© 2022 Simon Orsini
© 2022 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Is there life elsewhere than on earth? There is no doubt that we are not alone, we have had many visits which are recorded in the religious books of our ancestors. But there is better, we are the proof of the existence of God, God is therefore the proof of our existence. Anyone who watches television must know that the waves which navigate the universe are organized, that without electricity we could neither search nor progress, we would be at the level of animals. It is the only planet where there is so much water, which has become salty, certainly not by chance, the beauty of this earth is unparalleled and I do not know anyone who wants to leave it to go and live on the moon.
Despite the discovery of all the laws of matter, astrophysicists are still in the flat universe, they are at the level of our ancestors who believed that the earth was flat.
Today’s people are skeptical, they refuse any revelation without proof, they lament at the slightest fatality, yet there are believers among them. They imagine that the universe and man can only be the effects of chance, they do not understand that our brain is conditioned to be able to evolve. I prefer to recognize authenticity by its fruits, rather than debate endlessly on the origin. Scientists refuse to talk about origin because their theory would fall apart.
Human consciousness moves from facts to meanings, man must know before loving, he must love the Universal Father before knowing him.
One day, I was asked to lead a group of holidaymakers with my musician and singer friends, the organisers always offer us the possibility of having lunch at the same time as the group. I was placed next to a gentleman who had a white collar, he was introduced to me as the priest of: (I won’t say his name) I immediately thought we’re going to be able to talk. I move forward cautiously in my remarks, because I don’t know what his reaction will be if I talk to him about revelations, in the middle of the meal we had become acquainted, I began to talk about God quite freely, this priest listened to me attentively, he never interrupted me, that’s why I asked him what he thought about the spiritual afterlife, he answered me: “I don’t believe that God exists”. If I had been hit on the head with a hammer, I wouldn’t have been hurt any worse. Why does a priest who normally lives only for the church and his parish, who officiates and worships the divinity morning and evening, tell me that he doesn’t believe in it? I asked him the question again, his response was a shrug of the shoulders.
I said to him: “You don’t belong in a church!” He replied: “I don’t know how to do anything else.” His problem became mine.
Religion does not rule out or eliminate human errors, this adventure teaches me that the human personality is complex, it is because humans need trials to adapt their final choice to reality, these trials allow them to build a bridge over the abyss that separates our Creator from his creatures.
The slowness of the metamorphoses of human evolution is due to material inertia which acts to slow down the dangerous speeds due to progress.
There are only three universal realities that we must take into account, facts, ideas, relationships. Religious consciousness identifies philosophy and truth, in other words the perception of wisdom, faith, reason, and by transcendence, physical reality, intellectual reality, spiritual reality. But, on this earth we call them, things, meanings, values.
We will therefore have to wait for repentance to have its effect on this unconscious person; we are told that there is more joy in heaven for one repentant person than for a hundred righteous people.
I was born in a small mountain village a long time ago, at that time we had no water, no electricity at home, livestock breeding and working the land were essential to survive. No personal cars, a bus that provided transport once a week, lots of donkeys. However, I have kept an imperishable memory of my life in the village. I believe that we had the values of an advanced civilization, balanced by the respect of children towards the elderly and the faith that animated most people, even if everything was not always rosy in the choice of good and evil.
I think that humanity has done in a hundred years what other peoples would do in ten thousand years, that the unbridled conquest of individual freedoms has been too rapid and limitless.
I wondered what was the percentage of people who believe in this same village, partly deserted for the cities. Today we go to mass for a death, a wedding, a celebration. At the end of Sunday mass, the heads of families invited all the strangers to the village to lunch; it was a customary fact.
As I know everyone, I allow myself today to do my little investigation, to ask the following question: “are you a believer”? Ultimately very few men believe, they are there out of habit, scientists repeat to them through the media that the universe made itself, and some couples move away from fundamental values but, despite everything, they are in the minority. I specify that the link with the Universal Father can be direct if desired.
On the other hand, the women in my village are much more likely to believe. Hence the following question: “Why do an evolving people become unbalanced when they progress too quickly?” I don’t have a ready-made answer, but when we destroy family values, when the family becomes unstable, when morals and corruption exceed ten percent of the total population, we should not be surprised by the result. It is values that make human beings progress, certainly not unlimited freedoms. Conscience is really self-criticism, in relation to our own scale of values.
We are undoubtedly in this famous obligatory passage which is reproduced over the centuries in civilizations.
The third millennium should restore confidence in the world, because the new generations will be more accessible to the truth. Man must get out of the animal context, and live his life recognizing the Universal Father, that is all that is asked of him, he has free will so he can make a choice.
Believing that it is our religion that decides survival is an aberration. The dictatorship of certain religious people is contrary to spiritual freedom, religion is there so that individuals become aware of the existence of God, that there is survival at the end of the road. Our religion must prepare us for the vicissitudes of life, it must not impose constraints on us, it must not be soporific. Any religion that thinks it is supreme should take as an example the life of Jesus, the responsibilities, the values, the honesty, the sincerity, the righteousness. The eternal foundations on which one must build one’s own immortal personality must transcend space and conquer time to accomplish an eternal destiny of perfection.
Simon Orsini