© 2017 Simon Orsini
© 2017 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Editorial | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 80 — December 2017 | The Term “Tension” Can It Enlighten Us on the Trinity |
The world did not appear by a wave of a magic wand of a so-called nature, but by a Creator whose design was carried out by subordinates. The organization of the universe is intelligent, so it must have the same origin.
The amoeba is the very type of single-celled organism that has survived almost without modification.
This microscopic creature and its protozoan cousins correspond in animal creation to the bacteria of the plant world.
The stage was thus set for the appearance of the first vertebrate animals, fish.
The frog is one of the oldest surviving ancestors of the human race.
I am going to make some religions cringe. They analyze the writings to the sound of the trumpets of the Middle Ages. However, in the Bible it is written that Cain was sent to the land of Nod after killing his brother; the land of Nod therefore existed before Adam and Eve.
Religions are wrong, the world did not begin with Adam and Eve who were present on earth 32,000 years ago. Organic evolution is not a simple cosmic accident.
550 million years before our era, life established itself on earth.
10 million years later, primitive plant and marine life organisms developed.
These organisms gave rise to transitional organisms of plant and animal life: sponges, coral, unicellular algae, protozoa, trilobites, mollusks, fungi, bacteria.
400 million years ago, marine vegetation came to land and began its conquest.
At least 120 million years ago, premammalian dinosaurs (vertebrates) appeared. They were distinguished by their small size, their small brain (less than a pound) which had to control a body whose weight eventually reached forty tons. Dinosaurs of all sizes appeared, this was the beginning of their decline.
As their size constantly increased, they demanded ever-increasing quantities of food, to the point that they starved to death, lacking the intelligence to cope with the situation.
Man appeared 1 million years ago, suddenly, benefiting from programming through the animal species.
The Neanderthals arrived from India and gradually spread to the east of China, they took the west side and arrived in France.
In those times, the struggle for life was terrible, man did not exceed 30 years, it was the ice ages which forced him to move.
Homo sapiens appeared 500,000 years ago at the same time as the colored races. Ask yourself why religions never talk about these colored races.
At least 280,000 years ago, the yellow race exterminated the last Neanderthals.
If you think about different colors, mixing these different breeds together makes white.
Adam and Eve came to earth 37,848 years before the year 1934 of the Christian era, before them all humans had black eyes. They participated in the improvement of the human race from a biological point of view, having at that time, nearly a thousand children in 900 years of living together, thanks to the tree of life.
Since biblical times, revelations have taken place from antiquity to the present day. Religions have not understood all the nuances of language, due to a lack of understanding of the texts, it is for this reason that I have tried to shed light on the primitive vision of an era, in more modern language.
The truth of yesterday is not that of today, nor that of tomorrow.
Thought and intelligence are constantly evolving, as are knowledge and values.
As long as religions do not understand that they must evolve at the same time as society, they will be retrograde.
Their duty is to restore the balance between the values of 10,000 years ago and the values of today.
Religions must recognize the supremacy of God, and stick only to recent revelations, translated into modern language. The life and resurrection of Jesus on the third day opened the way to resurrection for all believers.
If you believe in God, trying to live his values, you are saved.
If you doubt, you will be given another chance. If you deny the existence of God and fight him, you deprive yourself of the chance of survival, is it worth it?
The animal has a life of instinct, it has a physiological organization functioning with memory.
Life is like a tripod, if it only has two legs it cannot stand.
Man is aware of himself, he understands space-time, he has a soul, a will at the service of thought, a fundamental self and material ego.
If you believe that all this happened by itself, it is because your analyses are done in a linear way, instead of developing in a universal framework, you are in the labyrinth of earthly thought.
Our brain has 100 billion neurons, neurotransmitters with different functions, with 5000 communication synapses per neuron, mathematics is in thought, information circulates at the quantum level, words, sounds, and ideas have different processing, we measure the complexity of things.
Sounds are vibrations, words are translated into ideas using mnemonic recordings, combined with electrochemical reactions, associated with an element which sorts and associates thoughts into ideas.
Meaning is something that experience adds to value, it is the positive view of values.
We are told that the brain has a power of 10/p 1000000, that the atoms of the universe 10/p 80.
I leave to your appreciation the incredible power that had to be given to the brain for its functioning, whereas the atoms of the universe do not possess it.
The time that passes allows events to be separated, listened to, and understood. After reading these few lines, if you still think that the universe is due to chance, you should read the thoughts of Blaise Pascal who said: “if there is only one chance in a billion that God exists take it, if he is there you have gained everything, if he is not there you have lost nothing”. I know that some men are like Saint Thomas, they have difficulty believing without seeing.
God the Father of the universe, does not ask you the impossible, he simply asks you to live your life, to provide yourself with a way out, for life after life, you are not obliged to follow any religion to save yourself, the decision is personal and direct with God.
While creation and universe organization remain forever under the control of the infinite Creators and their associates, the whole phenomenon proceeds in accordance with an ordained technique and in conformity to the gravity laws of force, energy, and matter. But there is something of mystery associated with the universal force-charge of space; we quite understand the organization of the material creations from the ultimatonic stage forward, but we do not fully comprehend the cosmic ancestry of the ultimatons. We are confident that these ancestral forces have a Paradise origin because they forever swing through pervaded space in the exact gigantic outlines of Paradise. Though nonresponsive to Paradise gravity, this force-charge of space, the ancestor of all materialization, does always respond to the presence of nether Paradise, being apparently circuited in and out of the nether Paradise center. (UB 15:4.1)
I’m going to talk to you about the atom. It is clear that it will take a long time for scientists to know everything that can be known.
The first manifestation that arrives in space is energy. The first event is the construction of a nebula and the transformation of energy into gas, then into hydrogen atoms. Everything started from a single atom, it is a puzzle to build, without having the final image in front of you.
The first of all manifestations in space is the creation of the electron. It is composed of 100 particles which hold each other by mutual attraction, in a sphere of force.
The atomic nucleus of the atom is composed of electrons, protons associated with neutrons. A back and forth occurs between the proton and the neutron, the proton is positive at the start, it becomes a negative neutron when it joins the neutron.
A particle that is 180 times the size of the electron keeps everything in balance. During an infinitesimal fraction of a second a given particle is a charged proton, and during the next fraction it is an uncharged proton.
Without this device the electrical charge carried by the protons would dislocate the atomic nucleus.
The physical properties of matter depend on the speed of rotation of its component elements, their number, and the size of those rotating. A force field keeps the elements of the atom in a sphere.
Life is neither an energy nor a force, the latter are sensitive to gravity, life is not.
In the atom exists an unknown force, it influences and permeates everything inside the atom. One day it will be discovered. After this presentation, I wonder how we can believe that everything happens by itself. Let’s take an example, the simple fact that there is a man and a woman. Who conceived the separation of the two individualities, and made them complementary to ensure the population of the earth?
I have shared with you the revelations that have taken place in all eras.
The conclusion is simple. If you are still not convinced, you will never see your children, your parents, your friends again, and this because of a simple negative decision instead of being a positive decision, to believe or not to believe.
Simon Orsini
Editorial | Le Lien Urantien — Issue 80 — December 2017 | The Term “Tension” Can It Enlighten Us on the Trinity |