© 1982 Urantia Foundation
Our beloved Christy has now graduated to the mansion worlds, as many of you know. On May 2, Christy left this world in furtherance of her universe career. All of us who knew her greet this passing with an understandably mixed sense of joy and loss.
As an original Trustee and as our Sccretary, Office Manager, and Trustee Emeritus, Christy gave us a rich combination of service and leadership not only to the URANTIA Foundation but also to the entire URANTIA movement as a whole.
It is appropriate to recall the following testimonial adopted at the Trustees’ meeting held October 16, 1971, honoring Christy upon her resignation as an active Trustee and her election as a Trustee Emeritus.
In Appreciation
Whereas, Emma L. Christensen, one of the flve Founding Trustees of URANTIA Foundation, has unstintingly given of her time and energies, her wisdom and foresight, in furtherance of its aims, and
Whereas this devoted Soldier of the Circles has displayed an uncommon response and loyalty to responsibilities that will have a lasting effect on generations to come and has at all times cheerfully accepted the duties that required dedicated devotion, and
Whereas, Christy as a member of the Forum, which preceded thc URANTIA Brotherhood, then as President of URANTIA Brotherhood, and President of First URANTIA Society, as well as holder of other positions of leadership wherein her cheerful and helpful counsel was always given generously and with the good of these groups always uppermost in her thoughts, now, therefore be it
Resolved that upon this occasion of her resignation as an active Trustee, we do hereby express our sincere love and appreciation for her many years of devoted service as s Trustee. We know we may continue to benefit by her wise counsel.
And upon this final resignation of Christy from her mortal duties in order to take on greater universe reaponsiblities, we wish to reaffirm this testimonial and again express our sincere and wholehearted love and appreciation for her many years of devoted service as a true and dedicated - and above all, trustworthy—Soldier of the Circles.
In the ear1y 1970’s, a pamphlet titled “An Artist’s Conception of The Master Universe” was being distributed. Supplies ran out in the mid—1970’s. At the request of URANTIA Brotherhood, we are reprinting this pamphlet. The pamphlet has four panels with drawings titled “Paradise,” “The Central Universe of Havona,” “The Grand Universe,” and “The Master Universe.” There is accompanying text from The URANTIA Book and the basic purpose of the pamphlet is to help show how the master universe is physically organized. As there is no official interpretation of The URANTIA Book, please keep in mind that this pamphlet is only being offered as a help in the study and understanding of the teachings.
URANTIA Brotherhood has agreed to be the distributor of the pamphlet so your checks and money orders should be made payable and sent to the Brotherhood. The cost is $3.00 per copy for U. S. residents and $4.00 per copy for all other countries. Postage is included in the cost and the difference in price is to pay for additional postage for mailing outside the U. S. We hope you will enjoy having this pamphlet. It will be ready for distribution on July 1, 1982.
We are extremely pleased to announce that the French translation of The URANTIA Book is again available. For those of you who have not been aware of the situation, a brief explanation may be helpful.
In the early l960’s, a three-volume French translation of The URANTIA Book titled La Cosmogonie d’URANTIA was published. Sales of the translation grew slowly but surely and were primarily focalized in France and surrounding European nations and in French-speaking Canada. Due to a disagreement between the Foundation and the translator, the Foundation brought suit against the translator in the mid-l970’s. The result was that the translation has not been available since that time.
Matters have now matured to the point that a reprinting of the French translation has been possible. It is now titled Le Livre d’Urantia and is a high quality, one-vo1ume, individually cartoned, hard-cover publication. The price is $38.00 (U.S. funds).
Books can be ordered from Amadon Corporation, 533 Diversey Parkway, Chicago,IL, 60614. U.S. postage for one book is $1.55 and the international rate is $2.41. Please send a check or money order made payable to Amadon Corporation. If you are ordering from outside the United States, please send an international bank check or money order in U.S. funds.
Members of the Executive Committee of URANTIA Brotherhood made trips to Paris, France, and to Montreal, Canada, to personally meet with our French speaking friends. They conveyed to us that in both areas the announcement of the renewed availability of the translation was well received.
We hope that the availability of the current translation will be a valuable aid in the international spread of this revelation. We wish to extend our deep appreciation to all those who showed great forbearance and patience during the difficult times when this translation was not available and to sincerely thank all who contributed in various ways to help bring this reprint into existence again.
Regional conferences continue to be an opportunity for intellectual stimulation, spiritual growth, and fellowship. So far this year there have been conferences in Phoenix, Arizona; Kansas City, Missouri; Fishkill, New York; Atlanta, Georgia; Grants Pass, Oregon; Coeur d’Alene, Idaho; Fort wayne, Indiana. We were able to send representatives to five of the seven conferences. We look forward to these opportunities for communication and fellowship and sincerely appreciate the warm welcome and hospitality extended to us by conference planners. Please feel free to introduce yourselves to us as we greatly enjoy meeting new friends and welcome the opportunity to listen to your ideas and concerns.
"I am greatly interested ln buying several copies of The URANTIA Book. It seems like the greatest thing a human could do for another mortal being. I first learned of your book several years ago, and only recently found a copy in a bookstore.
The effects of the book are excitingly profound. It makes me tingle when I think of God. I have about 7 friends and relatives to whom I would like to give this book. Please let me know how much it would cost for 7 to 10 books."
"I have found The URANTIA Book to be the most enlightened source of wisdom I have ever come across. My husband and I are very interested in finding others in our area that may he studying this book.“
“On April 23rd we had the greatest and one of the happiest surprises of our life. It was and still is a thrilling experience, that we cherish deeply in our heart, to have now at our disposal the book entitled ”Le Livre d’Urantia"; a purified presentation, well done, on fine and good quality paper, very similar to the English version in format and presentation.
We acknowledge it as a very wise decision and a very positive and constructive step forward. We had, on this historical occasion, the opportunity and privilege to share with more than thirty truly dedicated readers, that genuine feeling of joy and appreciation.
We wish to express, in our name and on behalf of hundreds of actual readers and thousands of future readers, in Quebec, our thanks to the trustees and their collaborators for their positive and hrotherly concerns for thc Fifth Epochal Revelation among French communities.
You can be sure that there are scores of enthusiastic readers now determined, more than ever, to work at the wise dissemination of “Le Livre d’Urantia” through llbraries and bookstores. Now that we are provided with books, we can follow the path already set by the Brotherhood, plus the accumulated momentum, to contribute to the spreading of new and well grounded study groups and to the spiritual enhancement and enlightenment of our part of 606."
“Having started out on the way of life everlasting, having accepted the assignment and received your orders to advance, do not fear the dangers of human forgetfulness and mortal inconstancy, do not be troubled with doubts of failure or by perplexing confusion, do not falter and question your status and standing, for in every dark hour, at every crossroad in the forward struggle, the Spirit of Truth will always speak, saying, “This is the way.”” UB 34:7.8