July has been a particularly hectic month of changes and work.
Not only have there been a number of regular additions, but this month we’ve uploaded several new items to Urantipedia for the first time. Specifically, the first book that is supposed to be a “source” of The Urantia Book, and secondly, the first map.
Both are early versions of something that we hope to expand and improve a lot over time. For now, in these first attempts, what is sought is to prove that all this content works and that we can start working with it. 
This is going to be a more common trend in the project from now on. Instead of waiting for work to be completed on one type of content before moving on to the next, we are going to try to add some content of various types early, so that problems or unforeseen situations arise sooner and solutions can be provided ahead of time.
Other contents that we will be testing initially in the coming months will be:
- Schemas with relational diagrams.
- Images to illustrate The Urantia Book.
- Audio of The Urantia Book.

- Videos inserted into pages.

- Maps inserted inside pages.
(See below)
- Embedded presentations.
- 3D models inserted.
But enough of future intentions and let’s go with the news of this month.
- First supposed “source” book of The Urantia Book!, The Universe Around Us, by Sir James Jeans. At the moment only the book has been added without adding links between The Urantia Book and this book in one direction and in the opposite. These links will be added as footnotes in the coming months. And there are more books on the way!
- First map!, Places visited by Jesus in Palestine. At the moment this map is simply a map created outside of Urantiapedia, using Google My Maps, and embedded in a page. Here we are exploring the use of the KML format, which we believe will be crucial to support maps in a future where maps will not be inserted but embedded in the page and created directly on it.
- Completed revision of the topics beginning in English with G, both for the English and Spanish versions.

- All the News reports have been added since the project started until today.
- A new language has been added, Bulgarian, and for now The Urantia Book with its footnotes in Bulgarian has been added. In the coming months we will be adding as much as possible of each supported language.
- Articles. Corrections have been made to some buggy articles.
- The Urantia Book. Fixed some footnotes that had incorrect Bible references.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Tables of Contents from being used in the left pane on some pages, such as The Urantia Book pages.
- The way in which topics are marked as available in their indexes has been standardized. They now appear with a checked or empty box instead of a diamond icon, so it’s clearer.
- Major changes have been made in the project aimed at avoiding duplication of files and, above all, at organizing the output folder by language. The Urantiapedia Tools have been updated to work with the new folder structure.
- Input files related to the Bible and Paramony are being added for languages other than Spanish and English. The goal is to start uploading The Urantia Book, the Bible, and footnotes in all supported languages.