The Urantia Book and the Internet, David A. Kantor
The Coming Spiritual Renaissance, Preston Thomas
Religion and the Religous Organization, Richard Bain
Crisis in Christianity
Between the Times
Does Heaven Exist?
What if Aliens Have Landed?
A Spiritual Support Group
Sermon: There is Always One More Move
Book Review: Why Christianity Must Change or Die, by John Shelby Spong
¶ The Spiritual Fellowship of Students of The Urantia Book
A Journal Established to Promote Theological, Philosophical, and Polity Discussions Germane to An Appropriate Symbolism and Socioreligious Expression of the Fifth Epochal Revelation.
The central objective of a group of people interested in initiating a new religious organization based on the teachings of the Fifth Epochal Revelation should be to create a polity with maximum flexibility that would function with small groups or large congregations, utilize lay leadership and/or ordained clergy, have crosscultural adaptibility, and broad theological inclusiveness.
Such an institution would be “ a gathering of persons who have accepted a common purpose, and a common discipline to guide the pursuit of that purpose, to the end that each involved person reaches higher fulfillment as a person, through serving and being served by the common venture, than would be achieved alone or in a less committed relationship.”[2]
Editorial Committee
Bud Bromley
Judy Smith
Irene Sprunger
Jack Williams
Editorial Consultants
Larry & Joan Mullins
Joe Foreman
Don Green
Merritt Horn
Andre Radatus
Resource Consultants
David Biggs
Tom Choquette
Steve Dreier
David & Rebecca Kantor
Dianne La Brecque
Rosey Lieske
Victor McGonnegal
Sue Tennant
The Spiritual Fellowship Journal is an ecumenical publication published wice yearly jointly by The Christian Fellowship of Students of The Urantia Book in Fort Wayne, Indiana and the Christ Michael Corps for Publishing and Putreach in Boulder, Colorado.
Subscription donations and changes of address should be sent to:
The Spiritual Fellowship Journal
P. O. Box 11227
Boulder, CO 80301
Articles and editorial correspondance should be sent to:
The Spiritual Fellowship Journal 4109 Plaza Dr.
Fort Wayne, IN 46806 219-745-4363
Crisis in Christianity
The Christian Church is facing a critical time in its history. The reality paradigm of the Middle Ages upon which it is based has lost credibility. There is need for a new spiritual vision.
Between the Times
Since Christianity no longer integrates our postmodern societies, the individual must now integrate life through personal experience.
Does Heaven Exist?
Contemporary religion has virtually nothing to say about life after death; but it is a major concern for humankind.
The Urantia Book and the Internet
The Internet is a major avenue for disseminating the Fifth Epochal Revelation. Response to the Fellowship website is amazing!
The Coming Spiritual Renaissance
Preston Thomas examines the present condition of our society and makes predictions for the future based on prophetic statements in The Urantia Book.
Religion and the Religious Organization
Dick Bain discusses the nature of religious organizations and the possibilities involved in such organizations stemming from the Fifth Epochal
Columns and Features
Interface: What if Aliens Have Landed?
Creative Outreach: A Spiritual Support Group
Book Review: Why Christianity Musts Change or Die
Sermon Series (pt. 5): There is Always One More Move