© 1999 Raymond Barilari
© 1999 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
Booklet 88.2
“Words eventually became fetishes, more especially those which were regarded as God’s words; in this way the sacred books of many religions have become fetishistic prisons incarcerating the spiritual imagination of man. Moses’ very effort against fetishes became a supreme fetish; his commandment was later used to stultify art and to retard the enjoyment and adoration of the beautiful.” (UB 88:2.6)
“In olden times the fetish word of authority was a fear-inspiring doctrine, the most terrible of all tyrants which enslave men. A doctrinal fetish will lead mortal man to betray himself into the clutches of bigotry, fanaticism, superstition, intolerance, and the most atrocious of barbarous cruelties. Modern respect for wisdom and truth is but the recent escape from the fetish-making tendency up to the higher levels of thinking and reasoning. Concerning the accumulated fetish writings which various religionists hold as sacred books, it is not only believed that what is in the book is true, but also that every truth is contained in the book. If one of these sacred books happens to speak of the earth as being flat, then, for long generations, otherwise sane men and women will refuse to accept positive evidence that the planet is round.” (UB 88:2.7)
“To become fetishes, words had to be considered inspired, and the invocation of supposed divinely inspired writings led directly to the establishment of the authority of the church, while the evolution of civil forms led to the fruition of the authority of the state.” (UB 88:2.10)
I often see:
The Urantia Book said…
The Urantia Book said…
The Urantia Book said…
It is with pleasure that I also see:
The Urantia Book did not say…
Or: “There is an inconsistency…”
Even if most of the inconsistencies are apparent, it proves that one has a critical mind.
Critical thinking prevents us from doing Urantian-style “hamming it up”.
We must not make the mistake of making THE URANTIA BOOK A NEW favorite book.
Let’s see an example of an apparent inconsistency:
A) The subject of Thought Adjusters is developed in 6 booklets, from 107 to 112 plus 113 which is directly linked to it. It is a real wealth of information.
However, let’s take a leap into the life of Jesus, which is a source of inspiration.
“Throughout these years, while he did not appear to engage in so many seasons of formal communion with his Father in heaven, he perfected increasingly effective methods of personal communication with the indwelling spirit presence of the Paradise Father. He lived a real life, a full life, and a truly normal, natural, and average life in the flesh. He knows from personal experience the equivalent of the actuality of the entire sum and substance of the living of the life of human beings on the material worlds of time and space.” (UB 129:4.3)
Humans are reproached: “but your unstable and often changing mental attitudes frequently have the effect of thwarting the plans of the Adjusters and interrupting their work”
Who are we kidding? Men are reproached for their lack of ability to cooperate with the Adjuster, and then we are told that Jesus has devised methods.
Oh yes, we are very interested to know which ones, well NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, that’s typical of Urantia.
We know it, but we won’t tell you, figure it out for yourself.
So for an answer, I invite you to continue some research that I did:
“Mind is your ship, the Adjuster is your pilot, the human will is captain. The master of the mortal vessel should have the wisdom to trust the divine pilot to guide the ascending soul into the morontia harbors of eternal survival. Only by selfishness, slothfulness, and sinfulness can the will of man reject the guidance of such a loving pilot and eventually wreck the mortal career upon the evil shoals of rejected mercy and upon the rocks of embraced sin. With your consent, this faithful pilot will safely carry you across the barriers of time and the handicaps of space to the very source of the divine mind and on beyond, even to the Paradise Father of Adjusters.” (UB 111:1.9)
For my part I have identified two other Books as being the work of the Adjuster or the Father.
The first that I read seven times:
The second, for this one I got to know him after having known the L.U.
THE LITTLE VOICE by Eileen CADDY, Daily Meditation, on the January 29 page it says:
“…You were not asked to enter uncharted waters without a pilot, I am a good pilot”
On the June 23 page “…Let me lead you through these troubled waters? I will pilot you through every difficulty to calm and quiet waters…”
Jesus UB 155:5.11, takes the same example:
“Men of faith traveling the high seas, on the oceans of unexplored truth in search of the distant shores of spiritual truths.”
My search does not end. Still in another book:
WISDOM, by Georges Bex, chapter 10: “Spiritual training.”
The author takes as an example:
"We often compare the body and mind to a ship and its crew. To navigate the oceans, you need a ship, a crew and a captain. …To take the right course, the sensations become painful; the ship must face storms, thunderstorms…the captain knows his goal. He imposes his will.
You see, when you get down to it the answer can be surprising, you realize that Urantia does not have a monopoly on wisdom.
For the LITTLE VOICE, by Eileen CADDY, Daily meditations, FINDHORN Collection, Le Souffle d’Or. B.P. 3 -LE PAROIR, 05300 BARRET LE BAS.
The other Book is: “WISDOM” by Georges Bex, ANAGARIKA SILANANDA, with the collaboration of Marcelle Suriyong, Guide for the good use of religions, Preface by Carl-A. KELLER
THE PUBLISHER CITY. Distribution l’Age d’Homme-
Raymond Barilari