After several months of hiatus, work with the project is resumed. 
- The website is not yet available. In the content part, we continue to upload content directly to GitHub.
- The files of The Urantia Book have been generated in JSON and in Wikitext. See below about these two formats.
- We continue to include cross-references between the Bible and The Urantia Book, the Paramony, an existing listing created by Duane Faw, a reader of the book.
- All content for now is only in Spanish.
- Seeing the complexity that the Urantiapedia Tools will finally have, it has been decided to start a migration of the code from C# to Javascript, and use Electron as a desktop execution environment. Using Javascript, which is a very fast language for coding, we will be able to streamline all developments, and also, as it is a web-compatible code, be able to reuse it in the future on the web page itself.
- Added the LaTeX format converter from The Urantia Book to a intermediate JSON format, which will be more comfortable to handle addition of cross-references into it.
- The converter of The Urantia Book from JSON format to Wikitext format has been added. This format is the one used by Mediawiki, the Wikipedia software, and that we will also use on Urantiapedia. This converter also adds the Paramony footnotes in the process.