Well, the school year has started
and with it the time we have been able to spent to Urantiapedia. But that’s not to say there haven’t been a fair amount of new additions. Here you have a summary of what this month has given us.
- Added
audio in Portuguese, Italian, and German. These versions, as well as others that have already been generated before, come from an automated process using IBM Watson.
- We have started with the first tests to add footnotes linking books
other than the Bible. To do this we are going to create a catalog of parallels between The Urantia Book and other books following the fabulous work of Matthew Block, a reader who has been collecting these parallels for years at https://urantiabooksources.com/. An example of a paragraph from The Urantia Book where we have linked to a book is this: UB 0:1.20. Now that we have verified that the system works we will extend it to many more books and cross references.
- We have started with the first tests to add links to maps in the middle of the paragraphs of The Urantia Book. To do this we will create a catalog of maps that will be linked to different passages in the book. An example of a paragraph from The Urantia Book where we have linked to a map is this: UB 149:0.1.
- We have finally been able to upload all the translations of the Bible that were missing. We have now completed the upload so that we have 25, one for each translation of The Urantia Book, with the cross-references between the two translated equally. It has been laborious because the 25 translations of the Bible involved thousands and thousands of chapters, each one converted to a page in Urantiapedia.
- We have uploaded a good number of extra biblical books
(apocryphal) in English, including Bel and the Dragon, Prayer of Manesseh, Book of Enoch, and Assumption of Moses. We have also added cross-references of these books with The Urantia Book. In the future we will add more books of this type, and also translations into other languages.
- We have uploaded a first version in English of all the articles of the Innerface International magazine. This upload includes no less than 400 articles that we will review over the next few weeks, as well as translate into Spanish. Innerface International.
- Some inaccuracies in The Urantia Book and the Bible have been corrected.
- Created a footnote generator for parallels between The Urantia Book and other non-biblical books.
- A map link generator has been created for The Urantia Book.
- Added a converter that processes articles to place them in their correct paths within Urantiapedia (although some articles have ended up being placed incorrectly, and this will need to be corrected
- The way in which articles are saved in English has been modified so that direct changes on the web and through GitHub do not cause a duplication of articles.
If something is worth highlighting from this last month, it has been the enormous entry of volunteers who have joined the project. We are already more than ten people actively participating in this adventure and that makes us feel confiedent that the coming months will be filled with much more content. You already know that to collaborate you can sign up as a volunteer in the Blue Fields project or you can contact us by email at urantiapedia@gmail.com.
Come on, you’re waiting too much!