© 2023 Robert Cadieux
© 2023 Urantia Association of Quebec
Robert Cadieux
The annual AUQ picnic to celebrate the birthday of Jesus 2029 years ago, August 21, took place on a superb, warm, sunny day, as usual at Mount Royal Park in Montreal, Sunday August 20. The location is ideal, under the tall trees and very close to Beaver Lake.
How I would like 30 - 40 - 50 of us to gather there to see each other in person, to fraternize by discussing the spirit that inhabits us and the revelation that brings us together and makes our hearts vibrate. We have this feeling of being a core of human brothers and sisters who are living the start of the next great religious adventure of humanity, precursor of what will be the religious future of our world on the way to the dawn of the great adventure of the eras of light and life. To get there, humanity must tend towards the triune unity, that is to say: a world government, a common language and a personal religion adopted by all, the religion that Jesus came to teach us, the religion of personal spiritual experience [UB 155:6.8]. Jesus came to reveal the Father to us and lead us to the Father [UB 165:3.8].
It is up to us who have received this ultimate revelation of our time to rekindle the flame of the true universal religion, the one which has the power to rebirth humanity through the inner presence of our Thought Adjuster, with whom we can be born of the spirit [UB 142:6.5].
This small group, this year at the picnic for Jesus, was 16 people (see photo) who came from all four corners of Montreal, the South Shore, the Laurentians and even Abitibi. However, there was food and cake for a larger number, each person bringing a little.
I invite you, starting next year, to come and make this event a larger meeting of people born of the spirit and aware of sharing the enthusiasm of spiritual stimulation in a group and turned towards the religiously unified future of our planet.
Every year, our friends Bertin Perron and Julien Audet arrive early, prepare our meeting place and the atmosphere with the signs with concentric circles (symbol of the Trinity of Paradise [UB 93:2.5]) to guide arrivals from the parking lot to our usual meeting place.
See you next year. We’re invited, so let’s come.