© 1976 William S. Sadler, Jr., Steve Dreier, Christy, David Schlundt, V.B.G.2, Julia Fenderson
© 1976 The Urantia Book Fellowship (formerly Urantia Brotherhood)
“What is the URANTIA Brotherhood? Another sect?” This question has been put to the writer of this report more than once. To this question, a negative answer has always been given, “No, the URANTIA Brotherhood is neither a church nor a sect. It is simply a social group which has a religious objective.”
There is a real place in modern civilization for a group of religious people who are “… willing to completely divest themselves of all ecclesiastical authority and fully surrender all concept of spiritual sovereignty. God alone is spirit sovereign.” (UB 134:4.4). The modern world hardly needs another church, another sect. At the present time, we suffer from a plethora of churches and multiplication of sects.
But, if we are not a church, how then do we differ from a church? If we can clearly see how we differ, then perchance we can maintain such differences. And, if we can maintain these differences, then we may be able to preserve our organization as a distinctive Brotherhood; we may be able to avoid a possible evolution in the direction of a church.
—William S. Sadler, Jr.
(Note: William S. Sadler, Jr, was President of the URANTIA Brotherhood the first thee years of its existence, 1955 — 1957. This is an excerpt from his first report to the Triennial Delegate Assembly.)
In the 21 years since the Brotherhood was founded it has grown entirely by word of mouth and person to person ministry. This is its present size:
URANTIA Societies | 10 |
URANTIA Book Study Groups (est.) | 150 |
URANTIA Brotherhood Membership | 560 |
Society Members | 427 |
Members-at-Large | 133 |
International Members | 5 |
Total Number of URANTIA Books sold | 57,500 |
The URANTIA Book is carried in 1,200 bookstores and is currently being sold at the rate of 800 to 1,000 copies a month.
Published Quarterly by
URANTIA Brotherhood
533 Diversey Parkway
Chicago Illinois 60614
Subscription Price: $3.00 a year
-All quotations within this Journal, unless otherwise indicated, are from The URANTIA Book and are used with permission of URANTIA Foundation, the copyright owner.
The Journal itself is not copyrighted and, except for the restrictions noted, the dissemination and use of its contents is encouraged.
Warmest regards — the editors.
In our religion the individual is of prime importance. Jesus was interested only in the individual person, and he allowed nothing to take precedence over that individual. This concern for the individual was a central feature of his entire earth ministry, and it still remains so. In fact, the entire universe organization appears to be established in such a way as to serve the individual.
I do not know of any human organization which has, in reality, placed the individual before all other considerations. Many claim to do this in theory, but they honor this claim only with their lips. Sooner or later the individual person recedes into the background while the organization becomes supreme. Time and again this has occurred, and it has inevitably led to the decay and destruction of those very organizations, while at the same time seriously hindering the progress of the individual.
—Steve Dreier
It is a joyful experience to learn from statements in The URANTIA Book that God is interested in each one of us personally, individually. His antenna reaches out to each and every one of us. We should be aware of this fact in our daily existence, living each moment as though in His presence. How thrilling to know that our relationship with one another has survival value. One of my favorite quotations from The URANTIA Book is on UB 112:5.22
“… Personality and the relationships between personalities are never scaffolding; mortal memory of personality relationships has cosmic value and will persist. On the mansion worlds you will know and be known, and more, you will remember, and be remembered by, your onetime associates in the short but intriguing life on Urantia.” UB 112:5.22
The central uniqueness of the URANTIA Book orientation lies, in the last analysis, on its focus upon singular individual guidance by means of the indwelling Thought Adjuster. The everyday behavioral consequences of this “giant leap forward for mankind” are immediate and profound, ranging from here through eternity, and for every individual of will capacity regardless of any other qualifications. It is a revolutionary transformation in the meaning of the authentic personhood, and from it follows the promise of a new community.
No longer evaluated from the “Alpha position” of genetic origins, ethnic or national affiliation, or religious membership, each and every person is now visible from the revealed “Omega position”- the vantage point of each and every God fragment which is the infinite potential within each of us. Both accidents of birth and achievements of education are rendered relatively invisible from this astonishing Omega perspective which measures not our deficiencies of nature, morality, knowledge, or group association, but rather our eternal possibilities Godward. The older equalities and inequalities of naturalism, legalism, intellectualism, and chosen-peopleism crumble before this illumination now marching above the horizon of consciousness, altering the meaning scape wherever we look.
—David Schlundt
Only transformed individuals can create a transformed world. Only better men and women can fashion a better society; only advanced citizens can architect an advanced civilization. Man is a son of the Eternal, yearning eternity, a child of the Infinite, longing infinity. Man was created by God and for God and nothing but God can ever satiate that thirsting of spirit which burns like salt in his soul.
From the ancient Assyrians, mankind learned the building of libraries and postal systems; from the Babylonians, a knowledge of astronomy and the molding of clay bricks. From the Egyptians we learned surveying, from the Persians, international coinage and from the Phoenicians, a written alphabet. From the ancient Greeks, mankind learned music, drama, architecture, and philosophy, and from the Romans, the making of bridges, roads, and laws. But from Jesus of Nazareth mankind has not yet learned the ways of righteousness and peace, the infinite value of the individual, and the brotherhood of man beneath the Fatherhood of God. And until we do, the rest that we have learned will matter very little.
— V.B.G.
(The First URANTIA Society of Los Angeles (FUSLA) is the oldest non-Chicago URANTIA Society. For more than 20 years it has fostered study group activities on the West Coast. The following article is based on the FLISLA experience.)
From the beginning the spirit of love, fellowship, joy, and good cheer should prevail — without these, all else will be as “sounding brass and tinkling cymbals.” All of those spiritual qualities so lauded in The URANTIA Book can be cultivated and evidenced in these small fellowship meetings, as well as elsewhere.
As study groups evolve, the host or hostess will set the pattern and, if desirable, appoint a different leader for each meeting. It has been found helpful to start out in a very simple way by each reading one section of a paper. There are approximately 5-12 sections in each paper, the average being 8-9. This is ideal for each reading and discussing a section at a time and it requires about an hour or so to complete a paper in this manner. This simple method enables newcomers to feel at ease and even oldtimers will always benefit. As time goes on and the book becomes more familiar, topics may be assigned and references noted for special presentations. The danger here is that not enough time is left for participation, which is the keynote of learning. However, the leader can carefully plan so that participation by every member is assured.
—Julia Fenderson
Dear Mom:
When I think of the task that you & Dad have undertaken, to raise our family in the spirit of truth under whatever consequences that brings on, I feel my blessings to be great. Throughout my life, each time I feel lost or very very alone, there was always a constant strength running underneath & holding me firm; an inner light.
Thank you for all the love you have given, and the strength that runs through our family because of the truly loving wisdom you strive for. I love you very much. It’s hard to put into words; it brings tears of joy to my eyes.
“All men are my brothers. My Father in heaven does not despise any creature of our making. The kingdom of heaven is open to all men and women. No man may close the door of mercy in the face of any hungry soul who may seek to gain an entrance thereto. We will sit at meat with all who desire to hear of the kingdom. . . The door of the kingdom is wide open for all who desire to know the truth and to find God.” Jesus to the Apostles (UB 138:4.2).