We know Urantia as number 606 in the universe of Nebadon, but who remembers its registration number on Uversa and Paradise?
Who are the 7 supreme personalities of the Trinity?
The Magisterial Sons, the Avonals have a triple function on the inhabited worlds: What are their missions?
During the present age of the universe, the 7 bodies of destiny have a leader who presides over them. But who is this leader?
Local Universe
Glory to our chief executive of Nebadon, but who is he?
Who are the Sons descended from a Creator Son of Paradise?
To what order do the Systemic Sovereigns and Planetary Princes belong?
On Jerusem, what are the ascenders from isolated worlds called?
Under what headings was the cause of the rebels presented?
A seraph told a prophet not to worship him, who was this seraph?
What was the name of the most notable human hero of the rebellion?
Who were the Amadonites?
How far back did Joseph’s ancestors go? And those of Mary?
And so Jesus was born on Urantia, but in what year, what month, what time?
Jesus was wondering what name he should use to refer to himself during his bestowal mission on Urantia. Why did he choose this name: “Son of Man”?
On Mt. Hermon, Jesus asked his Father for permission to hold a conference with his enemies of Satania as the Son of Man, as Joshua ben Joseph. Who were the people present at this conference?
In response to John, Jesus informed him that the kingdom of heaven was made up of 3 elements, which ones?