© 2012 Rosette Poletti and Barbara Dobbs
© 2012 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
In order to achieve maximum success and obtain the desired change, there are a few rules to follow when creating affirmations.
The two best times to repeat affirmations to yourself are the moments after waking up and the moments before going to sleep. At these times, the affirmation directly accesses the subconscious. Affirmations are very useful because they neutralize the negative beliefs that are in our brain.
How to use an affirmation to increase our ability to integrate them quickly and easily into our lives.
The power of words is extraordinary. The mind and emotions have a significant impact on the nervous system and the immune system. So feelings such as depression, hopelessness, constant low self-esteem weaken the body while hope, joy, good self-esteem strengthen it. Shame has been identified as one of the aspects that contributes to emotional distress, low self-esteem and all sorts of behavioral problems. Affirmations are a simple and effective technique for overcoming the internal dialogue that creates shame. Every time we hear something that contributes to humiliating ourselves in our internal dialogue, say, “No, that’s not true.” These words cancel out the negative internal dialogue. We then formulate a positive affirmation that replaces the shameful thought with a loving thought.
Affirmations are like sentences that say yes to a person’s inner being. They are therefore very effective ways to build self-esteem. Acceptance of one’s inner being can be developed by saying: “I am me and I am good.” Other affirmations such as: “I love myself”, “I am lovable and capable”, “I am my best friend” or “I am a good companion to myself”, “I am special”, “I am unique”, “I like being me”, “I love myself as I am”, can be used to increase self-esteem in children as well as adults.
When the goal sought by the affirmation is felt or achieved, then we know that the affirmation is effective. If the result we seek is in the external world, it becomes visible when it is achieved. If what we seek is an inner change, we will know that we have achieved it by a feeling of inner well-being. It is at this moment that we will decide to move towards a new goal.
When a person has low self-esteem, they tend to compare themselves to others, to devalue themselves, to criticize themselves and others, to speak badly of those around them, to spread unverified negative information aimed at diminishing others in order to feel a little better than them.
Wanting to increase self-esteem involves making the decision to:
Practicing gratitude is a powerful antidote. It is about deciding to look at all the positive things that life brings, to become aware of all that we have received from those around us and to formulate this gratitude, to show our appreciation to all those with whom we come into contact, to all those with whom we share our life.
Becoming aware of all that we have and being grateful for it leads us to see that we can give without fear of lacking. On the contrary, giving is creating space to better receive. Practicing generosity is one of the ways to increase self-esteem; we can give: love, time, attention, help, objects, money, positive affirmations. It is always possible to give by starting today, now.
Being on the road, having decided on a goal to achieve, doing everything possible to achieve this goal is an important way of increasing self-esteem; this is made up of two elements: the inner conviction of having value as a person and the feeling of being competent.
Choosing a goal, putting everything in place to achieve it and succeeding in achieving it increases your self-esteem. It is not the importance of the goal that counts but rather the achievement of the project. Whether it is a personal or professional goal, the important thing is to be able to achieve it. It is important to set specific, achievable goals in order to put all the chances on your side. When a goal is achieved, we can move on to the next one. The more success there is, the more self-esteem increases.
Human beings are made to be “on the move”, to grow, to surpass themselves, this is how they increase and maintain their self-esteem.
The images and thoughts that inhabit our brain are generators of events in our life. What we construct in our mind constitutes the basis of a kind of prediction that will come true. Visualization, like affirmations, acts on the unconscious part of our brain and produces effects at the conscious level. One of the most important aspects of the unconscious is that it responds to suggestion. It can be influenced and directed and, thus, in turn it is capable of influencing the physical dimension of the organism. Creative visualization, also called “mental imagery”, consists of internal images consciously created by the person who “visualizes” from his imagination. These images are generally accompanied by sounds, smells, tastes or kinesthetic perceptions. It is therefore not at all essential to see the image mentally.
Visualizing is, in a way, playing a personal film inside the brain, a film of which we are the producer, the director and the main actor all at the same time. Visualizing allows:
We can use visualization to increase our quality of life and self-esteem, improve a difficult relationship situation, prepare for success, regain health.
Visualization does not require any particular experience or specialized equipment. At the beginning, it can be useful to choose a place where relaxation is possible without being disturbed. In a comfortable position, simply relax while counting slowly from 10 to 1, then move on to the “visualization” phase. Our happiness and unhappiness are related to what we harbor in our minds, it is often the painful memories of childhood that prevent us from being happy and having good self-esteem. It is possible to heal this inner child in order to make self-esteem strong and this is what we offer you. It is not a miraculous cure but rather a gradual healing, layer by layer.
Self-esteem is the most fundamental viaticum that parents can give to their children through education. Good self-esteem allows one to love oneself, to understand oneself, to feel safe, to accept one’s strengths and weaknesses, to feel serene, positive and peaceful, to behave in an adequate manner and to be competent.
Too often, unfortunately, a child’s education does not allow him to build good self-esteem, which leads him to be an adult who feels insignificant, anxious, guilty, misunderstood, pessimistic and lonely. Fortunately, it is always possible to change this situation. It is about becoming aware of what is, taking responsibility for one’s life, changing one’s internal dialogue, modifying one’s erroneous thoughts. It is also about developing one’s capacity for compassion, honoring one’s convictions and changing one’s behavior by changing one’s thoughts, one’s language, by practicing gratitude, affirmations, visualization and by setting goals.
It all starts with awareness and the decision to change something, to move forward, then to choose at any moment to see what is being born, what is growing, what is happening and to use it to continue.
Finally, developing self-esteem means recognizing and developing the esteem of the Self, of one’s center, of one’s soul. It means being convinced that regardless of the circumstances of our birth, our childhood and our life, we are beings created in the image of God, unique and irreplaceable and that this allows us to develop within ourselves the certainty of having value and of being worthy of loving ourselves and being loved.
Rosette Poletti and Barbara Dobbs