© 2016 Robert Gallo
© 2016 Association Francophone des Lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia
In The Urantia Book we can read: “It is the presence of the seven adjutant mind-spirits on the primitive worlds which conditions the course of organic evolution; this explains why evolution is premeditated and not accidental” ( UB 36:5.1 ).
Everything is said, the living is connected to a sort of “cloud” which guides and conditions it. From trilobites to mammals, the program was written…
Today, as yesterday, humanity is connected to the adjutant circuits which interact with the mind.
The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav JUNG was the first to scientifically glimpse the existence of circuits by developing, in particular, the concepts of “collective unconscious” or “archetypes” (dogmas or common principles whose origin is unknown) and “synchronicity” (ideas, thoughts occurring almost simultaneously in different environments).
It is true that throughout history it has been noted that certain discoveries and inventions were developed on different continents over limited periods of time. Everything suggests that certain ideas float in space and that those with the ability to grasp them contribute to improving the overall level of knowledge of the species.
On this subject, the most precise scientific experiment is reported by Bernard Werber in his book The Encyclopedia of Relative and Absolute Knowledge (Albin Michel — 1993 — ISBN: 2-226-06583-0) where he relates the following experiment:
In 1901 and simultaneously in several countries on different continents, mice were given a series of intelligence tests (the same ones)… And amazingly, all of them (regardless of the country) obtained an average score of 6.
In 1965, in the same countries and with exactly the same tests, the mice obtained an average score of 8. On all continents, all the mice of 1965 had obtained a better score than their ancestors of 1901, and without it being possible to imagine that any knowledge could have been transmitted by a global university cycle organized by the mice…
Bernard WERBER concludes in these terms “Everything happens as if there existed a planetary mouse intelligence which had improved over the years”.
But we are not surprised because we know that the adjutant spirits-mentals are at the service of the living world in its entirety.
However, this experience reveals a prodigious consequence: Thanks to the circuits of the adjutant minds, the species adapt and improve continuously…From generation to generation, our children will improve their talents and humanity will progress slowly but surely towards the Light.
Robert Gallo