© 2019 Simon Orsini
© 2019 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
On this earth, destiny is a transition that occurs between a human being’s mortal state and his or her subsequent spiritual status, with the intermediate states varying from one people to another.
The numerous forms of cosmic force, physical energy, universe power, and various materializations disclose three general, though not perfectly clear-cut, stages of response to Paradise gravity:
The numerous forms of cosmic force, physical energy, universe power, and various materializations disclose three general, though not perfectly clear-cut, stages of response to Paradise gravity:
The numerous forms of cosmic force, physical energy, universe power, and various materializations disclose three general, though not perfectly clear-cut, stages of response to Paradise gravity:
The numerous forms of cosmic force, physical energy, universe power, and various materializations disclose three general, though not perfectly clear-cut, stages of response to Paradise gravity:The numerous forms of cosmic force, physical energy, universe power, and various materializations disclose three general, though not perfectly clear-cut, stages of response to Paradise gravity: (UB 11:8.4)
I was immersed in a reverie of which only the super conscious initiate has the secret, I discovered an unknown world, with multiple virtues which were present in the thoughts of the people who lived there, an exemplary morality which could have converted an entire army of warmongers.
A world more evolved than ours, which in the depths of its ideas, assumed a controlled path in evolutionary phases, conditioned by spiritual values serving as a model for their progression.
This world saw the same stars, the same planets as us but its mass was located at a different level of space, it possessed the same atoms, but its elements were organized differently which caused the birth of a level imperceptible to our senses, although it could be located in the same place.
In this world, no storms, no rain, the temperature was stabilized at twenty degrees. No summer, no winter, no big rivers but small rivers crossing the plains and small canals bringing water for the plants and flowers without interruption.
The vegetation of this world was purple in color, it dominated the green color.
The individual houses were without roofs, undoubtedly because of the stability of the elements, we can think that the programming of a seed was commonly done for the construction of a house starting from its roots.
I saw all these people who often traveled as a couple, man and woman, they didn’t see me.
I had the impression that time did not exist for them, I saw no clock, the organization of the matter of this world seemed tailor-made, it was so impressively natural.
The metamorphoses of matter are visible in our world.
Custom planets have stable but not directly discernible structures, they are constructed in a trinitarian way unlike our planet which is binary. Time does not flow in the same way as in our universe, the inner reflection of people being more global than linear.
There were many educators in different fields of education.
I noticed that there were no children, no visible transport, people were moving on foot in paths surrounded by flowerbeds and well-maintained vegetation.
It could only be the first relay world, reserved for the human species.
Study was voluntary, science, philosophy, spiritual values were the foundation of their society, their future was written as advisors to future planets in distant galaxies, not yet organized, with missions of responsibility.
If our world has a similarity with this one, it is in the need to learn, to seek to discover where we come from and where we are going.
They had solved this problem, these people had confidence in their destiny.
It seems obvious to say that we do not study for ages and ages just to be scholars, but to discover the truth of each level crossed, and evolve to access responsibilities related to our knowledge.
In the material universe suns only live between twenty and thirty billion years at most, on the spiritual level custom structures are eternal.
Of course, the intellectual and physical conditions of this world were superior, they could see a detail 20 km away, health problems had disappeared, there was no longer any need to eat, exposure to simple radiation allowed them to stay in shape.
Leisure, arts, music and dance were created in multiple dimensions.
Royal roads do not exist in the spiritual universe; we cannot leave our world and believe that we will transform into a magical and learned entity, we will not be able to take refuge in time to avoid problems.
To become an evolving spirit, we will not have unlimited choice for our careers, we will have to choose within the limits which best suit our evolution, the principle consisting of respecting the free will of each individual, provided that his choice is neither pernicious nor detrimental to the whole or to himself.
If there are difficulties we will have to trust our educators to show us the right path.
On the lower planes of spiritual wisdom the teachings are directly contiguous to the higher level of human philosophy, so it is best not to progress faster than material time allows.
The biological unit of material life is the protoplasmic cell.
Matter evolves through the common association of fundamental chemical and electrical energies combined with other primordial energies.
Neural progression will follow the path traced by physical and mental metamorphoses, planned to evolve within the evolutionary framework.
Human beings feel the need to symbolize their limited concepts in their approach with our Creator.
Man is aware of his moral duty. His spiritual idealism represents a level of values and a reality of experience which is difficult to symbolize.
To have cosmic consciousness is to recognize that there is a first cause, the Universal Father.
I am fully aware of the difficulties of making the latest revelations from God known to the world. Fortunately there will always be people who are more gifted at communicating.
A fragment of God inhabits human thought and Jesus sent us the spirit of truth. Since then we are able to grasp the reality of spiritual values, and the presence of these spirits can help man to rely spiritually on these truths.
It thus contributes to enhancing the progressive realities of human experience.
By telling this dream I am aware that it can become a reality for many believers.
I read in the revelations that very few people survive, that surprised me, but after seeing the state of current human society, I understood that the rebellion of (Lucifer) (for me it is not a proper name) had caused enormous damage among the inhabitants of the earth, but the ability to refuse survival is also linked to free will.
We can understand the delay of two hundred thousand years caused by this revolt, at a time when these primitives needed help the most.
This is a personal opinion, but I believe that in a hundred years we have caught up with the industrial gap, but a large part of the world is behind.
Fortunately the coming of Jesus Christ allowed us to have another vision of the spiritual future and to believe in a loving Father.
His faith has become ours, but it is entirely personal. It is the triumph of the living experience of spiritual unfoldment, a new and higher type of thought and spirit. Faith is based on personal spiritual relationships with the Universal Father, it erases fear and provides the consciousness of being spiritually invincible.
We must avoid religious fanaticism, we must impose a balanced intellectual judgment, and understand what self-forgetfulness involves in devoting our will to the service of the divine will.
Life must be a living experience that will bear the transcendent fruits of the divine spirit, in the face of multiple difficulties, disappointments, in order to overcome them.
Jesus son of God is a part of the infinite Father, what the son taught and experienced, the Universal Father lived.
The parable of the rich man and the poor man proves to us that religions have progress to make.
Jesus blessed the poor when they were sincere and pious and condemned the rich when they were libertine and ungodly, but also condemned the poor when they were ungodly and praised the rich when they were pious and devoted.
“IF THE finite mind of man is unable to comprehend how so great and so majestic a God as the Universal Father can descend from his eternal abode in infinite perfection to fraternize with the individual human creature, then must such a finite intellect rest assurance of divine fellowship upon the truth of the fact that an actual fragment of the living God resides within the intellect of every normal-minded and morally conscious Urantia mortal. The indwelling Thought Adjusters are a part of the eternal Deity of the Paradise Father. Man does not have to go farther than his own inner experience of the soul’s contemplation of this spiritual-reality presence to find God and attempt communion with him.” (UB 5:0.1)
The Father has traced a path, it passes through the son, in saying this, I am making a circumstantial affirmation.
These are the next generations who will thirst for justice, righteousness, sincerity, honesty, who will move forward without being afraid to tell the world that God is there, and it is because he is there that we will win.
Our Father has patience, for us patience works with time, tolerance, because a Father loves his children, but to go towards him we must also love him.
Simon Orsini