These are the news of this last month:
Regarding The Urantia Book finally this month we have added to Urantiapedia the long desired multi-column version.
This version allows reading The Urantia Book both in its original English and in different translations up to a maximum of three.
The reason why we have decided to release this version in several columns is due to the imminent publication of a new revision of the Spanish translation that has caused a stir among the Spanish-speaking community of readers.
From Urantiapedia we want to make a small contribution to the great task that the use of the different translations into Spanish is assuming. We believe that all these translations are of great value to readers, since they have been with us for a long time, and we want to offer every possible opportunity for each reader to find the reading that best suits their daily handling.
Also, this multiple version of The Urantia Book is not being published only for the Spanish language, but we want to make it extensible to all languages. We know that revisions will appear in other languages sooner or later, and we have prepared the system to make uploading those revisions easy. So far, we have five languages that have received the multiple version: Bulgarian, Czech, Spanish, French and Portuguese. Throughout the next month the versions for all other languages will be uploaded, except English, of course.
Together with this novelty we have improved the presentation of The Urantia Book in many aspects:
The articles are the other strong point we’ve been working on this past month. All the articles published to date in The Fellowship Herald in English as well as a translation to Spanish are now available. In turn, we have uploaded four volumes (1, 10, 11, and 12) of the magazine Innerface International in English as well as a translation to Spanish. This totals 374 articles in each language. During this next month we are going to upload many more articles in both English and Spanish from various publications and web pages. We have a catalog of some 2,000 articles that we hope to upload to Urantiapedia throughout this year.
Once this kind of “newspaper library” on The Urantia Book is uploaded, we will link the Book with those articles in the same way as we have already done with the Bible. We believe this will be of great benefit to readers of the Book.
And that’s all for this month, which isn’t little. Remember that if you want to collaborate with us, you are always on time. Send us an email to The most useful task you can help with is reviewing the content we are uploading by reading it and notifying us of any errors you detect. Any contribution helps us a lot.
Until next month.