© 2013 Simon Orsini
© 2013 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
These are the emanations that characterize the spontaneous dissociation of atomic matter. The best example of this form of electronic activity is found in the phenomena associated with the disintegration of radium. The next step in the slowing down of the electron provides the various forms of solar x-rays as well as artificially generated x-rays. Solar x-rays are identical to those that are mechanically generated to explore the interior of the human body, except for their wavelength which is slightly different. For example, the ultraviolet or chemical rays of sunlight, white light, all the visible light of the suns, the infrared rays which participate in the slowing down of electronic activity coming even closer to appreciable heat, Hertzian waves the energies used for television broadcasts are part of the ten phases of wave energy activity, the human eye can only react to one octave that of ordinary sunlight.
Neutrons and protons belong to the baryon family, particles made up of three quarks: these particles are elementary constituents of matter. The charge density of the neutron is not the same everywhere, no one has ever observed an isolated quark, physicists construct the anatomy of the neutron piece by piece, they would like to know what the structure of the neutron at rest is.
The increase in mass in matter is proportional to the increase in energy divided by the square of the speed of light, knowing that energy can only be emitted in exact quantities (quantum).
Quarks are classified into six named types (flavors) neutrons are made up of two $1 quarks and a U quark. Each quark carries a property of the strong interaction responsible for the cohesion of the baryon, quarks have three possible colors, gluons eight and the entire assembly of quarks or gluons is colorless. The color of the quark is its property.
Spin: quarks are magnetic particles characterized by a spin (rotation effect); the relative orientation of the spins, quarks, and neutrons influences their orbit. Two parallel spins repel each other like two magnets.
Energy circuits are directed, they go around the galaxy in a little over 900 million years. Evolving energy has substance, it has weight although the weight is always relative and depends on the speed of rotation of the mass and antigravity. The mass of matter tends to slow down the speed of energy. The speed of energy present in any system represents the initial speed minus the slowdown due to the masses encountered on its path plus a regulatory function.
This is the scientific knowledge in 2011. The mesotron not yet discovered, is certainly the path of all the quarks in an independent functioning, but having only one goal, the cohesion of all the masses constituting the proton and the neutron.
The space of an atom is animated by wave manifestations perfectly synchronized with the speed of the electrons. This force is not entirely dominated by our recognized laws of positive and negative attraction, which is why it sometimes behaves in an unpredictable manner. The cohesion of charged protons and uncharged neutrons is ensured by the alternating operation of the mesotron, a particle of matter 180 times heavier than the electron. Without this device, the electric charge carried by protons would dislocate the atomic nucleus. Mesotrons are able to bring together charged and uncharged particles thanks to the greater specific power of their force and by an additional function, which constantly changes the places of protons and neutrons. During an infinitesimal fraction of a second, a given nuclear particle is a charged proton, during the next fraction it is an uncharged neutron. The presence and function of mesotrons also explain another enigma. When atoms act radioactively they emit much more energy than one would expect. This excess radiation comes from the dismemberment of the mesotron (energy carrier) which then becomes a simple electron. If we were to enlarge the mass of matter until an electron weighed three grams and if its dimensions were increased in the same proportion the volume of this electron would become as large as that of the earth.
The planets closest to the Sun were the first to have their rotation slowed by cyclic friction, so the planets rotate more and more slowly until their rotation stops. This leaves one hemisphere of the planet constantly facing the Sun as shown by the examples of Mercury and the Moon. When the cyclic friction of the Moon and Earth is equalized, the Earth will always present the same hemisphere to the Moon. If two space bodies of similar density are of relatively unequal size, as the smaller one gradually approaches the larger one, the smaller one disintegrates as soon as the radius of its orbit becomes less than two and a half times the radius of the larger body. Saturn’s rings are fragments of a disintegrated satellite.
A very long time ago, the fifth planet of our solar system traveled an irregular orbit periodically approaching Jupiter, and finally entered the critical zone of cyclic-gravitational dislocation, it was then fragmented and became the current swarm of asteroids. When the cyclic frictions will act in the opposite direction (for the Earth and for the Moon) ceasing to separate the Moon from the Earth, then, in a distant future, or the Moon will approach to about eighteen thousand kilometers from the Earth the gravitational force of the latter will cause the dislocation of the Moon and will reduce the Moon to small particles. Time and space are a joint mechanism of the universe, creatures are effectively isolated from absolute levels by time and space, but these means of isolation, without which no mortal could exist, function directly to limit the field of finite action. Without them no creature could act, but by them the acts of each creature are clearly limited.
Earth society can never hope to stabilize as in ages past, the social ship has emerged from the sheltered harbors of established tradition; it has begun its cruise upon the high seas of evolutionary destiny.
More than ever in the history of the world, the soul of man needs to seriously scrutinize its moral charts and to minutely observe the compass of religious guidance in order to stabilize the ideals of humanity during these dangerous periods of transition from one phase of civilization to another, from one level of culture to another.
When we classify the fundamental elements in order of their atomic weight, this sevenfold persistence of creative constitution emerges in the field of chemistry as a recurrence of similar physical and chemical properties in groups of seven. This periodic change by seven, reproduces while diminishing, with variations the entire chemical table.
Starting with any element after noting one of its properties, this quality changes for six consecutive elements, but tends to reappear when we reach the eighth, in other words the eighth chemically active element resembles the first, the ninth the second, and so on, a bit like the octaves of music.
It is always good to remember the 10 divisions of matter:
The endless confusion that accompanies the wave-mechanical observation of quanta behavior is due to the superimposition of energy waves. Two crests can combine to form a crest of double height, while a crest and a trough can combine to cancel each other out.
In our galaxy there are 100 octaves of wave energy. We have discovered 64. The rays of the sun constitute 4 octaves in the universal scale, the visible rays have one octave. The ultra-violet, the x-rays and the Gama rays of radium also 1 octave. 32 octaves above the visible light of the sun we find the energy rays. Above the visible solar light, the infrared rays, and 30 octaves lower, the transmitter group of hertzian waves.
Light and all forms of recognizable energetic manifestations consist of a succession of determined energetic particles which move in straight lines, except to the extent that their trajectory is modified by gravity.
The processions of energy particles appear as wave phenomena when observed in a certain way. The excitation of the contents of space produces a wave reaction, just as the passage of a boat on water 'sets off waves of varying amplitudes and intervals.
Astronomers have discovered the existence of dark matter and dark energy, this theory seems to me to be in the right direction:
Dark matter could be comparable to the fundamental units of our universe. It would serve the same purpose in a different level of space, very close to ours.
(to be continued)
Simon Orsini