© 2014 Simon Orsini
© 2014 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
I sometimes wonder if our scientists are really convinced of their theory about the universe. In reports on TV, on the radio, in magazines, or in education, existing things are always described as being due to natural selection. There is never any doubt, the existence of a creator is automatically dismissed, yet the majority of the 7 billion human beings believe in it. Their theory about the universe is as follows:
After the Big Bang, the universe expanded in a fraction of a second, after the original spark. We are not told how the ignition took place. This theory defies the law put forward by the same scientists which says that the speed of light cannot be exceeded (At this moment, I hold my breath for fear of being cut off).
Everything would have happened in an instant, in other words an infinitesimal energy produces a spark, and in less than a second, it travels 380,000 years over a width of 150,000 years, traveling as in a cylinder which is constantly widening.
Still according to this theory, the first period would be opaque. At this time it is very hot, the particles are boiling, followed by a cooling period where electrons, protons, neutrons, quarks are formed (we are not told how the transformation took place).
The rest seems even more disturbing, a sphere is created that is strong enough to hold the atomic nucleus, the protons, the neutrons, the quarks, the electrons (the atom). Each time we make a discovery, we always end up finding the law that governs it. This should make scientists more tolerant, if an organization is intelligent it must have the same origin. In the second period of the universe, matter is organized into giant clouds of hydrogen and helium, everything lights up for telescopes, we see more clearly.
In the next phase, coming out of the cylinder, like a cannon shot, suns scatter in space, organizing themselves into galaxies; gravitation makes its appearance, keeping the masses in balance. What is surprising in this theory of the explosion is that the particles do not go in all directions, strange! It is a blow of dark matter (I prefer an organized universe, it is more reassuring and more beneficial). A cause devoid of thought cannot transform what is rudimentary and simple into refined and complex elements. Man is not an evolutionary accident.
Another theory about the universe, the one that believes in the existence of a creator. Energy arrives through a level of space that we cannot detect.
The moment arrives when the whirlwind of matter energy will be triggered, which will later transform into a space cyclone. At this moment, the maximum mass is reached and gravitational control begins to weaken. Then comes the gas escape phase. Gases gushing out in the form of two gigantic and distinct arms which start from opposite sides of the mother mass. The increasingly rapid rotation of the enormous central core ends up giving a spiral appearance to the two streams of gushing gas. Shortly after, the outermost regions of the central core begin to escape the immediate grip of the centrifugal force. What follows is a struggle between the different forces.
Sooner or later the point of tension is reached, and sooner or later heat wins the battle over gravity. At the end of this battle comes the spectacular period of the dispersion of the suns. Solar energy is released by various chains of nuclear reactions (hydrogen carbon helium). In this metamorphosis carbon acts as an energy catalyst, since in no way does it undergo any change in this process of converting hydrogen into helium atoms. This marks the end of life of a nebula.
We can determine the number of nebulae that were needed in the galaxy, knowing that a nebula produces suns over an area of 100,000 light years, and also at the same time have a more real idea of the age of the universe. The Big Bang theory limits the understanding of space-time because it obscures the true movements of suns and galaxies.
In evaluating and recognizing thought, one must note that the universe is neither mechanical nor magical. Motion and universal gravitation are twin facets of the space-time mechanism. Complex mechanisms appearing largely automatic always tend to conceal the presence of the original inner thought (I doubt that the Higgs boson is the God particle). The fundamental units of the electron have not yet been discovered. They are divided into three varieties of motion within the electron:
Masses begin their existence in the electron. The increase in mass in matter is proportional to the increase in energy, divided by the square of the speed of light.
How X-rays materialize inside the nebula.
It is easier to reason starting from the organized nebula, than to dissect the metastases produced by the original spark coming from nowhere. The fossil radiation, the cosmic diffuse background, are more credible if they come from a nuclear reaction and a space cyclone, rather than an explosion. There is a deformation of space-time outside the Milky Way, which means that optical illusions and deformations relating to intermediate movements of complex origin, linked in part to the constitutive segmentation of matter, have an influence on the perception of radiation. This anomaly means that outside the galaxy, the lines of the spectrum deviate from the normal towards violet, for a star heading in our direction.
The spheres of space swirl and plunge into an immense ocean of deployed force energy (100 particles for 16 cubic centimeters). In this ocean of energy dark matter develops. It is inaccessible to our instruments.
The rotation of the primary units (energy) has been modified and at the same time transformed into energetic associations, so as to create a new substance, dark matter. It is the exact replica of our matter, the only difference is that it has a different level of existence. The only link involving the two universes is energy. If we could be transported into this universe, we would see exactly what we see of ours, of the suns, of the galaxies. Certainly another evolution, but always a development involving a device of energies, added to life, of movement, representing the mechanism of existence with thought and memory. Black holes have an enormous influence on the balance of the universe, they function like powerful pendulums, exerting their influence on large neighboring systems.
Humanity needs:
The fundamental principle of the Universal Father is the total freedom of each individual. He refuses to show His power, to manifest His presence to the children of time, so that they can freely determine their spiritual future or not.
Simon Orsini