© 1987 William Wentworth, Leith Luckett, Robert Crickett, Henry Begemann
© 1987 ANZURA, Australia & New Zealand Urantia Association
2 Salisbury Crt, Glen Waverley, Victoria, AUSTRALIA, 3150.
Three Australians attended the Conference, held in Brunswick, Maine, at the beginning of August. These notes derive from my own experience. Neil Francey and Hannah De Vries will have to speak for themselves.
From my point of view, the big difference between this conference, and the one at Snowmass in 1981 which was the last one I attended, is that there is a quite extraordinary interest in Australia throughout the USA — readers of The URANTIA Book included. Paul Hogan seems to have caught their fancy, and it is heady stuff for the naive Oz conference goer to find that his accent is recognised and (if you can believe it ) liked, that people know where his country is and want to visit it, and that such people seem benignly tolerant of his thoughts and habits.
William Wentworth, Towamba,NSW
“Religion cannot be bestowed, received, loaned, learned, or lost. It is a personal experience which grows proportionally to the growing quest for final values.” The URANTIA Book UB 100:1.7
Greetings from W-Tree! Thank you for your dramatic cloak and dagger note in the last newsletter.
We noted the other night in our study group that The URANTIA Book distinguishes between the behaviour of individuals and the methods of administering government. Many actions unacceptable by individuals are regarded as inevitable in the course of managing a community. The state is well advised to terminate the lives of undesirable individuals, and mistakes appear not to be very serious. This is a very different stance from that of our culture, but an attractive one, yet hard to change the culture… Needs more thinking on!
Bridget & Christopher Billington
W-Tree via Buchan, Vic
Our dear friend Henry Begemann in The Netherlands started a study group by mail for dispersed students of The URANTIA Book in England, who were unable to attend regular meetings. Many Six-0-Six readers are in a similar position. Henry would like to suggest to those who are interested, to join him in his study group by mail.
As a sample Henry sent us a study on Paper 112, section 4, Adjusters after death. (We had just studied this section in . our Glen Waverley Lunchtime Study Group a week before we received this letter)
This could become the largest global study group of The URANTIA Book. It is up to you! Let’s join spirits in our common search for truth! So drop us a line and we will make sure that you receive your copy with the next issue of 6-0-6.
Back in the years when I was young and small,
I wanted to create things, large and small.
Something of greatness, even divine,
a problem of work, from the Divine.
I couldn’t get started, the time didn’t seem right,
so I kept on athinking, it’ll happen one night.
The years have marched on now, and the time’s growing short,
I’ve wanted to begin now so I hope I get caught
in the band of the Faithful, deep down in thought.
At last I have found it, inside of my heart,
in being together is the very first part.
I haven’ t been idle all of my years,
and nothing can change things, even some tears.
Though some people will hate me, for trying to start,
something they hate away down in their heart.
The mixing with people has been the worst part
because of the differences in all of their hearts.
I’m trying to fix this by doing things right,
in giving and loving both day and night.
I find that I’m winning and the Faith I feel sure
has caused the great difference in doing my chores.
Although there’s a mixture of thought in my heart,
of how I might get there to begin the great start.
I think the Almighty can answer that thought,
and now in the future I hope I get caught
up in the POWER in helping the ones
in loving in kindness, to all them that comes.
Some souls may not follow the lines of my thoughts,
so gather in numbers and work out the thoughts.
I’m hoping you’ll help me when I get there,
I’ve got the great feeling there’ll be nothing to spare
in going together right from the start
and gather together the ONES FOR THE PART.
Leith Luckett, Melbourne
The weekend of May 13-15, 1988 has been set for Scientific Symposium I, the first of three annual national (or perhaps international) Scientific Symposia. To be held in Nashville, Tennessee, it will offer presentations from both reader and non-reader scientists in an effort to clarify and better understand the descriptions and information in The URANTIA Book concerning the natural, biological and behavioural sciences. The theme will be: ‘Man’s Augmenting Vision’ (UB 118:10.13)
Those interested in participating or attending should write: Scientific Symposium I, P.O. Box 23238, Nashville, TN 37202 ,USA. To be included on the mailing list, simply send your name and address to the above address. Those wishing to present papers should submit a title, a brief description, the approx. presentation time, and a biographical sketch of the author’s scientific background.
Reincarnation is a fact of life held by millions of people the world over. The people largely responsible for the philosophy’s dissemination, and held in high regard for their knowledge on the subject, are Tibetan and Chinese Mahayana Buddhists, Thai Burmese and Sri Lankan Hinayana Buddhists, Chinese Taoists, Hindus, and a seemingly endless array of homegrown pantheistic Asian offshoots which vary from town to town. It is from these Asian sources that the idea of reincarnation filtered into Western religious arenas of thought. Some of the theory came to us in complete systems, such as with the growing-in-popularity Tibetan approach, while some of it came in dribs and drabs, snippets from religions neatly edited by the evangelist to suit the social climate and his or her spiritual capacity and conditioning.
“Faith most willingly carries reason along as far as reason can go and then goes on with wisdom to the full philosophic limit; and then it dares to launch out upon the limitless and never-ending universe journey in the sole company of TRUTH ” The URANTIA Book UB 103:9.7
TEL. (03) 8575665
While Melburnians huddle around the log fire to discuss their favourite book, Queenslanders can do it around the swimming pool.
So come on all you lucky people in the Sunshine State, why not join Jan & Neil Francey on Saturday October 3, 1987 at their home at 33 Lingle St, Robertson. For more details ring (07) 8494504
FRIENDSHIP is a relationship existing in many gradations. If it is a high grade, it is a great human value. It may even be interspersed with brotherly feelings.
BROTHERHOOD is based on the recognition of having the same Father, and enjoying the unity of willingness to do His will. It often is intermingled with the feeling of friendship.
SONSHIP can only be sonship WITH God. It is therefore primarily a personal relationship between man and God. But this relationship changes man fundamentally and increasingly. And spontaneously it bears the fruits of friendship and brotherhood.
I was in communion with you when reading your article “On our Journey Inward”. Owing to the Book, we enjoy the experience of living an extraordinary adventure. With you, I say: let us improve our patience till we would wholeheartedly live our present, since “eternity is the everlasting now”. (UB 118:1.1)
Jacques Dupont, Recloses, France
We met Neil Francey this summer in Bowdoin College, and a close and warm affection was born. (With the great help of our common Father) We spoke about the necessity to build a network of friendship, the real and invisible Brotherhood. We have so much to learn from each other! We have been thinking to exchange articles and to get articles from Australian readers in order to get a “fragrance” of Australia and vice versa. We could also exchange information about international events like conferences, encounters etc.
Georges & Marlene Michelson-Dupont
Blennes, France
Dear 6-0-6,
I would just like to say how very much I look forward to your Newsletter and am grateful to all concerned in the production of it.
I was especially pleased to receive the 3 pamphlets written by Meredith Sprunger and shall pass them on to the Minister of my Church (Uniting), who is an eminent theologian and to whom I’ve lent my URANTIA Book.
May God bless you in the good work that you are doing.
Nance Dempster, Melbourne
Dear 6-0-6,
Thanks for those titbits of information Lou. For the past 15 years I have had three framed rice paper prints of SHOU LAO “God of Longevity”. I have often wondered “why” the attraction for this mysterious Chinese character adorning my flat walls. Nov I have a name and an esoteric understanding of his part in Chinese philosophy.
Ian Esmore, Melbourne