© 1975 Urantia Foundation
Recently, the Trustees of URANTIA Foundation regretfully accepted the resignations of two of their fellows, Mr. James C. Mills, Vice President, and Mr. Kenton E. Stephens, Vice President. Both resignations were made as a result of relocations to distant parts of the country. Jim has moved to Pensacola, Florida, and Kenton has moved to Washington, D.C. Resolutions were passed by the remaining Trustees expressing their appreciation and gratitude for the valuable service which Jim and Kenton rendered as Trustees. They have both been asked to continue to serve in their respective areas as Special Representatives of the URANTIA Foundation.
This year Mr. Thomas Kendall and Mr. Martin Myers made two business trips to Europe. The first trip was made in February to Paris and Amsterdam. Besides dealing with matters affecting the French translation, the two enjoyed meeting with French, Swiss, and Italian readers of “The URANTIA Book.” The Trustees completed their itinerary with a brief stop at the home of Mr. Henry Begemann (URANTIA Brotherhood European Field Representative) in Wassenaar, The Netherlands.
In early June, Tom and Martin journeyed to Helsinki, Finland, and were warmly hosted by the Finnish translators and numerous “URANTIA Book” readers in the area. During their week’s visit, the Trustees and the Finnish translators, working in close co-operation, were able to make many of the arrangements which will eventually result in the printing of the Finnish translation of “The URANTIA Book.”
At the present time, the French translation, “La Cosmogonie d’URANTIA,” is unavailable and this situation promises to continue for the immediate future. We fervently hope that we can alleviate the problems surrounding the publication of the French translation and make an acceptable new printing available in due time.
Another item which is out-of-print is “An Artist’s Conception of the Master Universe,”[1] a small pamphlet which provides schematic color illustrations of the universe according to the teachings of “The URANTIA Book.” The possibility of reprinting this pamphlet is currently under consideration.
Our most important printing concern at present is the preparation for the Fifth Printing of “The URANTIA Book” with its manifold attendant details. In spite of cost increases in all aspects of the printing industry, we are endeavoring to keep the retail price of “The URANTIA Book” at $20.00, or to hold any increase to a minimum. The Trustees are studying this matter now. The new printing is scheduled tentatively for delivery on March 1, 1976.
Last year we announced the forthcoming publication of "Study Aids for Part IV of The URANTIA Book — The Life and Teachings of Jesus prepared by Ruth E. Renn. If delivery schedules remain on time, the book will be available in the Fall or possibly even in late Summer. A special notice will be sent soon providing information as to the nature of this Study Aid, along with details on ordering it.
We look forward to seeing many of you at the 1975 URANTIA Brotherhood General Conference. We extend to all of you our warm greetings as we each work in our respective spheres for the eventual realization of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man in the hearts of all mankind.
Study is available in Urantiapedia: An Artist’s Conception of the Master Universe ↩︎