Zoom Presentation from discussion to Kootenay UB Study Group for January 25, 2021
We witness unprecedented events taking place in the world today and wonder how on earth we can ever even begin to exhibit any signs of progressing to light and life.
Personally, I believe the root of the malaise is in the family and particularly in the unbalanced and misunderstood male/female relationship. But we will leave exploring that for another day. Today I propose we look at the over-care of our world by our celestial friends and look for suggestions for how we might help.
Suggested Reading: Paper 114 and to get a look at compassionate administration in the face of rebellion, check out Paper 119 - The Bestowals of Christ Michael. UB 114:0.4 Urantia is not without proper and effective supervision from the system, constellation, and universe rulers. But the planetary government is unlike that of any other world in the Satania system, even in all Nebadon.
This uniqueness in your plan of supervision is due to a number of unusual circumstances:
The life modification status of Urantia.
The exigencies of the Lucifer rebellion.
The disruptions of the Adamic default.
The irregularities growing out of the fact that Urantia was one of the bestowal worlds of the Universe Sovereign. Michael of Nebadon is the Planetary Prince of Urantia.
The special function of the twentyfour planetary directors.
The location on the planet of an archangels’ circuit.
The more recent designation of the onetime incarnated Machiventa Melchizedek as vicegerent Planetary Prince.
Since Pentecost our Planetary Prince, Michael of Nebadon, handed government of Urantia over to Machiventa Melchizedek who in turn, leaves many of the administrative duties to the council of 24 one time Urantians (they also preside over the councils of the other 36 worlds in spiritual quarantine).
Headquarters of the council of 24 is on Jerusem and they have been designated as Michael’s personal agents. (UB 45:4.1) One of the council of 24 is the current resident governor general. They take turns.
These twenty-four counselors have been recruited from the eight Urantia races, and the last of this group were assembled at the time of the resurrection roll call of Michael, nineteen hundred years ago. UB 45:4.2
This Urantia advisory council is made up of the following members:
Onagar, the mastermind of the pre-Planetary Prince age, who directed his fellows in the worship of “The Breath Giver.”
Mansant, the great teacher of the post-Planetary Prince age on Urantia, who pointed his fellows to the veneration of “The Great Light.”
Onamonalonton, a far-distant leader of the red man and the one who directed this race from the worship of many gods to the veneration of “The Great Spirit.”
Orlandof, a prince of the blue men and their leader in the recognition of the divinity of “The Supreme Chief.”
Porshunta, the oracle of the extinct orange race and the leader of these people in the worship of “The Great Teacher.”
Singlangton, the first of the yellow men to teach and lead his people in the worship of “One Truth” instead of many. Thousands of years ago the yellow man knew of the one God.
Fantad, the deliverer of the green men from darkness and their leader in the worship of “The One Source of Life.”
Orvonon, the enlightener of the indigo races and their leader in the onetime service of “The God of Gods.”
Adam, the discredited but rehabilitated planetary father of Urantia, a Material Son of God who was relegated to the likeness of mortal flesh, but who survived and was subsequently elevated to this position by the decree of Michael.
Eve, the mother of the violet race of Urantia, who suffered the penalty of default with her mate and was also rehabilitated with him and assigned to serve with this group of mortal survivors.
Enoch, the first of the mortals of Urantia to fuse with the Thought Adjuster during the mortal life in the flesh.
Moses, the emancipator of a remnant of the submerged violet race and the instigator of the revival of the worship of the Universal Father under the name of “The God of Israel.”
Elijah, a translated soul of brilliant spiritual achievement during the postMaterial Son age.
Machiventa Melchizedek, the only Son of this order to bestow himself upon the Urantia races. While still numbered as a Melchizedek, he has become “forever a minister of the Most Highs,” eternally assuming the assignment of service as a mortal ascender, having sojourned on Urantia in the likeness of mortal flesh at Salem in the days of Abraham.
This Melchizedek has latterly been proclaimed vicegerent Planetary Prince of Urantia with headquarters on Jerusem and authority to act on behalf of Michael, who is actually the Planetary Prince of the world whereon he experienced his terminal bestowal in human form. Notwithstanding this, Urantia is still supervised by successive resident governors general, members of the four and twenty counselors.
John the Baptist, the forerunner of Michael’s mission on Urantia and, in the flesh, distant cousin of the Son of Man.
1-2-3 the First, the leader of the loyal midway creatures in the service of Gabriel at the time of the Caligastia betrayal, elevated to this position by Michael soon after his entrance upon unconditioned sovereignty.
These selected personalities are exempt from the ascension regime for the time being, on Gabriel’s request, and we have no idea how long they may serve in this capacity.
Melchizedek blesses Abram by Jean-Hippolyte Flandrin