© 2018 Simon Orsini
© 2018 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Life and matter are two different things in our universe. Life as we know it could not exist without the presence of this matter. But matter by itself cannot give life, because its only source is that of the Universal Father.
In all universes, life and matter have different levels, different materials.
It is enough to organize the particles of the atom differently to have another matter, another universe.
Two galaxies can be in the same location, without either being able to detect the presence of the other. Fortunately, this is not within everyone’s reach!
Life, the self, the soul, self-consciousness, are outside of matter. It is the material ego that executes the orders of our will, of our self.
Even at our level, the self and thought have something absolute.
We can make a journey in thought (the self being always present) from our position to that of a star. Instantly, thought sometimes crosses the obstacles of time.
Life is independent of space-time, it obeys neither linear gravity nor universal gravitation.
The segmentation of energy is the secret of matter.
The segmentation of energy into constructive phases around the nuclear nucleus of the atom gives us proof of the complexity of movements in its electrical, chemical, and electromagnetic organization.
Matter is the archetype on which thought is fixed, and from there, the human being lives his life on his planet, in his universe.
When our minds have evolved, we will be able to think more easily in a Universal framework, but it is only with experience that we will rise above the linear vision of things. Some of us will then see time as the moving image of eternity, and others, because time flows, will be aware of events as they unfold in human consciousness, in order to be able to understand them and experience them.
Life exists outside of matter, at the level of the spirit, without space and without time, in another dimension.
All matter depends on energy in the organization of atoms.
The energy is present in a restricted space, in the form of infinitesimal balls. These balls are slowed down, stabilized and positioned at the electronic level.
From this moment, a real laboratory is set up. It is integrated into the organization of the next nebula which will merge into the galaxy.
The interelectronic space is animated by wave manifestations. 13,500,000 degrees represents the electronic boiling point of matter.
Two forces are present. The first is absolute and conditioned. It concerns organized matter. The other is also absolute but unconditioned (virgin), it represents the energetic force at rest.
The assembly of the first infinitesimal particles will take shape inside the nebula. The fundamental elements which constitute the atom will be formed, assembled, orchestrated inside the atom.
If the mass of an electron were increased to 3 grams, and if its dimensions were increased in the same proportion, the volume of this electron would become as large as the earth.
The physical properties of matter depend on its component elements, their number, their size, their mass.
The secret of nebulae is the constitution of the elements that will form electrons. These primordial elements obey the linear gravity of the macrocosm, but unlike the electron, they are indestructible. Energy leaves no imprint, except when it transforms into matter.
We are in the quantum world, that of nanoparticles.
The level of existence of our universe is created by the slowing down and stabilizing of energies.
Other levels exist, their inhabitants see exactly what we see, planets, suns, constellations, galaxies. The form can change, the substance remains immutable.
The particles forming the electron are uniform in their transit through space.
The width of the gaps between particles of matter, as well as the initial speed of the energies, cause many forms of matter energies to appear wave-like.
One hundred particles will participate in the creation of an electron. These particles will maintain themselves by mutual attraction. They will become an electron.
All particles have mass.
Before the atoms appear, dozens of conjugated and oriented reactions inside the nebula will be activated to become an immense cloud of hydrogen.
Energy transformed into matter reacts to gravitational pressure. It has an antigravity potential because it has two levels of dependence, one absolute and the other due to masses.
This hydrogen cloud is in short a real space laboratory. It is from there that the first atomic reactions will begin which will generate the suns. Linear gravity is a short-range cohesive force of the macrocosm.
Suns are maintained from the inside by the incessant bombardment of powerful X-rays.
These X-rays are produced by a huge energy generator located at one end of the sun. The X-rays charge the highly heated and agitated electrons with enough energy to send them into space.
A process combined with cold and gravity takes place for the release of energy by various complex nuclear reactions, the most common of which is released by various reaction chains, hydrogen, carbon, helium.
Once integrated into the sphere of the atom, these particles, protons, neutrons and electrons, are maintained in a differential force field.
The interior of the atom is not empty. It bathes in an ocean of energies. Certainly the same energies that we find in the macrocosm, and in particular dark energy. This energy prevents electrons from falling into the nucleus, and planets from being precipitated into suns.
Energy is deployed in force points in all spaces, in a proportion of around twenty points for 16 cubic decimeters of space.
The first atoms, which contain from one to twenty-seven orbital electrons, are easier to define than the others.
The functions of the atomic nucleus are more mysterious than they seem.
An element heavier than an electron with a strong electric charge causes the proton to travel towards the neutron in a simultaneous round trip.
At one point, the nuclear particle is a charged proton, and in the next fraction, it is an uncharged neutron. When the proton joins the neutron, it becomes negative. It is a continual back and forth between positive and negative.
Protons and neutrons are made up of quarks with spins. The combined effects of the spins (electric and electromagnetic charges) modify the orbits of the quarks.
The charge density of the neutron is not the same everywhere. We have never observed an isolated quark, for the moment.
Physicists are reconstructing, piece by piece, the anatomy of the neutron.
Two $1 et un quark $1 quarks make a proton. Two $1 et un quark $1 quarks make a neutron. This device is conditioned by a particle 180 times heavier than an electron, it anticipates the risks of explosion of the nucleus of the atom.
To understand how quarks work, imagine throwing a ball in a bowling alley. The ball follows a curved line. The same is true for the spin because of the magnetic force. The spin follows the curved line back and forth. It should not be forgotten that when the positive proton joins the neutron, it becomes negative. The stability of the central nucleus also depends on the number of electrically inactive neutrons.
All functions of the macrocosm come from the microcosm.
One hundred electrons are functioning in the atom. They will allow scientists to discover the first laws of the universe of the microcosm.
Sometimes some electrons break free from the atom and continue their journey through space. They join those coming from the sun and elsewhere, which can be observed in space, which warm the atmosphere of the planets.
The first ten electrons, the most visible by their mass, are in the largest atoms. They take their share of reactions with the nucleus. They evolve in its proximity.
The first level of the atom operates with thirty electrons. From the nucleus, its electrons are conditioned, conjugated and oriented, in speed, in dimension, in mass.
The speed of the electrons around the nucleus varies from 20,000 to 30,000 revolutions per second. The electrons trigger the birth of electricity.
At the second level, going outwards, thirty other electrons react to their conditioning by producing electrochemical reactions. These are the ones which will determine all the chemical materializations of the universe by alliances.
Chemical action is triggered by the activities of the fundamental elements in the order of their atomic weight. Chemistry is built from the number 7. Chemical behavior depends entirely on the activity of the electrons that revolve around the nucleus.
The first element and the eighth are of the same nature. Chemical evolution evolves in a sevenfold persistence, as in music, as in the rainbow, with variations due to the different octaves that we discover from one to 100 in the wave levels.
Finally, at the third level, the last thirty electrons closest to the external force field trigger electromagnetism in all its ranges.
The hundred octaves of wave energies of our universe originate in the infra-ultimate rays from the stage of emerging energies that we can detect, while the ultimate atomic rays are found at the level of the assembly of matter energy in atoms.
The matter composing electrons comes from the segmentation of energy. These are the first particles of the universe. There we find subelectronic matter (solar super gases), electronic matter which is the electrical stage of material differentiation, subatomic matter inside hot suns, the shattered atoms of cooling suns, ionized matter which has lost its electrons, atomic matter at the chemical stage of the organization of matter, radioactive matter which is the collapsed matter of dead suns, neutron stars, black holes.
The increase in mass in matter is equal to the increase in energy divided by the square of the speed of light.
It is therefore demonstrated that the more knowledge evolves, the closer we get to organized matter.
If most humans were thinkers, they would seek to understand why men and women can communicate with each other, why they have desired and independent personal relationships. Why do birds sing, why does the rose bloom in nature?
Why does a dose of sexual appetite cause physical and mental intercourse?
Why do relational communications, ordered and coordinated by the power of each person’s will, often operate transcendentally through the mind, so that feelings are born, within a Universal framework of thought?
It is true that primary thought is more linear than global. It leads to complex mental and physical relationships at first, family and fraternal relationships at second, with a constant progression from age to age.
Man loves all his descendants and all his ancestry. Animals only love and recognize their direct links. They are not aware of descendants. However, there may be exceptions due to exceptional conditions, as with human beings.
When animals are born, they are already educated and equipped, unlike humans.
The day an animal becomes aware of itself it will become a human being.
We can thus understand why we are the only ones to possess self-awareness. We are already not tender among ourselves, sometimes peaceful, sometimes dangerous, sometimes heroic. I see only one remedy, the Universal Father. The only infinite support. The God who never imposes arbitrary recognition, nor official worship, nor servile adoration on creatures endowed with intelligence. He makes the morning brighter and death less dark.
It is therefore necessary that his children of time and space recognize him, love him, and adore him voluntarily.
A soul does not become divine by what it does, but by what it strives to do.
Simon Orsini,
Carticasi, Corsica