© 1981 Urantia Foundation
The Trustees of URANTIA Foundation wish to congratulate all those involved in putting on the URANTIA Brotherhood 1981 General Conference at Snowmass, Colorado. The Conference was truly an uplifting event. Those of us privileged to participate in portions of the conference program greatly enjoyed and appreciated the experience.
On a personal level, perhaps one of the most important aspects of the conference was the opportunity to meet with old friends and make new ones. All of us who were able to attend the Conference carry many warm memories of the fellowship we experienced and are strengthened by the display of dedication to the supernal teachings of The URANTIA Book.
By the time you receive this newsletter, the production of the 7th Printing of The URANTIA Book will have been completed!
Since the first printing of The URANTIA Book in 1955, over 110,000 copies have been printed and sold. Two-thirds of those copies have been sold in the last eight years. For many years now about 90% of our sales are to bookstores, with B. Dalton Booksellers being our largest buyer.
The new printing will not affect our current policies. The price will remain at $34.00; bookstore discounts are 40% for 5 or more copies and 30% for 1 to 4 copies; individuals can receive a 20% discount on purchases of 5 or more books (when sent to one address); libraries receive the maximum 40% discount for any number of copies.
We wish to extend to all who have so generously donated to the 7th Printing Fund our grateful thanks and appreciation for your kind and thoughtful support. As you will remember, the Finance Committee of URANTIA Brotherhood undertook the responsibility to manage a campaign to raise the funds for the 7th Printing of The URANTIA Book. The goal of the campaign was set at $210,000 for the printing of 25,000 copies of the book.
The fund raising campaign was designed to proceed in several steps or stages. The first step was to contact a small number of individuals who had been very generous in their donations of funds in the past. The second stage of the campaign was to contact the entire mailing list either by telephone or mail. As many telephone numbers as possible were obtained for people on the mailing list who lived within the continental United States.
In early March, dozens of volunteers spent several days contacting 1,344 people by telephone. At the same time, another 1,501 were contacted by mail.
Of those contacted by telephone, 392 pledged a specific amount, 40% were “open” (i.e., these people indicated it was financial hardship that would not allow them to donate). The amount of specific pledges totaled $35,391. As of June 30, 77% of these specific pledges have been fulfilled in the amount of $29,870. Of those who gave an “open” response, 27% have responded giving a total of $6,890. The cumulative result of the telephone campaign is that 41% of those contacted have responded by giving a total of $36,093. Of those contacted solely by mail, 17% responded by donating a total of $14,969. Also, about 100 people, including the volunteer telephone callers, were contacted in person.
The total number contacted by all methods was 2,945. To date, 29% of the mailing list has responded in the amount of $109,329. This 29% is roughly double the usual response rate of 12% to 15% that is received from the annual joint URANTIA Foundation/URANTIA Brotherhood solicitation letter for general funding support. The 29% includes a strong effort from our international friends. As English is not the primary language for most of them, we appreciate their extra effort.
Since the time of our original estimate, the printing company has informed us that the actual number of copies will be nearer 23,000 and the cost nearer $185,000. We have some additional large pledges totalling $45,000 which added to our $109,329 gives us $154,329. So, we are about $30,000 short for the cost of the 7th Printing. Also, through the use of volunteers, Brotherhood Committee members, and office staff, we have been able to keep the total cost of the fund drive at about $6,000. We would like to recover this cost so, added to the $30,000, our final goal is an additional $34,000.
If you have not already given, or if you initially gave a smaller amount and wanted to see how the fund drive would progress, now is the time to donate. We are in the last leg of our race to reach the goal and though we are only $34,000 short, it will require an extra effort or push to make it. We will be billed in September for the printing, ao we will have to take money from our general revenues to make up the difference if there is a shortage. Please help if you can and know that your help is greatly appreciated.
Finally, we wish to extend our sincerest appreciation to URANTIA Brotherhood and particularly to the Brotherhood’s Finance Committee for a highly commendable job. The tireless effort they have made in this large and important task is truly praiseworthy. This endeavor exemplifies the ability of URANTIA Foundation and URANTIA Brotherhood to work together toward our mutual goals.
On February 23, 1981, Arthur C. Born submitted his resignation as a Trustee of Urantia Foundation. Art had served from August 9, 1975. His resignation was due to poor health.
Through the years Art has also been dedicated to Urantia Brotherhood. He has served as a General Councilor since 1967, as a member of the Charter Committee from 1962 to 1969; as Chairman of the Finance Committee and thus an Executive Committee member from 1969 to 1980. He was a charter member of First Urantia Society.
Art and Inez have been long-time students of The Urantia Book and they have both served in various capacities for Urantia Brotherhood. Inez was a General Councilor from 1966 to 1979 and has served continuously on the Fraternal Relations Committee from 1958 to the present. Art was a General Councilor from 1960 to 1979. He served on the International Fellowship Committee from 1955 to 1962 and was Chairman from 1962 to 1964. From 1964 to 1979 he was Chairman of the Judicial Committee. As chairman of these two committees, he served as an Executive Committee member for seventeen years. He was the first President of First Urantia Society and later served two additional terms as President, as well as other Society positions. He and Inez have hosted a study group in their home since 1955 and this group evolved into the First Urantia Society of Western Springs in 1974. We hope you will join us in welcoming Art to the Board of Trustees.
“I’ve been reading ‘The Life and Teachings of Jesus’ from The URANTlA Book and have not experienced such intimacy withthe Master for some time. For many years I’ve felt that the record should be corrected and that the Scriptures needed to he filled out so that we might be able to experience Sonship more realistically and more in harmony with Jesus‘ gospel.”
“Some ten years ago a friend introduced me to The URANTIA Book. I was pecunious in pocket as well as spirit. Now I’d like to know more about your Foundation and how I might purchase a copy of the Book. ls there a study guide or index I hope? It is a formidable, fascinating document.”
“All of my life I have been searching and rejecting. Then I happened upon The URANTIA Book. From cover to cover, word for word I believe, I have finally discovered the truth. Thus far my life has been unfulfilled, now l have found a purpose. I wish to dedicate my life to the furtherance of such truths and to the selfless service of my true brothers and sisters, the will of my father in heaven.”
“I wanted to let you know that I am thoroughly enjoying your book. In fact, I can hardly put it down.”
“I wish I had it when I was younger and maybe I would have strived a lot harder to learn more about things and tried to make something of my life.”
“Your book has made me realize that God gave me a brain for a reason.”
“You have answered so many questions that nobody on earth has been able to answer.”
“There is in the mind of God a plan which embraces every creature of all his vast domains, and this plan is an eternal purpose of boundless opportunity, unlimited progress, and endless life. And the infinite treasures of such a matchless career are yours for the striving!” UB 32:5.7
“The goal of eternity is ahead! The adventure of divinity attainment lies before you! The race for perfection is on! whosoever will may enter, and certain victory will crown the efforts of every human being who will run the race of faith and trust, depending every step of the way on the leading of the indwelling Adjuster and on the guidance of that good spirit of the Universe Son, which so freely has been poured out upon all flesh.” UB 32:5.8