© 2010 Pierre Morency
© 2010 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
“Ah, if only I had this, if I were like that, my life would be more pleasant.” Work hard, save all your life in order to enjoy later. An insane attitude in the eyes of Pierre Morency, a Quebec physicist who writes psychology bestsellers. His leitmotif: ask to receive. He has also made it the title of a book, in which he encourages not only to ask, but to ask a lot, based on the principle that the more you ask, the more you receive.
And we have already received a lot. “You have already won the biggest lottery in the universe, that of life. You are the chosen sperm,” he explains. Following mathematical operations, the researcher calculated that each individual has “only one chance in 2 to 2000 trillion” of coming into the world.
On earth, men are on vacation. “You are here to consciously live the wildest dreams, until the day you believe you have tasted all the possible adventures,” explains Pierre Morency. When I look at the beauty of the world, the opportunity to play a host of roles and the chance to resolve difficulties, I consider having won a trip to an all-inclusive club!
To do this, you have to give yourself the means. “If you don’t take the time to think to improve your efficiency at work and the color of your life in general, who will?” asks the Quebecer, who advises limiting your working hours and devoting at least one day a week to thinking.
If someone kills themselves at work, trades their life for their job, it is because they want to. “You live exactly the life you ask to live because it cannot be otherwise. Your life is the exact reflection of your daily thoughts. You want to change your life, so change your thoughts,” he writes.
His advice: adopt different points of view and be wary of beliefs that condition, handicap, limit. Regarding the adage that money does not bring happiness, Pierre Morency retorts: “No wonder you have little or not enough of it in your life. If you constantly tell yourself that you want happiness while being convinced that money does not bring happiness.”
The author assures that it is not more difficult to earn 100,000 francs than to earn 10,000 francs. “It’s just different”, he specifies. Like the journey from Geneva to Paris is different from a journey from Geneva to Montreal. The first seems easier and faster… unless you go to Paris on foot while taking a direct flight to Canada.
Scientist, Pierre Morency likes to refer to laws, notably that of action-reaction. The greater the quantity of water coming out of a pipe, the greater the quantity of liquid sucked into the mouth of the same pipe. “The same goes for resources: the more comes out, the more comes in.” The author warns, however, that it is essential to develop belief in the power of action-reaction for it to work.
According to Pierre Morency, this balancing is a law of the universe as long as we live according to the principle of the siphon and action-reaction. “You make your purchase and, simultaneously, you seize the opportunity that must necessarily appear in your life to balance your action. You don’t have to think about it or analyze it, you simply have to use it._” Isn’t that running into disaster? “I have noticed that people who put themselves in a position to live the life they want before it manifests obtain better results, assures the specialist. On condition, however, that they play their life role. In other words, the universe has an exchange to make with you. I give you what you ask for, but you are already playing the role that you would play if you were infinitely rich.”
So we have to take the plunge. Pierre Morency recommends testing, developing our instincts, living in the present like children and building a solid mindset that allows us to not care about the opinions of others. Including those of those around us. In addition, we must overcome the enemies of fear, security, overprotection, opinions and routine.
“Your best moments come from risk, insists Pierre Morency. You couldn’t keep any exit doors open when you chose to have a child or start a business.”
The path to success is not only strewn with obstacles, there are allies: curiosity, insecurity as well as active passion. It is therefore necessary to “believe in the possibility of achieving what you want to achieve”. A physicist, the author refers to Einstein who established that all matter is concentrated energy. “A thought is an energy wave. Consequently, if this wave were sufficiently powerful, it would become matter.” He goes even further, saying that “by living as if you already possessed the object of your desires, you emit an amplified and maintained wave and everything materializes”. This may seem absurd, but it costs nothing to try. Having nothing to lose. This is precisely the secret to overcoming your fears.
“If everything is going badly in your life, if your finances, your relationship, your work, your health and your social life are not to your liking, don’t work on the symptoms. Go back to the real cause: you are not in the right place!”
“Find out what you would do if you had all the gold in the world. Do it. You will have all the gold in the world.”
“Stop wasting your time planning a future that would allow you to enjoy the moment you already are.”
“Compromises create two unhappy people, two people who don’t get what they expected from a certain situation.”
“How do you expect to have money in front of you if you put it aside?” “Successful people act. Those who would like to have it think.”
Pierre Morency: “Ask and you shall receive. Learn the principles of success for a more fulfilling life” Leduc.s Editions 2010 www.pierremorency.com
Pierre Morency