© 2023 Line St-Pierre,
© 2023 Urantia Association of Quebec
Line St-Pierre
It seems to me that the leaves of the 2020 calendar quickly flew away to find us in December! A whole year marked forever in our memories!
A year filled with mourning. The mourning of a loved one who has left for the World of Houses, the mourning of not meeting family, children and grandchildren, the mourning of not meeting up with friends, the mourning of not collaborating in person during study or thematic groups, the mourning of not being able to move around as we please, the mourning of being given access to where we want to go for our leisure or to play sports and surely many other things that come to your awareness. Many restrictions and prohibitions where the fabric of our social life is disrupted.
Despite all that happens, let us remember every day that this season of our life is temporary and will pass as everything passes, since nothing in the universe is static, and everything is change and progress.
Let us pray to our Heavenly Father that our faith may be strengthened, that it may free us from these material constraints that we face, in order to inspire, support and help those around us and those who approach us.
In UB 100:6.6 we read:
“One of the most amazing earmarks of religious living is that dynamic and sublime peace, that peace which passes all human understanding, that cosmic poise which betokens the absence of all doubt and turmoil. Such levels of spiritual stability are immune to disappointment. Such religionists are like the Apostle Paul, who said: “I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else shall be able to separate us from the love of God.”” (UB 100:6.6)
I remind you that there is always the exploration of the new AUQ WEBSITE at https://www.urantia-quebec.ca where you will find magnificent readers’ works, photo albums of our past activities and videos of students of the Book under the PUBLICATIONS tab and many other things to discover! Also think to be with us on Sunday December 6th from 1:00 p.m. by clicking on the following link
to participate in Hélène Boisvenue’s conference, “A divine partnership: the Spirit of Truth”.
I wish you a beautiful holiday season filled with surprises that Heaven will bring down upon you, peace of heart and mind with the hope that the year 2021 brings us the health necessary to accomplish the will of the Father and serve the fraternity in joy.
Normand Laperle
The exact title of the workshop conference given by Hélène Boisvenue — on Sunday, October 25, 2020 — was “A divine partnership: the Holy Spirit”. Due to the confinement required by COVID-19, this meeting took place via Zoom. There were more than 30 participants.
First of all, congratulations to Hélène Boisvenue for her presentation. It was both informative and enlightening while being simple and easy to understand as only she knows how to do. She goes straight to the point.
It explains, among other things, the difference between the infinite Spirit and the Holy Spirit. We learn that in prehistoric times the Holy Spirit was the first spiritual influence available—before the Adjuster and the Spirit of Truth.
If you are interested in the subject, you would benefit from listening to the recording of this conference available on the AUQ website at the following address: https://www.urantiaquebec.ca/publications/albums-video/conferences-virtuelles
You can also read booklet 72 “Government on a Neighboring Planet”. You will discover how a civilization evolved without the Spirit of Truth. So only with the Holy Spirit and then an Adjuster for some.
“Human morality may recognize values, but only religion can conserve, exalt, and spiritualize such values.” (UB 102:5.3)
Alain Tremblay,
Dear friends, hello,
It is with great pleasure that I address you as a new participant in a study group of the Urantia Book, more precisely that of the Laurentians. I have been reading this magnificent Book with a growing interest for about twenty years. Being of a very curious nature and as far back as I can remember, I have always been challenged internally by the search for a transcendent meaning to my existence and a deeper understanding of reality. I was animated by the presentiment and the search for a truth beyond material appearances. A little voice (my Adjuster ???) in me constantly pushed me to take my reflection further.
Over the years, I have become interested in different areas such as astronomy, near-death experiences (Dr. Eben Alexander, Raymond Moody), different cosmogonies, the great religions, Christian mysticism (Rosicrucianism), experiences of expansion of consciousness, etc. With these readings, personal experiences and through the meeting of different inspiring people, I returned to faith, to prayer and above all guided to a deepening of the love and adorable personality of Jesus.
Of course, the Urantia Book papers have something to do with it. The life and teachings of Jesus as they are presented seemed to me to be refreshed, luminous, enriched with details and extraordinary facts that were unknown to me. The description of his human personality already made him an adorable being with whom more than any other, I wanted to develop a friendly and service relationship, however humble he may be. For me, Jesus was and always will be the pinnacle of human accomplishment, the person to follow. To realize in addition that he was the sovereign and creator of an immense universe, that of Nebadon and how heroic was the path he had to take to accomplish his mission of love to the end on earth, is in my opinion astounding.
Moreover, the revelations contained in the early parts of the book concerning the nature of God, the structure of the organization of the universe of universes, the myriads of celestial beings and hierarchies working fraternally for the evolution of the cosmos and the beings who inhabit it, the Father’s plan of love, are of astonishing grandeur and beauty!
The scope of these teachings is beyond me, but it challenges me deeply. The opportunity to join a study group is a great privilege and will be a valuable opportunity to continue my journey of reflection and spiritual growth.
The seriousness, the great relevance of the exchanges as well as the endearing personality of all the members of my group, only confirm the validity of having made contact with the organizing members of the Urantia Association of Quebec. It is very fraternally and with much gratitude that I greet them, thank them for their extraordinary work and their welcome.
I look forward to perhaps one day, after this unprecedented period, having the opportunity to meet you and talk in person.
Kind regards,
“The family is the channel through which the river of culture and knowledge flows from one generation to another.” (UB 84:0.2)
Margarita Niño
When we experience difficult situations in our family, we forget our differences. And our small or big quarrels we confront to move forward with the family which is our refuge and our strength.
As members of the human family, we are going through a time of crisis and difficulty and only together can we save what is most precious to us as a family: our planet which is our common home, our love for those around us, those who are our closest brothers and sisters, our concern and possible help for those who are far away and perhaps suffering alone, perhaps oppressed, perhaps in seas of sadness or anguish or hunger.
Let us think of everyone and live as fraternally as possible with those who are close to us. Let us share what is in our power. Let us try to elevate our spirits, to renew our hope, to keep the faith that it is possible to save all the brothers and sisters of our great human family, if each of us does what we can to help those who are close to us.
We see on television important personalities from the world of art, science and even industry who share their skills, knowledge and wealth and give us beautiful concerts, wise advice, good recipes and domestic practices to improve our environment… they are proof that the human family really exists and that as a family, and only as a family, we can succeed, not only in the current problem, but in those that will undoubtedly appear in the not too distant future.
Let us be happy to be living and active members of our great human family and practice brotherhood with those around us.
For my part, I want to share my own story. It is not much, but my desire is really to fraternize, to share the facts and thoughts, the mistakes and joys that I have experienced in almost eighty years on this planet.
Gaetan Charland
Technical Manager (AUQ)
At the beginning of November, the new website of the Urantia Association of Quebec went online. Many of you have already accessed it to update your contact information and subscription preferences for the various publications that the association sends out periodically.
This new website offers many benefits and features: I would like to list a few of them for you.
Navigation has been simplified to allow a pleasant experience from one section to another and an easy and quick return to the home page or any page.
The graphic and contextual aspect has been redesigned to better express the purpose of the association as well as the promotion of the Urantia Book and its teachings.
In the “The Book” tab you will find three sections.
The Urantia Book_ section gives you the opportunity to read the book, search it, or simply download it in electronic format (EPUB) in a French, English or Spanish version.
In this same section, you can read many testimonials from readers about their appreciation of the Urantia Book.
In the Book Purchases section, you will find the opportunity to purchase not only the Urantia Book, but also many other books on The Urantia Book published and sold on Amazon. When you purchase books through the association’s website, Amazon makes a small contribution to the association for each book sold.
In the Download and Listen to the Book section, you can download not only The Urantia Book in MP3 format to listen to on your smartphone, tablet or computer, but also the book, A Study of the Master Universe and The Appendices.
All downloads have been made easy by providing them to you in original MP3 format without having to decompress them using a third-party program.
The “Study Groups” tab has been enhanced with several study aid documents such as UBIS courses and videos to facilitate the study of The Urantia Book. You will also find a redesigned page for the list of study groups.
The “Contributions” tab has been completely redesigned to provide a completely secure and transparent place to make donations. When you make a donation, a receipt will be sent to you immediately to confirm your donation. You can, at your convenience, view or reprint this receipt by consulting your file in the member area.
Under the “Publications” tab, you will find several sections, including three new ones, Subscriptions to our publications, History of publications and Association blog. I invite you to consult them, you will certainly find something of interest there such as the subscription to a new publication entitled Meditation of the day. Of course, all our publications are archived in order to allow a return to either an article of particular interest or the publication of any event.
We have also added several videos, recordings of presentations at local or international conferences in person or via Zoom. The majority are in French and a few in English.
In the section entitled “Readers’ Texts”, several additions have been made, including several graphic elements to allow a better understanding of certain subjects or concepts that are difficult to visualize.
Finally, the association, through this new website, has equipped itself with a database containing the information and preferences of its members and associated readers, easily accessible to them, so that they can themselves update their preferences and contact details.
The members of the board of the Urantia Association of Quebec, with the cooperation of those responsible for the design of the website, worked for several months to offer readers and students of the Urantia Book of Quebec a website adapted to their needs and inviting to French-speaking truth seekers from all over Canada and the world.
Being a dynamic website and self-managed by the members of the council, the website will continue to evolve in content in the months and years to come.
“Omnipotence does not imply the power to do the nondoable, the ungodlike act. Neither does omniscience imply the knowing of the unknowable.” (UB 3:3.5)
Samuel Heine
Reunion Island
In the Bible there is a passage that says, “_Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)
It is true for those who have engaged in the things of the spirit that we come from God and return to God with unsuspecting confidence. Nevertheless, today, through a book like The Urantia Book, we are no longer in blind and vague faith, for we have been given understanding through our ability to think and read. Modern man can now have access to the plan and organization of God’s creation as it concerns us.
I remember when I was sixteen or seventeen years old and I would say to God while I was tending the sheep: “God, you are exaggerating! You have given us the ability to think and reason, but you leave us in ignorance of the origin, purpose and destiny of human life!!!”
Now, through The Urantia Book, man can have faith and still fit into a coherent plan of God’s creation. I think that in our time, God owed us that, he owed us explanations and it is only right that we have received them.
In addition to our faith, we can finally enjoy better understanding God’s designs for us, we can better integrate ourselves into the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of all men, we can better integrate ourselves in consciousness into cosmic citizenship and this is truly a blessing.
For me, having read a great number of books, I must admit that The Urantia Book is unique in its kind. I truly believe, without falling into excessive intellectualism, that fraternal and convivial groups for the study of The Urantia Book must be a joy and a pleasure shared in simplicity, this will become more and more in all the cities of the world.
Have a great Sunday everyone!
“Beliefs may become group possessions, but faith must be personal.” (UB 101:8.2)
You are invited on Saturday, December 5 at 9:00 a.m. for a Webinar entitled “Living Faith — A Progressive Spiritual Experience” — Part 2, presented by Agnès Lazar and Guy Perron.
A seven-level liberation and transformation program.
By assimilating the faith of Jesus, each of us can have, in time, a foretaste of the realities of eternity. This faith gradually frees us from material shackles, from intellectual slavery, from spiritual blindness, from the incompleteness of the self, from the self escaping the limitations of self-consciousness, of time and of the finite.
God has given us everything and God wants to transform us through living faith—come explore with us how we can wholeheartedly engage in this program of liberation and transformation.
Participate in the Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 88300337645
Normand Laperle
Editor of Réflectivité
As many know, I have been a “caregiver” for my partner for several years. As her situation continues to deteriorate, I am forced to abandon my responsibility as editor of Réflectivité.
Notice to interested parties.
Each Réflectivité is first set up in Word software. This requires a minimum knowledge of this software. To set up a new Réflectivité, we take an old Réflectivité and modify it. I will be there to coach as long as necessary.
For more information, you can call me at 418-835-1809.
I take this opportunity to add that on February 13, 2021 there will be the Annual General Meeting (AGM) via ZOOM.
On this occasion, the positions of treasurer (currently held by Marc Belleau) and President (currently held by Line St-Pierre) have expired. They must be replaced.
Think about it. We are looking for someone who is interested in the challenge — there will always be someone to help you.
Who am I?
I am a philosopher, poet and humorist.
Hint: I am Bartholomew’s son.Answer:
Nathaniel (See: UB 101:8.2)
“A Divine Partnership: The Spirit of Truth”
Presented by
Ms. Hélène Boisvenue, Sunday, December 6 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
This activity will be part of a series of virtual meetings aimed at bringing people closer together, sharing and encouraging each other in this unprecedented period of our lives.
The Urantia Association of Quebec invites you to a scheduled Zoom meeting
To participate click
Meeting ID: 86736387191
This activity allows several readers of different levels of understanding to exchange and study together the teachings of The Urantia Book. It promotes spiritual progress by allowing its participants to find practical applications to the teachings of The Urantia Book in their daily lives. This important step helps to maintain a broad perspective on concepts of truth.
You wish to participate or form a study group; we will be happy to assist you. If you wish to have your study group appear in this list, contact the person in charge, via email association.urantia.quebec@gmail.com or at 450-565-3323.
Outaouais Group
Region: Gatineau
Wednesday, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Maurice Migneault (613) 789-6833
Group: “Uni-Terre”
Region: Joliette
Sundays from 9:00 am to 11:00 am, (virtual Zoom)
Contact :
Eric Martel (450) 756-9387
Group: “At Maisonnia”
Region: Quebec
Every 2 weeks: Sundays, from 1:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Gilles Bertrand & Louise Renaud (418) 871-4564
Group: “The United Family of Urantia”
Region: Montreal — Downtown
Thursdays, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Mrs. Diane Labrecque (514) 277-2308
Group : “Le Pont”
Region: Montérégie
(Sainte-Julie, south of Montreal)
Tuesdays, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Claude Flibotte (438) 404-6399
Group: “The Chapel”
Region: Quebec
Every 2 weeks: Sundays, from 1:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Normand Laperle (418) 835-1809
Group: “Découverte”
Region: Laurentians — St-Jérôme
Mondays, from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Gaétan Charland and Line St-Pierre Tel.: (450) 565-3323
Possibility to participate via Internet (Zoom)
Sherbrooke Group
Region: Sherbrooke
Every 2 weeks: Tuesday or Wednesday, (to be confirmed) from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Helene Boisvenue and Denis Gravelle
Tel.: (819) 569-6416
Virtual Study Group, French
Every Wednesday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern Time (Montreal)
Via Zoom: https://www.zoom.us/j/9084766734
Responsible :
Guy Perron (438) 495-7747
Group: “Saguenay”
Region: Saguenay
Contact :
Jean-Guillaume Tremblay
(418) 693-2049
To see the official list of study groups:
Click directly on the following link: http://urantia-quebec.ca/activites_liste_des_groupes.php
Responsible: Normand Laperle
Assisted by: Gilles Bertrand.
(418) 835-1809 (Normand Laperle)
(418) 871-4564 (Gilles Bertrand)
Publication (monthly)
In the second week of the previous month.
To submit your articles:
Send them to: reflectivite.auq@gmail.com
Add: Your name and city of residence
All submissions of articles or otherwise become the property of the journal and none will be returned.
We do not guarantee that all articles in our possession will be published in the next Réflectivité.