Although it’s apparently been a quiet month
, there’s a lot of work
in the shadows that hasn’t been uploaded yet and will be uploaded next month. In June especially we have continued with the addition of articles and we have begun the translation of the first of the books that are supposed to be “sources” of The Urantia Book
, The Universe Around Us, by Sir James Jeans.
This book is expected to be available in July.
Below you have the list of everything new that has been added. As always, remember that if you want to collaborate, you are always on time. Take a look at How to collaborate.
- Articles, all in English and Spanish:
- Two Cosmologies — Astronomy and The Urantia Book, by Irwin Ginsburgh.
- Gravity, Newton, Einstein and The Urantia Book, by Ken Glasziou.
- Surfing the Sunbeams: Calcium, the Wanderer of Space, by Ken Glasziou.
- Where are the Daughters of God?, by Marion Steward.
- Nouveau-Assertiveness, by Jacques Tetrault.
- Cognitive dissonance. Can The Urantia Book Help?, by Ann Bendall.
- DEFRAG, by Ken Glasziou.
- Jesus, Man and Myth, by Dick Bain
- Another and Greater John the Baptist!, by Ann Bendall.
- Plan A. What was it?, by Ken Glasziou.
- Science and The Urantia Book. Origins of Andon and Fonta, by Ken Glasziou.
- When did “life” start on Urantia?, by Ken Glasziou.
- News
- We have started creating this monthly reports with news of the site, and previous months has been also added.