© 2011 Agnès Lazar
© 2011 French-speaking Association of Readers of the Urantia Book
Since I began reading The Urantia Book, a text has strangely caught my attention: Material Handicaps in the Adjusters’ Abode. I became intellectually aware of what could slow down my spiritual progression and wanted to find a way to enter into the experience of the gradual liberation of my mental space, offering my Adjuster more freedom of action. That he be the Pilot of my ship was a necessity in my life. It is said that facts educate man. I therefore analyzed those which have marked my existence.
I followed training in relational communication using the ESPERE Method by Jacques Salomé, a method which offered me tools to better identify my mechanized behaviors. This work allowed me the following: the personal study of my heredity.
With the help of the angels and my Adjuster, I was able to understand what comes to me from my education, my heredity, the beliefs which were imposed and impregnated in my mind and from which I continued to do things (decision-action) which inevitably led to the same result of mental confinement and prevented me from finding the answer to the question “who am I in God, by God and with God?” I clearly identified response mechanisms, protections hindering the free circulation of celestial energies in the channels intended to receive them.
My will is to do the will of my Father…It has been, is and will be eternally. Thanks to this work done, I returned to my Father, to his eternal home, I returned home. This work allowed me to become aware of many mental handicaps preventing me from living God.
I made a clear request to God: “I need to feel the need for Your presence on a daily basis.” I need to feel this need in my guts, just like the need to eat. I need this need to be so strong that it obsesses me. “I need to need You.” I have become a “God addict”, no longer in my head but with the whole of my being. His Nature emerges in me…I feel it investing me, nourishing me, healing me… I have accepted to be loved by God…I have granted Life permission to fill me. I open myself to Love by giving myself to the Source of this very Love and it is from this place that I learn to love myself, to love my neighbor as God loves me and He teaches me to love myself.
I am the daughter of God, I recognize myself as such and accept the duties that arise from this filiation. I am dependent on my Father. His Love expands my being. I am the bearer of this relationship within me. I feel its harmonizing, structuring and transcendent effects. The equation of the finite and the infinite is in my hands but is only realized in association with my Absolute partner…
I experience the immanence of God, this intimate contact by which I taste His Nature and He emerges in mine and from this contact, He pulls me higher. I feel an attraction (magnet to magnet). The magnet of Paradise attracts the magnet in me more and more strongly. This attraction is more and more perceptible on my part as I become aware of His presence in me.
I ask God daily to clearly show me my gifts and how I can use them to serve Him and serve men…
Agnes Lazar