© 2015 Patrick Morelli
© 2015 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
In his study Bill gives us more than one clue to try to understand the “Challenge of Personality-Power synthesis”.
Indeed, when we apprehend the approach of the Actuals and Potentials, the Absolute of Deity, the unqualified Absolute and the Universal Absolute, these three Absolutes are subinfinite since after the “I AM” but in infinity they are ONE. Contrary to the actualization by the Universal Father of the Eternal Son and the concomitant act creating the island of Paradise, one could have expected that the unification by an act of synthesis, in the same way as the Universal Absolute, would occur with the Eternal Son, the island of Paradise and the Infinite Spirit.
[Although this association is present in the current triodity which is not at the existential level.]
This did not happen because the result would involve the unified and total manifestation of the Actuals just as the potentials are unified by the Universal Absolute. Instead, the Universal Father unites with the Son, in Spirit and as Trinity, as Bill points out: “When God unifies a part of actual reality, he makes that association include only Deity, he does not synthesize all of actual reality.” God does not include Paradise in this. Paradise, which is non-deity, is not in the Trinity, it is isolated. And therefore, continuing with the appearance of the fifteen Triunities of which seven are revealed to us, we can see that in the 7th Triunity of the Universal Father, of the Conjoint Actor, of the Universal Absolute we are told that “this is the unity of infinity functionally manifest in time and eternity, the coordinated unification of actuals and potentials.
It being understood that the definition of a Triunity is “functional association” and that it occurs at the existential level following the principle dear to Bill Sadler: divergences, convergence. The Triunities are triple associations of the 7 Absolutes which diverge into 15 associations on the horizontal or lateral plane.
To return to the 2nd phase of differentiation of the Universal Father, Father-Son-Spirit, without Paradise, the convergence towards the first unity of the actual does not take place since Paradise is isolated from the paradisiacal Trinity. The convergence can probably only take place thanks to the personality-power association which will only be actualized with the absolute, absonite and finite unification, i.e. Trinity of Supremacy, Trinity of the Ultimate and Absolute of Deity. When these three levels Supreme, Ultimate and Absolute are considered it is thanks, no longer to the Triunities which are and function on the existential level, but thanks to the two Triodities, the actual Eternal Son - Isle of Paradise - Conjoint Actor and the potential Absolute of Deity - Universal Absolute - Unqualified Absolute which are a vertical divergence.
UB 104:5.12: "As the triunities are primarily concerned with the functional unification of infinity, so the triodities are involved in the cosmic appearance of the experiential Deities. The triunities are indirectly concerned with the experiential Deities—Supreme, Ultimate, and Absolute—but the triodities are directly concerned. They appear in the emerging power-personality synthesis of the Supreme Being. And, to the temporal creatures of space, the Supreme Being is a revelation of the unity of the I AM.
By inaugurating the first distribution of himself coming out of the I AM as stated above, the process of divergence - convergence of the First Source Center begins; with at each stage of lateral and vertical metamorphosis the convergent return through the system of immediate and long and medium term trinitization.
The tension created by the divergence of Actual and Potential Deities is resolved by the phenomenon of “personality-power”, and after the inevitability of the Paradise Trinity certainly comes by drawing on the two Triodities revealed in the L. U., the inevitability of God the Sevenfold coming alive by equilibrium with God the Supreme and with the Almighty Supreme.
All this can possibly be imagined through the intermediary of a permanent differential acting by the primary will of the Universal Father and in application of the plans drawn up by the 28011 Master Architects.
Patrick Morelli.