© 2020 Simon Orsini
© 2020 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Simon Orsini (Corsica — The island of beauty)
To become a prophet, it is preferable to have particular dispositions. One of these dispositions is transcendental faith, which allows one to express the truth regardless of the level of education. No longer quoting The Urantia Book would mean that we would have an intuitive faculty that would allow us to know, memorize, and understand all the chapters of a book coming from another world.
There are certainly people among us who have this power.
This book is written with such simplicity for the understanding of situations and events, with such mastery of the language that one can say that human expression as a whole still has progress to make before emerging from verbal complexity.
It was written in the 1930s. At that time, not much was known about quantum mechanics. We can verify the authenticity of the writings each time there was a Nobel Prize.
It is true that Jesus sent us the spirit of truth, let us use it. We have an example, the apostle John, his faith transcended his vocabulary because it was the image of the truth of the universe, because he affirmed that there existed something superior in the beyond, that the destiny of the earth depended on the revelations of this beyond, and on the spiritual behavior of its inhabitants.
How can we explain to the unbelieving world that free will, fundamental freedom, is present in every person, that every individual must make a choice?
This choice, survival, can be influenced by our confidence. Are we capable of becoming potential prophets and above all will we be able to convince ourselves?
Despite my good will, I have always been more convincing in a group than individually. Communication always brings progress in the sharing of ideas. A word is enough to change the lighting of an expression, it would then take an artistic form superior to the material.
Who wouldn’t want to have the ability to convince. Many of us who have offered free books to friends and family have noticed this difficulty.
Some have even refused to read, because the little spirit they possess is linked either to medieval religions or to matter. Fortunately there are exceptions, groups have been born in the world. They communicate, preparing stone by stone the foundations of a future new era.
We need leaders, decision-makers, who will not hesitate to sacrifice their well-being for the spiritual cause, by teaching the fundamental values to live a life of experiences profitable to all humanity, a new world, a better world.
The spiritual world knows the future. It knows what we are doing and what will happen. It understands that we are not necessarily aware that the Universal Father’s project has become ours.
Religions of all kinds abound in the world. It is very difficult to convince religious people. Instead of trying to convince them, let us divide our efforts to help those who have already started to spread the book throughout the world.
We will not convince today’s religions fossilized in outdated prophecies. It will be up to the new generations of the Christian religion, who will have a fairly profound impact, to teach that religion must be lived.
Jesus had trained Peter to become a teacher, he had created a school of prophets, where each apostle had his own interpretation, and yet taught the same truth. Jesus approved of these personal experiences. The apostles confused evil and the evil one, I quote Jesus: “the evil one is the son of self-love, I have already defeated these impious rebels. The natural order of things is sometimes disorganized by the guilty adventure of certain traitors, I have come to begin to establish order but it will take ages to reorient this part of the universe. ” Abnormal behavior has occurred in the world, it is not surprising that many thinkers are perplexed.
The soul is the function of man that reflects his identity, that discerns the truth, that receives the spirit. It perpetually elevates the human being above the animal world. Every morally conscious individual knows the existence of his soul.