© 2024 Patrick Morelli
© 2024 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Urantia Foundation News | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 105 — March 2024 | The Chinese Translation of The Urantia Book |
Patrick Morelli
The history of the quantum revolution is certainly difficult to situate, the deductive practice of researchers such as Heisenberg and Schrödinger in the years 1925-1926 can situate the start that they gave by looking at the objects of classical physics which broke into fragments that were difficult to reconcile.
It is only in recent years that a shift has taken place among physicists, at the end of the 1980s and 1990s, with the approach of some of them to a form of supposed metaphysics, to try to bring classical means of experimentation into line with the probabilistic results of quantum mechanics, a sort of global wave function which would be interpreted as representing reality.
We must keep in mind that the discovery of quantum physics with its study in the first half of the 20th century revolutionized the scientific data of the time and that it still remains synonymous with prediction following the appearance of an event.
The field of discoveries in quantum mechanics opens up perspectives that had previously been neglected, in favor of, among others, dowsers whose only means of detection was their pendulum, criticized by all classical scientific movements.
This is to evoke the universe of forms that the nature of objects or energy currents adopt to manifest themselves, this being only part of the possibilities of investigations offered by quantum mechanics.
Quantum mechanics allows, among other things, to distinguish on the one hand the object of an experiment from the other objects which surround it, and then to develop in a conditional manner the consequences which these different other objects will have on the analysis of this experiment.
This first reflection lets us consider that we must certainly distinguish first of all the aggregate that represents the sum of all the objects, that of the experiment plus those that surround it, which is the whole of the general context of the experiment. Then the setting aside in a discriminatory manner of the element “targeted object” for an experiment by hypothetically respecting the order of distinction that follows the detection of this object within the manifest aggregate of which it is a part.
One of the examples of modifications of the object subject to an experiment gives us just on a small scale the repercussions caused by the environmental context of the observed object. In order to measure the position of the electron of this object, scientists use a microscope, the operation of the microscope involves the use of a light source, or ray symbol illuminating the object to be observed, the electromagnetic radiation of this light source leads to attributing to it a corpuscular aspect such as the “photon”. The initial position of the electron to be observed is modified, because from then on there is a shock of this electron with a photon, the collision between two corpuscles, the electron being the first of these corpuscles and the photon being the second, this modifies the quantity of movement of the electron following this shock.
Definition of quantum mechanics
Quantum mechanics is the branch of theoretical physics which succeeded quantum theory and wave mechanics to study and describe the fundamental phenomena at work in physical systems, more particularly at the atomic and subatomic scale.
It was developed in the 1920s by a dozen European physicists, to solve problems that classical physics failed to explain, such as black body radiation, the photoelectric effect, or the existence of spectral lines. It proved fruitful in terms of results and various applications: in particular, it made it possible to elucidate the mystery of the structure of the atom and, more generally, it proved to be the general framework for describing the behavior of elementary particles, to the point of constituting the basis of modern physics.
Quantum mechanics involves profound conceptual difficulties. While its mathematical formalism is of unparalleled effectivenessnote 1, its interpretation is not unanimous in the scientific community1. Among its concepts, we can cite wave-corpuscle duality, quantum superposition, quantum entanglement and non-locality.
This example is certainly quite simple but it suggests the relevance of quantum mechanics with regard to the influences that all elements subjected to scientific experimentation undergo.
The philosophical study of the different scientific results allows us to approach a somewhat rigid aspect of the different acquisitions of postulates throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. Indeed, most of the scientific results obtained are often the consequence of observations made on an exclusive bundle of the “thing” studied, the object of the experiment. Apparently, the general context, that is, the aggregate in which the observed object evolves in the literal sense of the word, was of little importance.
There is also the total questioning of the means of investigation, such as the microscopic apparatus which unequivocally belongs to the field of exercise of the classical scientific argument accepted as a means of experimental investigation. This is to remain within the framework of acceptance of empirical scientific means which give the experimenter a prior position to consider results already pre-registered to rules in conformity accepted by the common language of the scientific community of the moment.
In quantum physics the use of investigation instruments is identical, with the constraint of objectifying the result provided. However, at the next stage, the predictive framework does not allow us to satisfy the criteria of reproducibility of objects observed in ordinary space. Contrary to what happens in classical physics, the order of phenomena to which the equipment gives rise is most of the time inconsistent with this general structure of expectation.
To a certain extent, a rethinking of concepts is certainly possible, and new paradigms must be explored because the possibilities offered by quantum mechanics are far from being circumscribed and a certain candor is perhaps necessary in order to eliminate experimental empirical thinking, without however totally detaching oneself from classical scientific determinism. Everything is located on one side or the other of the dividing line between determinism and quantum theories which are studied by means of probabilities. It is perfectly conceivable that the need to reformulate the theory of atoms and elementary particles forces a change of logic.
To do this we can approach the different works which have been considered through the probabilities of quantum mechanics in terms of particle and wave physics, fundamental elements for understanding these phenomena.
The particle is a hard, rigid and discontinuous point
The wave on the contrary is flexible, dynamic and continuous
Is the electron a wave, is it a particle, inexplicably it is a bit of both.
The following observations are taken from the book Brain Energy Waves in Quantum Physics by Paul Milleman.
“Rhythmic electrical neuronal activities due to the vibratory movements of electrons, of which we do not know the physical conditions and their vibrations, nor the reasons for their impulses, are classified according to their frequency.”
We know how neurons work, how electrons vibrate and how the whole thing emits waves, but we have no idea why. Let us also not forget that the creation of these waves is only secondary to the conception of our thought, the construction of our sight, our hearing of all our sensations and order of movement. The measurement of their intensities only confirms the reality of the general functioning, but in no case is it the foundation of the cerebral reconstruction of our general environment of our life.
It is important to remember that our entire life is channeled into all human sensors and transcribed into our brain via the vibrations of electrons in our neurons. We see nothing with our eyes, these are just photon sensors and the environmental image is reproduced by our neurons in our brain like in a plasma screen in three dimensions, relief and color. We hear nothing with our ears and not a sound comes out of our mouths or elsewhere, it is only compressions and decompressions of particles forming the air which once arrived at our auditory system are translated into our neurons once again with very particular vibrations of the electrons which thus recreate all the harmony of sounds.
The same goes for all our physical sensations, we are nothing more than an organic computer with a thought, our body is simply a set of receptors and transmitters. As neurons all have a particular function, the brain manages to bring together the different environmental characteristics via a network of connections.
We do not look at life through the window directly, but indirectly through a relief plasma screen that sits in our brain.
In the current state of our knowledge, if we know that brain waves and all mental forms propagate in space, or remain concentrated in the cerebral universe, and are created by living beings whether human, animal or plant, we are totally ignorant of the particulate support on which they move. All we know is that information is transmitted by modulating the carrier wave emitted by thought which we know to be vibratory for living beings.
What type are they?
Waves and particles are two aspects of the same matter: all waves are matter and all matter is waves.
Discovered with the laws of light, then studies of the structure of electrons, the dual characteristic of physical particles, both wave-like and corpuscular, masterfully challenges our understanding and greatly disrupts our understanding of matter.
In fact, on one side we have nuclear physics which generates the chemistry of particles and then molecules, in a material way, and on the other the matter-wave duality, which demonstrates the same events in a wave-like and energetic way. We are therefore made of nuclear matter which are also waves of immaterial energies. The connecting element therefore remains the electron in its wave and matter duality.
The most extraordinary thing is that everything is also just energy, which the electron uses, but also produces and diffuses.
How? God only knows
Waves are also energy, they consume it and produce it.
How? God only knows
The entire universe and everything it contains, including all living things, are energy.
Where does she come from? God only knows.
Thus material life is only the reflection, the “electronic” transcription of the vibratory and undulatory life of the world and the universe.
It is quite obvious that all these declarations are the fruit of the reflections of different physicists who observe and analyze atomic phenomena, trying to find a common point in all these electronic exchanges, first molecular then with an underlying scientific pattern.
In the philosophical perspective evoked by Carlo Rovelli, where nothing has its own existence, everything exists only in dependence on something else, in relation to something else, the resonance with quantum mechanics is immediate. This angle of perception can lead us to understand that during a scientific experiment, the attitude, the mental mode of reflection of the experimenter is not trivial. Indeed, according to the different scientists who approach quantum knowledge, most have a classical formal scientific empirical training. Their expectation of the objectives sought in the face of such electronic dispersions, is part of the elements to be taken into account for the mental path proposed by their own intellect itself emitting waves likely to disturb the elements observed.
As far as we Urantians are concerned, we benefit from the insight of the 5th revelation which on a scientific level can help us to delve a little deeper into the element that is the “electron” which according to the L. U. would be composed of 100 Ultimatons, for the moment these Ultimatons are not recognized by nuclear physics.
However, in a more general way we can try to make certain analogies or at least a correspondence with the quantum effects observed through on the one hand the work of different contemporary physicists, with on the other hand the wave energy phenomena mentioned in the . such as:
The human mind.
The Cosmic Mind
The influence of the Supreme.
The seven Adjutant Mental Spirits.
These reflections are intended only in the position of the “candid” where the preponderant element is intuitive candor as intellectual direction.
For the neophyte that we may be in nuclear physics, as a reader of the Urantia Book a new analogy can possibly be accepted.
On the quantum level during an experiment where certain directional paths such as light can take, following the random obstacles highlighted to thwart its propagation, there is a sort of anticipation of this light beam as to the direction taken so that the propagation is optimal through the maze of proposed routes.
Can we compare this anticipation of the light ray with the beams of influences that carry spiritual and mental values that surround us with a directional sense obvious to us, which represents the divine plan of the Universal Father.
The energetic forces are emerging, such as mental, spiritual for the Spirit of Truth, and suggestions that our respective Adjusters can give us, certainly represent in anticipation the right path that we must and can take in an optional manner thanks to our free will. Following these pushes that we consider spiritual, an essential and preponderant element intervenes in the realization of such objectives, it is the letting go of the intellect which can and tends to put obstacles in the way of the optimal realization of the objectives carrying these bundles of influences.
In comparison with the questions asked above, the answers given by the L. U. can have a satisfactory response.
“Mortal mind is a temporary intellect system loaned to human beings for use during a material lifetime, and as they use this mind, they are either accepting or rejecting the potential of eternal existence. Mind is about all you have of universe reality that is subject to your will, and the soul—the morontia self—will faithfully portray the harvest of the temporal decisions which the mortal self is making. Human consciousness rests gently upon the electrochemical mechanism below and delicately touches the spirit-morontia energy system above. Of neither of these two systems is the human being ever completely conscious in his mortal life; therefore must he work in mind, of which he is conscious. And it is not so much what mind comprehends as what mind desires to comprehend that insures survival; it is not so much what mind is like as what mind is striving to be like that constitutes spirit identification. It is not so much that man is conscious of God as that man yearns for God that results in universe ascension. What you are today is not so important as what you are becoming day by day and in eternity.” (UB 111:1.5)
“The material mind of mortal man is the cosmic loom that carries the morontia fabrics on which the indwelling Thought Adjuster threads the spirit patterns of a universe character of enduring values and divine meanings—a surviving soul of ultimate destiny and unending career, a potential finaliter.” (UB 111:2.2)
Also these details on the meanings following the work of the mind:
Recognition is the intellectual process of aligning sensations coming from the outside world with the individual’s memory models.
Understanding implies that these sensations from the external world and the individual’s memory patterns have been integrated and organized into a dynamic network of principles.
What is this dynamic network of principle which integrates and organizes the underlying intellectual thrusts of our respective brains? Without too much imagination, we can compare the propagation mode of the wave-particle of quantum mechanics with the propagation of the cosmic mind as it reaches us via our Divine Mother transcribed in differential through the 7 Adjutant Mental Spirits.
As for the questions asked by Pal Milleman, to which he gives the following answers:
How? God only knows.
We Urantians, with a little audacity, perhaps have some answers to offer.
What are these forces which manipulate the electron, this sort of global wave which would be interpreted as representing reality, where does this energy come from in which we are certainly literally bathed.
In booklet 36-6-5 we have the possibility of considering with great imagination the parallel with this global wave. It is the LIFE conveyed by the Carriers of Life who manage this energy which is “the breath of life” so that it is communicated to these inanimate primary forms. The Carriers of Life do not hold it, they propagate it, manipulate it according to precise divine plans with possibilities of arranging it as best as possible in the surrounding environment.
In this paragraph there is a disturbing clarification:
“When we die, life does not survive death individually; during our existence and the time of its stay in the material body, it has undergone a change, an energetic evolution and survives only as a fraction of the cosmic forces of the universe.”
In booklet 36-6-6, we are no longer close to a paradox, therefore:
“We speak of life as an “energy” and a “force” but in reality it is neither.”
Which means that the parallel between my remarks and the global wave can only be accepted as a manifestation, but not as the statutory element of a Source.
To close these approximations, booklet 36:6.7:
“There are some things connected with the elaboration of life on the evolutionary planets which are not altogether clear to us. We fully comprehend the physical organization of the electrochemical formulas of the Life Carriers, but we do not wholly understand the nature and source of the life-activation spark. We know that life flows from the Father through the Son and by the Spirit. It is more than possible that the Master Spirits are the sevenfold channel of the river of life which is poured out upon all creation. But we do not comprehend the technique whereby the supervising Master Spirit participates in the initial episode of life bestowal on a new planet. The Ancients of Days, we are confident, also have some part in this inauguration of life on a new world, but we are wholly ignorant of the nature thereof. We do know that the Universe Mother Spirit actually vitalizes the lifeless patterns and imparts to such activated plasm the prerogatives of organismal reproduction. We observe that these three are the levels of God the Sevenfold, sometimes designated as the Supreme Creators of time and space; but otherwise we know little more than Urantia mortals—simply that concept is inherent in the Father, expression in the Son, and life realization in the Spirit.” (UB 36:6.7)
As far as we are concerned, isn’t the goal of a seeker of truth to seek?
One thing is certain, my remarks in no way claim to demonstrate through the results obtained through the science of quantum mechanics that proof has been given of the determinism of creation towards the existence of God.
The contemporary discoveries of quantum mechanics are certainly one of the means available to our intellect to approach for the moment in a scientific manner the idea of harmony and cohesion of the energetic forces which surround us.
All this to bring into line the discourse of the Urantia Book regarding the direction already taken in anticipation by the divine plan of the Universal Father with the profile of quantum conclusions.
All information concerning quantum mechanics has been collected in the following works:
Urantia Foundation News | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 105 — March 2024 | The Chinese Translation of The Urantia Book |