if from nowhere, as quantum fluctuations, then unless we can knock them with some powerful wave, snapping their spins so that they reorient to our subspace (as perhaps the various power controllers and centers do), they disappear in a tick of some quantum clock.
But let those quarks, whose axes of spin confine them to our superuniverse, remain four or five dimensional objects…
For whom quantum tunneling is merely a sidestep in their existence in absonite space,
for whom B-meson is a stressed state they would prefer to unravel,
for whom a lepton is the easiest cluster,
for whom a meson is an antagonistic pairing,
for whom a baryon is an exhilarating triad.
When the above absorb the gigavolts we throw at them in accelerators, they rearrange their quark huddlings, but generally they relax very quickly to a morecommon superuniverse state.
Physicists have been trying to catalogue atomic splinters roiling in the immeasurable spaces of the Plank domain. Trying to predict probabilities, note quanta, explore chaos. But a pattern of hints has been appearing.
This cataloguing of leptoquark fragments may remain healthy and stimulating work for a few more generations of graduate students and postdocs, but perhaps it will not be long before such work is seen, along with much else in science, as mere stamp collecting.