© 2016 Maurice Migneault, Normand Laperle, Gaétan G. Charland, Gilles Brien, Paul-Yvan Deléglise, Jean-Claude Lafrenière
© 2016 Urantia Association of Quebec
Maurice Migneault
On October 16, our last Thematic of the year was held in Drummondville, with the theme “Service”. Despite a smaller turnout than usual, this meeting was one of the most interesting and lively. Conrad Lavallée, a reader from Outaouais, gave a very appreciated presentation on the different levels of service.
In the afternoon, numerous vibrant testimonies completed this enriching meeting.
A big thank you to all the participants as well as to those who would have liked to participate, but who were surely themselves at that moment, in the service.
Normand Laperle
I would like to point out that you are currently reading the edition of Réflectivité.
The first Réflectivité — “Volume 1, No. 1”— was published in November 1982. The first article was called “L’heure est venu.” It was signed by Guy Hévey. It was published three times a year: fall, winter, and spring.
“Back then…”, as they say, computers were just beginning. There was no public internet. There were no hard disks yet. You had to change “floppy disks” every moment to continue working.
You might think that these people felt cramped, that they were brave to live with so little. But in reality, they considered themselves at the cutting edge of technology. No more typists. We could become our own publishing house. Hence the Réflectivité. They saw themselves as lucky and privileged to live these “thrilling” moments.
In 1982, Emma Christensen died. She was 92 years old. She was the last person to have been part of the “contact group”—the six witnesses in direct contact with the sleeper—at the time of the arrival of “The Urantia Book.”
The “Urantia Association” did not yet exist at that time. There was only the Urantia Foundation and the Brotherhood (later changed to the Fellowship).
The very first translation of the original “Urantia Book” was made in French. It came out in 1963 under the name “Cosmogonie d’Urantia”. It was made in three volumes. This was a “format” not authorized by the Foundation, and it was in 1982 that the first French version, in a single volume (authorized version), came out.
Readers of “The Urantia Book” had the strong impression that they were at the very beginning of a new era.
Much has happened since then. As we reflect on the path we have taken, we wonder what the future holds. The future has yet to be built. What it will contain depends on us.
There is a difference between desire and will. As long as it remains a desire, nothing is real, nothing is actualized. Desire is a will that is not yet accomplished, not yet put into action. As soon as “desire is put into action”, it becomes a “will”, something actualized, something accomplished, real, which exists, which “is”.
What do we want to “be”? What do we want to “become”? The answer to these questions depends on our choices, on what we decide to put into action. Everything starts with our will, our desire.
There is a community of readers of the “Urantia Book” that is “typically Quebecois”; and the Réflectivité bulletin is its witness, its reflection, its reflection, its reflectivity.
The articles that furnish the Réflectivité are ours. They bear witness to what we are and become over time.
Since the beginning of this community, some changes have taken place in the consciousness of readers. These changes are still evolving as we speak.
In reading old newsletters, one can detect some of these changes. One sees the person (usually) changing from “reader” to “student,” to the person who “accepts” new concepts, to the person who “begins” an inner transformation, to the person who “lives” the teachings of “The Urantia Book.” The word has undergone a transformation to come to fulfillment. The desire has been put into action. The desire has become an “I want.” A new reality appears, emerges. I am—that which “I want” to be. Everything starts from the “I” who “wants.” The “I” is actualized by the “want.”
To go to the end of this sequence, it must be added that it results in a “mental self” and a “spiritual self” (the soul). We understand that everything starts from “what I want to be - and become - as a person, conscious of herself.”
I have spoken quite broadly. I have made big detours and all sorts of contortions in my remarks. It was “a pleasure” to exchange and share with you.
I would like to conclude by saying, do not hesitate to write articles in Réflectivité, no matter what its content. Make a small gesture towards us. We want to know you. Make yourself seen. — You are part of the community.
Gaétan G. Charland
Cathy Jones, a true example of commitment and service, has left us. She was a co-founder of the International Urantia Association and its first director. Cathy passed away on Saturday, September 17 at the age of 91, following complications caused by a fall that broke her hip while she was traveling to China to live with her grandson. She was returned home to Arizona where she passed away in the care of her angel.
A memorial service will be held on Monday, October 10, at the Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Arizona. There will be a celebration of his life ceremony where testimonies from friends and colleagues will be read.
For those of you who knew her and who wish to participate in the eulogy of her life which will be read during this ceremony, send me your testimony to gaetan.g.charland@gmail.com
[Editor’s note: An error occurred in the publication of this article. It should have appeared in the October issue of Réflectivité.
If you want to know more about Cathy Jones, a “Special Edition” of Tidings (currently in English, soon in French) was released on October 18, 2016, in tribute to her personal contribution to the cause of “The Urantia Book.”]
“The Greek religion had a password: ‘Know thyself’.
The Hebrews centered their teaching on ‘Know your God’.
Christians preach a gospel aimed at ‘knowing the Lord Jesus Christ’.
Jesus proclaimed the good news ‘Know God and know yourself as the Son of God’ UB 5:4.8
1st / 2
Gilles Brien
I had thought of another title. “My Way of the Cross with the Urantia Book” would have done the trick too. But I like the image of crossing a desert to illustrate my journey with the UB. A desert can be a place full of life. In any case, it is a place full of challenges. At the beginning, we are young, we are full of energy, we charge forward, even if the desert in front of us does not scare us. We believe that the simple fact of bringing the Book to someone will be enough to convince them. We are certain that the Truth will speak for itself. But the Truth is like a mirage. The Truth also has the unfortunate habit of displeasing people when it presents itself naked. We prefer to cover it up. But I digress. What I mean is that the important and unconscious mission that many carry out on a daily basis to introduce their brothers and sisters to UB is a task as colossal and hopeless as crossing a desert. It is said that Moses and his people went around in circles for 40 years in the desert before finding their way. For my part, this year marks my 40th anniversary as a reader and I have not yet found the way out. Not that I am going around in circles. But the direction I have taken for a long time leaves me no choice. There is no turning back. As the author Paulo Coelho says: “He who sets out into the desert cannot retrace his steps. And when there is no turning back, one should only worry about the best way to move forward.”
I have passed through every possible stop on the Urantia reader’s road. At the first stop, after a first reading, you say to yourself “Wow!” Then you put the book away and move on. I remember the early years. I gave the book to priests, colleagues, university professors! I tried to convince everyone. I even gave the book to my mother-in-law at my wedding! I shared the same feelings of naive excitement and certainty that the members of the forum had in 1955 when the book was published. Copies of the 5th Revelation had been shipped to famous institutions like the Vatican and the Library of Congress. It was believed that the Book would be enough to establish its own truth in the heart of the one who would read it and that POOF! the light would shine! Then over the years, the mirages disappear. Many avid readers will forget the book and move on to other spiritual streams. After 5, 10 or 15 years, driven by the trials of life, we start praying again, searching. For many people, this is sometimes the moment of a spiritual awakening. It is also often the moment when, curiously, the book reappears. This is the second stop. We move. We start to get involved. We change.
[…continued and end, to come in the next Réflectivité…]
“The Spirit never drives, only leads.” (UB 34:6.11)
Becoming a member in good standing of the Urantia Association of Quebec (AUQ) is completely voluntary.
There are three benefits to being a member in good standing of the AUQ:
Members and non-members are entitled to the same activities organized by the different committees, same rates (if any), and same privileges.
This has been the case since the creation of the AUQ in July 1997.
We thus satisfy those who are not comfortable paying their dues, and those who, through their contribution by becoming a member in good standing, wish to contribute to the mission of “The Urantia Book” and that of the AUQ.
However, the main reason for becoming a member in good standing of the Association is to have the opportunity to serve.
To love is to serve
Urantia Association of Quebec
Paul-Yvan Deléglise
The Old Lorette
Well before the recent publication of Réflectivité (#299 of October), you had indicated the possibility of accessing a small volume on the Internet: “Friendship with God”. Roberte and I read in one go the reflections contained therein on prayer and adoration.
This reading has greatly helped us to put into practice what the vast Urantia is trying to teach us on these subjects.
A magnificent text by Peter Holly published in: The JOURNAL, Vol 20, no 1, issue 2013, p.1-12, had already caught our attention, but our practice of prayer and worship has been greatly nourished by the simple and touching texts contained in “Friendship with God”
Thank you to the AUQ for your approach, thank you for having succeeded in making this magnificent invitation to contact with God through prayer and worship available to everyone!
“Those who know God have experienced the fact of his presence; such God-knowing mortals hold in their personal experience the only positive proof of the existence of the living God which one human being can offer to another.” (UB 1:2.8)
Jean-Claude Lafreniere
Saint-Andre-Avellin, QC
[During the theme in Drummondville on May 14, 2016, Jean-Claude sang us his personal compositions inspired by “The Urantia Book”. His previous compositions appeared in the following Reflectivités: #296, June; #297, July; #298, Sept. and #299, Oct. 2016]
One night I find myself humming a tune, and words from The Urantia Book slip in pleasantly.
I stand up to write down the flow of words that naturally fit into the tune I have in my head.
The texts based on well-known tunes, or almost, would allow everyone to sing them, to make them their own.
So here is my next composition:
What could be more appropriate, to tell the marvelous story of the transmission of the texts of the 5th Revelation of the time, than to take as melodic support the beautiful and flamboyant “American National Anthem”.
To the tune of: “American National Anthem”
Title: The Transmission
Chicago, USA. / Early twentieth century,
A group, on Sunday / gathered to discuss.
One fine day they bring / texts to study,
To improve / their good understanding.
They experience the full value / of these rich fascicles,
And with great ardor / pursue their mission.
Later they were allowed / to produce a 1st edition,
And then the order to form / battalions of readers.
Holiday Brunch
On Sunday, December 11, 2016, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. readers and their spouses are invited to come socialize and have a meal together during this period of rejoicing at the Best Western Hotel at 420 boul. Monseigneur Dubois in St-Jérôme.
Places are limited and we ask that you reserve before December 4th at association.urantia.quebec@gmail.com or by calling 450-565-3323
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Saturday, February 4, 2017
* Details to come in the January 2017 Réflectivité.
This activity allows several readers of different levels of understanding to share and study together the teachings of The Urantia Book. It promotes spiritual progress by allowing its participants to find practical applications of the teachings of The Urantia Book in their daily lives. This important practice helps to maintain a broad perspective on concepts of truth.
You wish to participate or form a study group; we will be happy to assist you. If you wish to have your study group appear in this list, contact the person in charge, via email association.urantia.quebec@gmail.com or at 450-565-3323.
Outaouais Group
Gatineau Region
Tuesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Maurice Migneault:
(613) 789-6833
Group : “Étoile du Soir”
Laurentides Region
Wednesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Carmen Charland: (450) 553-3601
Group : “Le Pont”
Montreal South Shore Region
Thursdays from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Guy Vachon: (450) 465-7049
Sherbrooke Group
Sherbrooke region
Every 2 weeks: Tuesdays or Wednesdays (to be confirmed) from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Hélène Boisvenue and Denis Gravelle Tel.: (819) 569-6416
Group: “The Ascendants”
Quebec South Shore Region
Every 2 weeks: Sundays from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Guy Le Blanc: (418) 886-2366
Group : “Laurantia”
Petite Nation region in Outaouais
Sundays from 9:00 a.m.
Denise Charron & Jean-Claude Lafrenière Tel: (819) 983-2113
Group: “Fraternité-Urantia”
Lanaudière region
Wednesdays from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Richard Landry & Gisèle Boisjoly Tel: (450) 589-6922
Group: “The United Family of Urantia”
Montreal Region
Tuesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Ms. Diane Labrecque: (514) 277-2308
Group : “Les Débonnaires”
Terrebonne Region
Every 2 weeks: Thursdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Julien Audet: (514) 315-9871
Group: “Découverte”
Laurentides Region
Mondays from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Gaétan Charland and Line St-Pierre
Tel.: (450) 565-3323
Group : “Vers les Sommets”
Ormstown & Valleyfield Regions
Fridays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Louise Sauvé: (450) 829-3631
Group: “Readers of Mauricie”
Trois-Rivières Region
Mondays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Roger Périgny: (819) 379-5768
Group: “At Maisonia”
Quebec Region
Every 2 weeks: Sundays from 1:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Gilles Bertrand & Louise Renaud:
(418) 871-4564
Responsible: Normand Laperle
Assisted by: Gilles Bertrand.
(418) 835-1809 (Normand Laperle)
(418) 871-4564 (Gilles Bertrand)
Publication (monthly)
In the first week of the month.
To send us your articles and/or contact us:
Add: Your name and city of residence.
Warning :
All submissions of articles or otherwise become the property of the journal and none will be returned.
We do not guarantee that all articles in our possession will be published in the next Réflectivité.
For the sake of fairness, we operate on a first-come, first-published basis. There is one exception to this rule: if I receive an article that discusses recent, past, or future events, it will be given priority over all others.
We reserve the right to edit articles for the benefit of the readership. However, in certain specific cases, these changes will be submitted to the author concerned for final approval before publication.
Any interpretation, opinion, conclusion or artistic representation, stated or implied, are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion and views of the UAI or national and local level associations.