Work has continued during this one more or less normally. This month we have proceeded to generate the necessary files to have all the footnotes of The Urantia Book that cross it with the Bible, as well as the books of the Bible.

- The website is not yet available. In the content part, we continue to upload content directly to GitHub.
- The files JSON and Wikitext of The Urantia Book have been generated
with all the footnotes linking it to the Bible. We already explained what these formats consist of in the news of last month.
- The preparation of the books of the Bible in [LaTeX] format ( has started. The version of the Bible that is being used is the so-called “Reina Valera” from 1960, one of the translations of the Bible into Spanish in the public domain.
- All content for now is only in Spanish.
- We have been improving the manuals for collaborators, the so-called HOWTOs.