Without a doubt, the most noteworthy thing this month has been our participation in the Third European Meeting of readers of The Urantia Book
, where we made the official presentation of the project before a well-attended group of readers from all over the world. The meeting has been full of memorable moments after two years without being able to shake hands
or see other readers in person
But let’s go with that brief summary of everything that’s new in Urantiapedia.
- Tags have been included in all papers, so now you can filter papers using those tags. Tags are a means of filtering when searching. To use them you must click on the
Search by tags
button that appears next to the search box.
- Tags have been included in all the biblical books, so that if you want to limit the search to a single book, it can now be done.
- During the presentation at the Third European Meeting a new source book was added live, in English: The Docrine of God, by Albert C. Knudson. Over the next few weeks we will proceed to translate the book into Spanish.
- We have added the side menu. There is now a permanent shortcut to all the main elements of Urantiapedia. In each language the menu will reflect the contents that are available for that language.
- We have added the first study aid to Urantiapedia. This is A Study of the Master Universe by Bill Sadler. For now it is only available in English, but we will soon add it in other languages that it has already been translated into, and eventually all other languages.
- We already have a provisional list of study aids that will be added in the coming months.
- We have added the first diagram to Urantiapedia. This is the well-known Nebadon summary chart from the Kingdom of Heaven Revelation website. The original diagram was in an HTML image map and that has been preserved, but making the links now point to Urantiapedia pages. This is the first test of how to include a type of content like this, and we will do more tests because image maps have many limitations to display this type of diagrams. In the future we will convert these diagrams to SVG and display them in a way that allows you to zoom in and out in the diagram without losing quality or definition.
- We already have a provisional list of diagrams that will be added over the next few months.
- We have added the first presentation to Urantiapedia. This is a simple slideshow called The Universe that serves as an example on how this type of content can be entered when hosted on Google Drive. We hope to start working with this type of content seriously in milestone V, around 2025. The goal will be to create a complete slide editor and viewer within Urantiapedia itself, so that presentations can be hosted on our site without the need for Google Drive or other slide creation system.
- We already have a provisional list of presentations that will be added in milestone V.
- We have tested adding a 3D model of Sketchfab to Urantiapedia to see what could be the best way to integrate this type of content. The model is a well done Jesus tomb obtained from here. The model has also allowed us to test how to view these contents in a Virtual Reality device.
- We have made a provisional list of 3D models, which will no doubt be expanded in the future to many other contents that will already be original created by us or by readers of the book and not simply obtained from Sketchfab.
The number of contributors continues to rise each month as more people learn about the project. Still don’t know how to contact us to collaborate? You have two ways:
Registering in Blue Fields
, which is a web page created to connect volunteers who want to collaborate in projects related to The Urantia Book. There we have a project that you can request to join in.
Sending an email to urantiapedia@gmail.com. 
Don’t think about it anymore. Surely you can contribute on something and we have a team full of good spirits and a sense of humor
waiting for you. At Urantiapedia, above all, we want to create a community of contributors that values fellowship
and teamwork